
时间:2014-08-07 09:43:14
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想念爸爸 Little Miss My Dad - Part 1

It was a sunny afternoon, and I sat by the window, looking out at the bustling street. I couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness inside me. It had been a month since my dad had left for a business trip, and I missed him dearly.

My dad was my superhero. He would always find time to play with me after work, and he would never fail to make me laugh with his silly jokes. He was my best friend, my confidant, and my role model. Without him around, everything seemed different.

Every night, before I go to bed, I would look at the picture of my dad and me on my bedside table. It reminded me of all the happy memories we had together. I wished he was here to tuck me in and read me a bedtime story, just like he used to.

The weekends were the hardest for me. Dad and I would always go to the park, fly kites, and have picnics. But now, the park felt empty without his laughter and the sound of his voice calling me to come and play. I missed running around with him, feeling the wind on my face as we raced each other.

School was no different. Whenever we had a parent-teacher meeting, I would see my friends' dads dropping them off and picking them up. It made me miss my dad even more. I longed for the warmth of his hand, holding mine as we walked to school together.

Even though I missed my dad, I knew he was working hard to provide for our family. He would call me every night, and we would talk about our day. His voice always brought a smile to my face and made me feel closer to him. But it wasn't the same as having him here, giving me a bear hug and telling me everything was going to be alright.

As the days went by, I started to realize how much my dad meant to me. I appreciated all the little things he did for our family, and I couldn't wait for him to come back. I knew that when he returned, I would cherish every moment we spent together even more.

Although I missed my dad tremendously, I understood that his love for our family was the reason he had to be away. I knew that he was thinking of me, just as I was thinking of him. And that thought gave me strength and comfort, knowing that no matter the distance, the bond between us would never be broken.

So, even though I missed my dad, I knew that his love was always with me. And that thought made the days without him a little bit brighter.

想念爸爸 Little Miss My Dad - Part 2

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. It had been six months since my dad left for his business trip, and the longing in my heart grew stronger with each passing day.

I missed my dad's warm smile and comforting presence. He was always there to cheer me up when I felt down and to celebrate my achievements. Without him, life felt incomplete.

Every night, I would lay in bed, hugging my stuffed bear, and pray for my dad's safe return. I missed his bedtime stories and his gentle voice wishing me sweet dreams. It was hard to fall asleep without his comforting presence.

The weekends were the toughest. I would see other families spending time together at the park, and it reminded me of all the fun we used to have. The swings and slides were a constant reminder of the laughter and joy we shared. I longed for the day when we could do all those things again.

School was no different. Whenever we had a special event or a school play, I would look out into the audience, hoping to see my dad's familiar face. But he was never there. It made me feel a sense of emptiness, knowing that he was missing out on these moments.

Despite the sadness, I knew that my dad's absence meant he was working hard to provide for our family. He would call me every day, and we would talk about our day and share our dreams for the future. His words of encouragement gave me strength and reminded me that I was never alone, even when he was far away.

As the days turned into months, I started to understand the sacrifices my dad made for our family. His love and dedication were unwavering, even in his absence. It made me appreciate him even more, and I couldn't wait for the day when I could wrap my arms around him and tell him how much I missed him.

Although I missed my dad dearly, I knew that his love would always be with me. No matter the distance, our bond was unbreakable. And that thought gave me hope and strength to get through the days without him.

So, even though I missed my dad, I knew that our love transcended time and space. And that thought made the days without him a little bit easier to bear.

想念爸爸小升初英语作文 篇三


  i am a girl of ten, and i live in a small mountain village far from taiyuan. the only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is away for eight years, working in a city.

  during the spring festival, my father came back home. he looked thin and tired. he gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city he stayed at home for only ten days.we are living a poor life now. but what i want most is not money, but my father. i miss him very much!







