
时间:2011-03-03 04:15:45
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孰优孰劣,要分数还是要能力优秀英语作文 篇一

In today's society, there is an ongoing debate about whether it is more important to focus on achieving high scores or developing abilities. Some argue that scores are the ultimate measurement of success, while others believe that abilities are more crucial. In my opinion, while scores are important to a certain extent, abilities are ultimately more valuable.

It cannot be denied that scores play a significant role in our education system. High scores are often seen as a reflection of a student's academic competence and can open doors to prestigious universities and job opportunities. In this sense, scores can provide a tangible and measurable representation of one's knowledge and skills. Moreover, a good score can boost one's self-confidence and motivate them to work harder in the future.

However, solely focusing on scores can have detrimental effects on students. A score-oriented approach can lead to excessive competition and a narrow focus on rote memorization rather than true understanding. Students may become more concerned about getting the right answer rather than exploring different perspectives and developing critical thinking skills. This can hinder their ability to apply knowledge in real-life situations and adapt to new challenges.

On the other hand, developing abilities is essential for long-term success and personal growth. Abilities such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and creativity are highly valued in today's dynamic and complex world. These skills enable individuals to think independently, adapt to changes, and contribute meaningfully to society. Moreover, abilities are transferable and can be applied in various contexts, whereas scores are limited to specific subjects or exams.

Furthermore, abilities are not solely determined by scores. A student may excel in a particular subject and achieve high scores, but this does not guarantee their ability to apply that knowledge in practical settings. Abilities require hands-on experience, practical application, and the ability to think beyond the confines of a test. Therefore, focusing on developing abilities allows individuals to become well-rounded and versatile, ready to navigate the challenges of the real world.

In conclusion, while scores may have their merits, abilities are ultimately more valuable in the long run. By focusing on developing abilities, individuals can acquire the skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Scores should be seen as a tool for assessment rather than the sole determinant of success. It is crucial for educators and society as a whole to shift the emphasis from scores to abilities in order to foster well-rounded individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society.

孰优孰劣,要分数还是要能力优秀英语作文 篇二

The debate over whether it is more important to prioritize scores or abilities has been ongoing in our society. Some argue that scores are the ultimate measure of success, while others believe that abilities are more valuable. In my opinion, while scores can provide a certain level of recognition, abilities are the key to long-term success.

Scores are often considered as a reflection of one's academic achievement and are highly valued in our education system. High scores can open doors to prestigious universities and job opportunities, providing individuals with a competitive edge. Additionally, scores can serve as a form of motivation and validation for students, boosting their self-esteem and encouraging them to strive for excellence.

However, solely focusing on scores can lead to a narrow mindset and hinder personal growth. In a score-driven environment, students may become fixated on achieving high marks rather than developing a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This can result in a lack of critical thinking skills, creativity, and the ability to apply knowledge in real-life situations. Ultimately, the goal of education should be to nurture well-rounded individuals with the ability to think independently and contribute meaningfully to society.

On the other hand, abilities are the foundation for long-term success and personal fulfillment. Abilities such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and adaptability are highly sought after in today's rapidly changing world. These skills enable individuals to navigate challenges, innovate, and make a positive impact. Furthermore, abilities are transferable and can be applied across different domains, allowing individuals to excel in various areas of their lives.

Moreover, abilities cannot be solely measured by scores. A high score does not guarantee the possession of practical skills or the ability to adapt to new situations. Abilities require hands-on experience, practical application, and the ability to think beyond the confines of a test. By focusing on developing abilities, individuals become more well-rounded and equipped to face the complexities of the real world.

In conclusion, while scores may provide a certain level of recognition, abilities are the key to long-term success and personal growth. Education should prioritize the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as these abilities are essential for thriving in the modern world. Scores should be viewed as an assessment tool rather than the ultimate measure of success. By shifting the emphasis from scores to abilities, we can foster individuals who are capable of making a positive impact and adapting to the challenges of the future.

孰优孰劣,要分数还是要能力优秀英语作文 篇三


  When asked such a question: Which is better, to get scores or to get abilities, many students' answer like mine would be that to get abilities is better than to get scores. To make it clear, we have to compare the both sides.

  Two different aims lead to two different methods and two different results. If we are eager to get good marks, our teachers would take a cramming-duck hand to force us to do much hard work. We have to learn by heart a lot of lifeless knowledge. We have to recite many many poems and texts. We have to carry a heavy school-bag. We have to do much homework after school. All of what we do is merely for a single purpose----to pass examinations. As a result we cannot enjoy any thing. We have no free time. We have no holidays. We have no games and plays. We have no pleasure. We have no childhood. In the end we have no skills or capabilities except some dead knowledge from books. We are not able to wash our clothes. We are not

able to cook meals. We are not able to labour in the fields. We are not able to operate machines in the factories. In a word we cannot do any practical work.

  On the other hand,if we intend to gain abilities, our teachers will take flexible and varied measures in their teaching practice. They will provide for all the students chances to share equal education and we students are supposed to enjoy all-round development. While we learn knowledge from books, we are showed how to use computers, how to make a radio or recorder, how to make experiments and researches in sciences; how to play the piano or violin,how to sing or dance, how to draw or paint pictures and portraits;how to prepare a dish or how to make bread; how to plant trees and grass, how to go in for farming by means of scientific methods; how to do business and how to keep in touch with others. All in all, we can play an active part in our studies. At last we will master not only book knowledge, but also the other three abilities----living ability, working ability and mabageable ability. Thus, we will serve the people better.

  By comparing the two ideas, we can come to a close that the purpose to get scores is far worse than the aim to get vanous abilities. Only when we know well both scientific knowledge and practical skills, can we live happily and work wonderfully in the society in the coming future.


