
时间:2015-07-04 05:15:29
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朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 篇一

标题:The Power of Words


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I would like to share with you the power of words. Words have the ability to inspire, motivate, and change the world. Through the art of public speaking, we can harness this power and make a lasting impact on those around us.


1. The ability to inspire:

Words have the power to inspire individuals and ignite a fire within them. Through effective storytelling and emotional connection, we can motivate others to pursue their dreams, overcome obstacles, and strive for greatness. For example, Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech inspired millions of people to fight for civil rights and equality.

2. The power to motivate:

Words can also serve as a driving force behind personal growth and achievement. By delivering persuasive speeches and using influential language, we can convince others to take action and make positive changes in their lives. Think about how motivational speakers encourage individuals to step out of their comfort zones and reach their full potential.

3. The ability to change the world:

Throughout history, powerful speeches have played a crucial role in bringing about significant societal changes. Leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi used their words to advocate for peace, justice, and freedom. Their speeches united nations, inspired movements, and ultimately changed the course of history.


In conclusion, the power of words should never be underestimated. Through public speaking, we have the opportunity to inspire, motivate, and change the world. Let us use this power responsibly and make a positive impact on those around us. Thank you.

朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 篇二

标题:Finding Your Voice


Good afternoon, esteemed judges and fellow participants. Today, I would like to speak about the importance of finding your voice in public speaking. Each of us possesses a unique perspective and a story to tell. By discovering and embracing our individual voice, we can captivate audiences, leave a lasting impression, and make a difference.


1. Authenticity and connection:

Finding your voice means being true to yourself and expressing your thoughts, opinions, and emotions authentically. When we speak from the heart, we establish a genuine connection with our audience. This connection allows us to engage, inspire, and resonate with those listening. By sharing our personal experiences, we create a relatable and memorable speech.

2. Confidence and impact:

When we find our voice, we gain confidence in our abilities and beliefs. This confidence shines through our delivery, body language, and overall presence on stage. It empowers us to communicate our message effectively and make a lasting impact on our audience. A confident speaker is more likely to inspire and persuade others.

3. Individuality and uniqueness:

Each of us has a distinct voice and perspective shaped by our experiences, values, and beliefs. By embracing this individuality, we contribute to the diversity and richness of public speaking. Our unique voice allows us to offer fresh insights, challenge existing ideas, and inspire others to think differently. Celebrating our differences is what makes public speaking a vibrant and dynamic art form.


In conclusion, finding your voice is essential for successful public speaking. It allows us to connect authentically with our audience, make a lasting impact, and contribute to the diversity of ideas. Let us all embrace our individual voices and share our stories with confidence and conviction. Thank you.

朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 篇三

henny-pennyone day henny-penny went for a walk. an acorn fell. the acorn hit henny-penny on the head!xxxoh, dear,xxx said henny-penny. xxxthe sky is must go and tell the king.xxxxxxwhere are you going xxxasked cocky-locky.xxxi am going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx said henny-penny.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said the way they met ducky-lucky.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked ducky-lucky.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said the way they met goosey-loosey.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked goosey-loosey.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said the way they met turkey-lurkey.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked turkey-lurkey.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said they met foxy-loxy.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked foxy-loxy.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxyou are not going the right way,xxx said foxy-loxy.xxx xxxi will show you a good way to go.xxx so they followed stopped in front of a dark hole.xxxthis is a good way to go to the king,xxx said went in first. turkey-lurkey followed went in next. ducky-lucky fol

lowed goosey-loosey.


朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 篇四

I like playing basketball since I was a child, because I was influenced by my father. He liked watching basketball games very much. I would watch basketball games with him.

So when I went to school, I joined the basketball team of our class. Last week, we formed a basketball team. We were asked to participate in our first game for the first time.

At the beginning of the game, I was very nervous and I was afraid that I could not be very much Good cooperation with my team, I watched the basketball, moved with the ball, I forgot my job, I was asked to cover the captain, I realized my mistake, I changed my action, finally, I successfully covered our captain, our team won the game, I learned a lot from the game, team cooperation first.



朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 篇五





朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 篇六

The Spring Festival is coming, I will go back to my hometown to stay with my relatives. There will be many people watching basketball games on the first and second day of the new year's day. This is a good tradition.

The basketball game makes people feel different from the general festival atmosphere. There are not so many things happening in this small town. The life here is very simple.

With different things, it can tell people that the town is developing The first day of the new year is really a big day for Chinese people. They will go out and hang out. Many of my old friends will meet when we watch the basketball game.

We have a good chat, saying that the new year's blessing traditional games can give people a place to meet and chat with friends You can also communicate with people who enjoy the game.




