
时间:2013-06-07 08:47:26
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Title: The Benefits of Facing Challenges in Children's Development

Essay One: The Importance of Overcoming Difficulties in Children's Growth


Facing challenges and enduring hardships are crucial aspects of a child's development. While it may seem counterintuitive, experiencing adversity can actually benefit children in various ways. In this essay, we will explore how overcoming difficulties can lead to personal growth, resilience, and improved problem-solving skills in children.


1. Personal growth:

Experiencing hardships allows children to develop a sense of independence and self-reliance. When faced with challenges, children learn to step out of their comfort zones and try new things. For example, a child who is struggling with a difficult math problem may need to spend extra time and effort to solve it. In the process, they not only acquire new knowledge but also develop a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.

2. Emotional resilience:

Overcoming difficulties helps children develop emotional resilience, enabling them to handle stress and adversity more effectively. When children face challenges, they learn to manage their emotions, cope with setbacks, and bounce back from failures. This resilience is crucial for their mental well-being and prepares them for future obstacles they may encounter.

3. Problem-solving skills:

Difficulties provide opportunities for children to develop problem-solving skills. When confronted with a challenge, children need to think critically, analyze the situation, and find creative solutions. These problem-solving skills are transferable to various areas of life, such as academics, relationships, and future careers. By learning to tackle challenges head-on, children become better equipped to handle complex problems in their adult lives.

4. Building character:

Enduring hardships helps shape a child's character and values. It teaches them the importance of perseverance, determination, and hard work. When children overcome difficulties, they develop a stronger sense of self-discipline and learn to set goals for themselves. These character-building experiences instill important life skills that will benefit them in the long run.


While it may be instinctive for parents to protect their children from hardships, it is important to recognize the benefits that can arise from facing challenges. Overcoming difficulties fosters personal growth, emotional resilience, problem-solving skills, and character development in children. By providing support and guidance, parents can help their children navigate these challenges, ultimately preparing them for a successful and fulfilling future.

Essay Two: Effective Ways to Help Children Deal with Challenges


As parents and educators, it is our responsibility to equip children with the necessary tools to face challenges and overcome difficulties. In this essay, we will discuss some effective ways to help children deal with challenges and emerge stronger from these experiences.


1. Encourage a growth mindset:

Teach children that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning. Encourage them to adopt a growth mindset, which emphasizes that abilities can be developed through perseverance and effort. By reframing challenges as opportunities for improvement rather than failures, children will be more motivated to tackle difficult tasks.

2. Provide support and guidance:

While it is essential for children to face challenges independently, they still need guidance and support from parents and educators. Offer encouragement, reassurance, and constructive feedback during difficult times. This support helps children feel safe and secure, allowing them to take risks and push themselves beyond their comfort zones.

3. Teach problem-solving skills:

Help children develop problem-solving skills by providing them with opportunities to think critically and find solutions. Encourage them to brainstorm different approaches, consider consequences, and evaluate their options. By practicing problem-solving skills regularly, children will become more confident and capable of handling challenges.

4. Foster resilience through reflection:

After facing a challenge, encourage children to reflect on their experiences. Ask questions such as, "What did you learn from this situation?" or "How did you handle setbacks?" This reflection promotes resilience and self-awareness, allowing children to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.

5. Set realistic goals:

Guide children in setting realistic and achievable goals. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate their progress along the way. By setting goals, children develop a sense of purpose, which motivates them to overcome challenges and persevere.


By implementing these strategies, parents and educators can help children develop the necessary skills and mindset to face challenges effectively. Encouraging a growth mindset, providing support and guidance, teaching problem-solving skills, fostering resilience through reflection, and setting realistic goals are all essential components in helping children navigate difficulties. By equipping children with these tools, we empower them to overcome challenges, build resilience, and achieve their full potential in life.

受点苦对孩子有好处理英语作文 篇三


  in china, with the enforcement of the birth control policy, most parents have only one child. the parents and grandparents have shown too much love to their only child; the number of spoiled children has increased in china. consequently(必然地), how to bring up the child becomes a serious problem to many young parents.

  the only child has shown complete dependence on the parents. many five to seven-year-olds still hang(悬挂方式) on their patents in almost every aspect of life, from buttoning cloths to going to the toilet. these children have never learnt to do elementary household chores(家庭杂务). even worse, the only children tend to be ill mannered and self-centered. they often fight over something instead of cooperating together. parents give them calculators(计算者), turn on the television and leave the teaching to teachers. some parents even offer material incentives(鼓励) to reluctant(不情愿的.) children to lure(引诱) them to learn and to do something. they are a generation of kids who have never been hurt or hungry. they have learned somebo

dy will always do things for them.

  the key to solving the problem of spoiled(被宠坏的) children lies in correctly educating both children and adult. in my opinion, hard life is good for children. parents should be used to saying no to the kid, and let a child do hard work. working hard will give him an opportunity to taste the bitterness quickly. besides, hard work may enable him to cherish(珍爱) the fruit of the others’ labor.

  human society is full of tests and trials. flowers from a greenhouse(温室) can never withstand a storm. children who live luxuriously(奢侈地) and comfortably can never become somebody in the future. besides, to reduce the chance of spoiled children, parents and society must work together. meanwhile, both primary and nursery(幼儿室) school should step up their efforts in training children.


