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伤心的句子英语 篇一

Heartbreaking Sentences in English

Heartbreak is an emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It can be caused by various reasons, such as the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or a disappointment. In this article, we will explore some heartbreaking sentences in English that capture the essence of this profound emotion.

1. "The pain of losing you is unbearable."

This sentence expresses the overwhelming agony one feels after losing someone close. It conveys the idea that the pain is so intense that it becomes difficult to bear.

2. "I gave you my heart, but you broke it into a million pieces."

This sentence reflects the feeling of betrayal and hurt that comes from being deeply invested in a relationship, only to have it end abruptly and painfully.

3. "Every time I see you, my heart aches a little more."

This sentence depicts the lingering pain and longing one experiences when they still have feelings for someone who is no longer a part of their life.

4. "You were my world, but now I'm lost in the darkness."

This sentence portrays the emptiness and confusion that comes from losing someone who was once the center of your universe. It highlights the feeling of being lost and directionless without them.

5. "I miss your smile, the way your laughter filled the room."

This sentence captures the nostalgia and longing one feels for the presence of someone they deeply care about. It emphasizes the absence of their joy and the emptiness it leaves behind.

6. "I'm drowning in a sea of tears, and there's no way out."

This sentence symbolizes the overwhelming sadness and despair that engulfs a person when they are consumed by grief. It conveys the feeling of being trapped and unable to escape from the pain.

7. "Every night, I lay in bed and wish you were here beside me."

This sentence evokes the loneliness and longing one feels for the physical and emotional presence of someone they love. It emphasizes the desire for companionship and connection.

8. "You were my sunshine, but now all I see are clouds."

This sentence illustrates the loss of happiness and brightness that comes from losing someone who brought joy and light into your life. It depicts the shift from happiness to sadness.

These heartbreaking sentences in English encapsulate the complex emotions that arise from heartbreak. They serve as a reminder that pain is a universal human experience, and that it is through acknowledging and expressing these emotions that healing can begin.

伤心的句子英语 篇二

Heartbreaking Sentences in English - Part II

Heartbreak is a deeply personal and universal experience that touches the lives of people from all walks of life. In this second part of our series on heartbreaking sentences in English, we will explore more poignant expressions that encapsulate the pain and sorrow of heartbreak.

1. "I thought we were meant to be, but now I'm left with shattered dreams."

This sentence reflects the disappointment and shattered expectations that come from believing in a future with someone, only to have those dreams torn apart.

2. "Every time I close my eyes, I see your face and it breaks my heart all over again."

This sentence captures the haunting memories and the constant reminder of the pain one experiences when trying to move on from a heartbreak. It emphasizes the difficulty of letting go.

3. "I still love you, but I can't be with someone who doesn't love me back."

This sentence conveys the bittersweet realization that sometimes love is not enough, and that one must prioritize their own well-being and happiness, even if it means letting go of someone they still care deeply for.

4. "You were the one who taught me what love feels like, and now you're the one who taught me what heartbreak feels like."

This sentence portrays the irony and contrast between the blissful experience of falling in love and the excruciating pain of heartbreak. It highlights the profound impact that one person can have on another's life.

5. "I'm trying to move on, but every step forward feels like a step further away from you."

This sentence encapsulates the conflicting emotions and the struggle to let go of the past. It conveys the feeling of being torn between the desire to heal and the fear of losing the connection to the person who caused the heartbreak.

6. "I'm haunted by the echoes of your laughter and the warmth of your embrace."

This sentence symbolizes the lingering presence of someone who is no longer physically there. It illustrates the difficulty of moving on when memories and feelings continue to resurface.

7. "You were my anchor, but now I'm lost at sea."

This sentence depicts the feeling of being adrift and disoriented after losing someone who provided stability and support. It emphasizes the need to find a new sense of direction and purpose.

8. "I wish I could forget you, but every attempt only makes me remember you more."

This sentence conveys the frustrating and relentless nature of memories that resurface despite one's efforts to move on. It emphasizes the difficulty of letting go and the lasting impact that heartbreak can have.

These heartbreaking sentences in English capture the depth and complexity of heartbreak. They serve as a reminder that healing takes time and that it is essential to acknowledge and process the pain in order to move forward.

伤心的句子英语 篇三

1. 终归还是女人的.风情,男人的沦陷。

2. Dont waste your time on a man/woman,who isnt willing to waste their time on you.

3. 我又不是她,怎能在你心中敌过千军万马。

4. 你是我不能拥抱的太阳,毕竟你是那么多人的光。

5. 希望你到夜里就失落,后悔从来没有珍惜过我。

6. 你伤我如此之深,我心里却全是你的甜言蜜语。

7. Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up、If love isa mountain,then if men go up,more women they will see while womenwill see fewer men.

8. 退一步安然,进一步黯然。

9. 你是那么在乎他、而我又那么的在乎你。

10. 一缕阳光,勾勒出我对你所有的记忆。

11. 下辈子,我一定长成你喜欢的样子,然后不喜欢你。Next life, I must grow up like you like, and then do not like you.

12. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in ones hand、Its about having each tiny wish come true,or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someones love when you need love.

13. 曾经陪我看落日的人,散落在了天涯。

14. Good love is to let you see the whole world through someone while bad love is to make you give up the world.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。

15. 我自己都过不好这一生,却老喜欢给人讲道理。

16. 要离开,就请,永远别再回来!

17. 我忘记了身边的一切,只知道我爱你。

18. 明天会不会好不知道,但今天是真苦。

19. 任凭我怎么争取,回忆的都是过去的。

20. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

21. 以前打扰了,以后不会了。

22. 擦身而过,其实也是一种很深的缘分。

23. 有时候你想掏心,人家也未必想看。

24. 你走了,换一个寂寞和俄对坐。

25. 我不说,你不懂,这就是距离。

26. 爱是生命的和弦,而不是独奏。

27. 别等失去了爱人,才知道行影成一人。

28. 越活越冷清,也不指望谁做我的救星。

29. 一个人的旅行,独自的彷徨。

30. 我们明明不是陌生人,却装的比陌生人还陌生。We are clearly not strangers, but pretend to be strangers than strangers.

31. 心寂寞了,只有用心来陪。

32. 走完同一条街,回到两个世界。

33. 想让你吃醋,又怕你祝我幸福。

34. 有些人再好,也只能做朋友。

35. 一句好了找我,之后再也没找。

36. 我也想深夜买醉,打电话说爱你好累。

37. 我以为这是爱情,怎想不过是烟花一场。

38. Dont forget the things you once you owned、Treasure the things you cant get、Dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.

39. 别把我的心伤碎了,里面住的可是你。

40. 你只是随手给了朵花,我却红了脸,想用余生做代价。You just gave me a flower, but I blushed and wanted to spend the rest of my life.

41. ?胗便的真,我?帐真的膣咿。

42. I've got a whole summer memories.

43. 打完这句话,我准备离开你了。

44. 一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人也许早已忘记了。A person thinks that his memory is unforgettable, others may have forgotten it.

45. 我总是一个人难过,一个人无言以对。

46. 没有人有义务对你好,所以对你好的人一定要感恩。

47. 谁把谁真的当真,谁为谁心疼。

48. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. 有时候,当某一时刻变成了回忆,你才会明白它曾经对你来说多么重要。

49. 没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。

50. 后来我才发现:你的世界,根本不缺我。

51. I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I 'm by your side.

52. 骚年我离开你,你是哭泣还是会感激。

53. 不拉黑不删你,只是想看你每天为别人写心情。

54. 正因为爱得不够,才借口多多。

55. 这闷热的天气,让人的烦躁无处躲藏。

56. 滥情的年代,如何分辨真真假假。

57. I smile,but it doesn’t mean everythi ng is OK.我微笑,并不代表一切都好。

58. One is always on a strange road,watching strange scenery and listening to strange music、Then one day,you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

59. Vulnerable to mention that I do not what kind of love.

60. 有时,最困难的不是放手,而是学着如何开始。Sometimes, the most difficult thing is not to let go, but to learn how to start.

61. 最先笑靥如花,最后满是伤疤。

62. 如果有一天,你的耳边不再有人纠缠。

63. When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop、Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us、If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear,you shall not cry because my leave doesnt take away the world that belongs to you.

64. I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead——曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密,但现在,你成了我心底的秘密。

65. Love,then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.

伤心的句子英语 篇四

1. 希望未来你能嫁给爱情,而不是生活。

2. 今天没有你没关系,反正明天也不会有。

3. 我已经无力再抗争,只想这样平静简单的生活着。

4. 举头三尺有神明,我抬头并没有神明,只有黑夜惶惶。

5. Love you,think of you,love you secretly,eagerly love you,wait,feel disappointed,try hard,lose,and feel sad,go apart,and of these are for sake of you、And I will never regret for it.

6. 别伤我的心,里面住的是你。

7. 喜欢你的感觉很累,但我还是想喜欢。

8. 跌跌撞撞才明白很多,等我的就你一个。

9. 深夜里静静地想你,让泪水无尽的流。

10. 你说走就走,从不顾及我的任何感受!

11. Your birth gives me hope and I hope to give you happiness.

12. In a casual moment,only to find that,in fact,I have just one person.在某个不经意的瞬间,才发现,原来,我一直都只是一个人。

13. 生活不是话剧它比话剧残酷的多。

14. 愿时间给我机会,让我放过你,也让我放过自己。May time give me a chance to let go of you and myself.

15. 世界上最远的距离,不是爱,不是恨,而是熟悉的人,渐渐变得陌生。The furthest distance in the world is not love, not hate, but familiar people, gradually becoming unfamiliar.

16. If in the heart will feel sad,then please smile to let go.如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑着放手吧。

17. Sometimes, miss is not time, is feeling.有时候,我们错过的不是时间,是感觉

18. 总有一些人会慢慢淡出你的生活,你要学会接受而不是怀念。There will always be people who will fade out of your life, you have to learn to accept rather than miss.

19. I dont think that when people grow up,they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything、Conversely,I think its a selecting process,knowing whats the most important and whats the least、And then be a simple man.

20. 很久以前,原谅我曾把你想进了未来。

21. 华丽的言语,最终承载不住丑陋的本性。

22. 鱼那么爱水,水却要煮鱼。

23. 安慰别人的话,始终都安慰不了自己。

24. 有些人,看清了,也就看轻了。

25. 女人要自爱这样才有人爱你。

26. We all live in the past、We take a minute to know someone,one hour to like someone,and one day to love someone,but the whole life to forget someone.

27. 大概孤独是常态,熬过去就好了。

28. 悲伤自找的,幸福是你给的。

29. 原来,你把我一直当木偶玩。

30. 若未来你能想起我,希望那是温暖瞬间。

31. 经受不了,你这种所谓的性格。

32. 有些事情总得要放弃,只是早晚罢了。

33. 俄和你建的罗马,尔却和他拆了城墙。

34. 曾经相濡以沫,却又不能再一起。

35. 女人都喜欢看海,因为她们都喜欢浪。

36. 太好听的话语,一出口就过期。

37. 世界如此颓废,爱情面目全非。

38. 你从未入戏,我却赔上了自己。

39. 如果不是因为喜欢你,我早就离开了。

40. 你哪里都好,只是无缘到老。

41. Perhaps the acid,suddenly burst into tears.

42. 我对你仍有爱意,对自己无能为力,我很喜欢你,但我们好像只能到这里。I still love you. I can't help myself. I like you very much, but it seems that we can only get here.

43. 要记住,无论我们最后生疏到什么样子,曾经对你的好都是真的。Keep in mind that whatever we end up strangers to, what we did to you is true.

44. An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.

45. 我哪里还敢走近你,你身边总有不同的人陪。

46. Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable.

47. 这世界有时候就是这样,你善良,别人都来占你便宜。

48. 哪有故事,不过都是挣扎的呐喊,拉扯着心伤。

49. 请你离开!因为我不再爱你了!

50. To the world you may be just one the person you may be the world.对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界.

51. 不要等我变了以后,才说怀念以前的我。

52. 感动个姑娘不难,一直爱下去才不简单。

53. 成熟了,就是用微笑来面对一切事情。

54. 在你走向幸福的路上,会有我的痕迹。

55. 余生陌路,只剩回忆。For the rest of my life, there are only memories.返回搜狐,查看更多

56. 但愿下一世,不会再这么寂寞了。

57. 为了爱你,我错过了爱我的人。

58. 那句我爱你,遗失在流年里。

59. The world's lingering,the end is still no match for the forget the bitter oligonucleotide soup.

60. 笑只是个表情,与快乐无关。

61. 我这人从不记仇,一般有仇当场就报了。

62. 走过了悲伤,走过了荒凉,却走不到你和我的天长。Through the sadness, through the desolation, but not you and my forever.

63. 我不是一开始就像这样沉默的。

64. 你是我生命中最美的夏天,也是我难以回去的昨天。

65. 累了,痛了,绝望了,也就会自然而然的放下了。

66. 只是我从来没想过,要下定决心的要离开你。

67. I pretend I do not care you but still I feel the pain.我假裝不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。

68. 若还能回到当初,也未必厮守。

69. 再也没有借口说分手,那理由很虚伪。

70. Because you are the demons of my life,I volunteered to degenerate.

71. Among those people that appear in our life,some are to teach us,some to comfortus,some to share and some to love.

72. If one day you decide to leave,please do not expect when you come back that day,and the same as the original.如果有一天你决定离开,就请别期望当你回来的那一天,一切还可以和原来一样。

73. There is no rehearsal in the life ,once missing ,it will be lost forever.

74. 秋一片荒凉,祭奠着我的爱情。

75. 多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。

76. No one must leave no one. 没有谁一定离不开谁。

77. 让漂泊得爱情、重回爱得服务区。

78. 我不会怪你也不会恨你,尽管我的世界只剩回忆。

79. 所以有时候故事不一定非要圆满才叫故事

80. A promise did not materialize at the time of greatest need,and that is betrayed later honored,has no meaning.一个承诺在最需要的时候没有兑现,那就是出卖,以后再兑现,已经没什麼意思了。

81. 日落天已黑,寒风刺骨知疲惫。

82. 感情不必拿来慷慨,深情无需拿来显摆。

83. 你走后,除了回忆真的什么也木有啦。

84. 分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。

85. 如果要用一首歌诠释我们,只有无言。

86. A part of me says I want you,a part of me says I'm better off without you.一部分的我很想得到你,一部分的我说我最好离开你。

87. 时间没有让我忘了你,而是让我习惯了想你。

88. No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,wont make you cry.

89. 沉默是一个女孩最大的哭声。

90. Your kiss still burns on my lips,everyday of mine is so beautiful.你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽.

91. I charge you, you spoil me, this is the life I want.——我管着你,你惯着我,这就是我想要的生活。

92. 实不相瞒,我还是会想你,但能克服,问题不大。

93. 悲伤因为你,快乐却不是你。

94. Feelings of time always forward,never weak retention eyes.

95. 每次我临时抱佛脚时,佛总是给我脚。

96. One's weakest part is that he is reluctant to give up.人最软弱的地方,是舍不得。

97. When you are happy enjoy the music but when you are sad ,you understand the lyrics.当你开心的时候,你是在享受音乐,但当你悲伤的时候,你会明白歌词的含义。

98. In this world,only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness

99. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you cant have them.

100. 你的心情好吗?借我几天,我的坏了。

101. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime、When you finally get your own happiness,you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure,which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.

102. We shall always save a place for ourselves,only for ourselves、Andthen begin to love、Have no idea of what it is,who he is,how to loveor how long it will be、Just wait for one love、Maybe no one will comeout,but this kind of waiting is the love itself.

103. 花开,花落,花逝去,往事终究已成殇!

104. 异地恋很讨厌,可你很可爱。

105. 你好好陪她,我四海为家。

106. 我们,和那些关于我们的回忆,原来都只是笑话。We, and those memories about us, were just jokes.

107. 今非昔比,你也终于让我感觉到失望。

108. 解释的多了,就好像我在做恶。

109. Is there anyone who hasnt suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy,heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world、But one day,when you look back,you suddenly realize thatits always light,light、We all thought love was very deep,but infact its very thin、The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.

110. 其实那些坎我一个都没过去。

111. 伤痛,在一步步淹没我们过去的快乐。

112. 最后一句,不是再见,而是再也不见。

113. 时光我任你如何折磨,只要最后让我与他相识。

114. 不用说的太明白,懂你的人一看就懂。

115. 没有世间的绝情,如何学会哀莫大于死心。

116. 那个让你刻骨铭心的名字始终不是我。The name that impresses you is never me.

117. 你可以选择爱我或者不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或者更加爱你。You can choose to love me or not, and I can only choose to love you or love you more.

118. Because Venus does not have a pair of arms and Cupid loves covering his eyes,people who are in love always cannot grab and see each other.因为维纳斯没有双臂,丘比特喜欢蒙着眼睛,所以恋爱中的人常常抓不住对方,看不清自己。

119. 最怕他有了爱人还不忘对你说晚安。

120. 我是盲目与胆怯的。因我爱的,是你。

121. 这个世界挺有趣的,没意思的是我。

122. 谢谢你的绝情,成就了我现在的百毒不侵。

123. 爱忘记的越狠,却陷的越深。

124. 被你骗、不是我笨那是因为我相信你。

125. 谁能爱你比我深,感情不能两头分。

126. 我把笔记本一页一页的撕掉。

127. 他只是看了你一眼,你却在心里演了场电影。

128. 我那么平凡,就不要把我丢在人群中。

129. 不出现,不打扰,是我最后爱你的方式。

130. 我们都在变,何必感概从前。

131. Someone makes me comfortable,so I want to rely on him; while another one makes me feel lonely,so I want to embrace him.

132. 你能愿意靠近我一步我也会感到幸福。

133. 我爱的很小心,却还是伤了心。

134. 你孤独往往是因为没人懂你。

伤心的句子英语 篇五

1. 我们旁观一座城市的伟大却可能永远不会真正属于它。

2. 独一无二的宠溺,早已灰飞湮灭。

3. 不想你看见我如今,这副不堪的模样。

4. 很心疼你年纪不小,却真话都听不了。

5. 生气就好像自己喝毒药,而指望别人会痛苦。

6. 爱你才会吃醋,不爱你连管都不会管。

7. 生活是场清醒的梦,梦到醒不来的梦。

8. A dream nobody cares,a Suigetsu mirror flower wasted.

9. 我爱你,不是为了脱你的衣服。

10. No matter how familiar we used to be with each other,as long as we are apart then we become strangers.原来只要分开了的人,无论原来多么熟悉,也会慢慢变得疏远。

11. 青春就是让你张扬的笑,也给你莫名的痛。

12. You dont need someone to love in secret. We just stand by the river and feel sad when seeing the shadow in the water and thought that we r falling love with someone.

13. 从来不去相信,却每次都铭记在心里。

14. All you need is love,love is all you need.你最需要的是爱,爱是你一切所需。

15. Remember,the brick walls are there for a reason、The brick walls are not there to keep us out、The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want someting、Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who dont want it badly enough、Theyre there to stop the other people、—-Randy Frederick Pausch

16. One day we must say goodbye.

17. 我卸下了所有伪装,换来的却是遍体鳞伤。

18. 早就脱离了荫蔽,为何还如此的怕光。

19. 选择了就走下去吧,别给自己留遗憾。

20. 没你我也可以过好每一天。

21. We 've lasted a long time,but lost to the enduring as the universe.

22. 白纸黑字,见证我们感情的喜怒哀乐。

23. 是不是因为下雨了,今夜迟迟睡不着。

24. 我的男神很伟大,他的名字叫爸爸。

25. No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune,it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness、Even if the happiness is short and false,its enough to light up the whole future life.

26. 放弃一个人,从来就不是一瞬间的事。

27. 他们只想简简单单、快快乐乐的活着。

28. 山茶花的红终究抵不过大海深处的群青。

29. 疯狂的想念,哪里都是你。

30. 没有人不会走,也没有人会一直在。

31. I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time、Forexample,when you love someone,changes are all around、Then I stepbackward and watching it silently,then I see the true feelings.

32. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

33. The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.

34. 雪好美,遗憾的是你却不在我的身边。

35. 越走越望不到边,越清醒越在深渊。

36. So happy to get separated,also glad that they are very powerful.

37. 岁月做纸,心血为墨,写最真的自己。

38. 此生若是错在相逢,求一个善终。

39. 我的骄傲不允许我回头,即使以后会后悔。

40. 想当初俄不成熟、现在才懂。

41. You love me like who.

42. 多好,我深爱的少年他也深爱着我。

43. 心里有座坟,葬着未亡人。

44. When you are young,you may want several love experiences、But as time goes on,you will realize that if you really love someone,the whole life will not be enough、You need time to know,to forgive and to love、All this needs a very big mind.

45. 忆,犹如海市蜃楼浮现在眼前。

46. Young love has always been headstrong,but not the flowers only once love.

47. Don’t promise when you’re happy. Don’t reply when you’re angry. Don’t decide when you’re sad.开心时不要给承诺。愤怒时不要给答复。伤心时不要做决定。

48. 但愿日子清净,余生无怨无悔。

49. Long absence,my old love,who is going to help me teasing your new love.

50. 心有多软,壳就要有多硬。

51. Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

52. Mad laughter follows the drought of is willing to be independent if there is someone to rely on.透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑……如果有人可以依靠,谁会愿意独立。

53. Who said to me,all the thousands of pet me.

54. I have no trouble,just a sense of security is too weak.

55. When tomorrow turns in today,yesterday,and someday that no more important in your memory,we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time、This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by、It is the truth that weve all grown up、And we become different.

56. 因为我装无所谓忍着泪、笑得好狼狈。

57. 给不了你最好的就成全你想要的

58. 因为你没有新故事,所以才会对旧故事念念不忘。

59. I always remember my pain,but I can not remember loved.

60. 所谓思念,只是一个人的一厢情愿。

61. Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强。

62. I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am with you.

63. Alpha Never one like you,let me think about beating the pain.

64. Last time I married a swaying shadow.

65. 因为太爱你了,爱你爱得我不能呼吸。

66. 爱情,不是喜欢就可以在一起。

67. 这南墙我是撞了,丢了的自己是捡不回来了。

68. 伤口撒盐除了残忍,还能让人清醒。

69. 晚上想想千条路、早上醒来走原路。

70. 用生者不朽的爱,祭死者不朽的名。

71. 自由是独立,不依附,不恐惧。

72. 或许爱情更像落叶,

73. Don't want to swim and do not want to carry out an order.

74. Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come seagulls fly off,the waves roll away and we depart

75. 给我一个暂停键吧,我真的累了。

76. I wish my brain had a map to tell me where my heart should go.我希望我的脑袋可以告诉我的心该往哪里走。

77. Who is willing to accompany me crazy,crazy all over the world are touched.

78. 你一定要过得很好,不然对不起我的不打扰。You must have a good life, or It bother you.

79. 我终于明白对你的爱,绝不可能更改。

80. 圣诞节、被寒流侵蚀?一天。

81. 我们的故事,以我打扰开始,以我多余结束。Our story begins with my interruption and ends with my redundancy.

82. Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you.无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候.

83. 女人都是嘴里说的是分手,心里喊着不要走。

84. 深情不过百日,热情终归无情。

85. You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福.

86. 我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候,都怕是打扰。

87. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,flutter and fall there with a sign.

88. 永远不要跟我说对不起,毕竟我不配。

89. Sometimes,tears is sign of unspoken happiness. And smile is sign of silent pain.眼泪,有时候是一种无法言说的幸福。微笑,有时候是一种没有说出口的伤痛。

90. 你的故事很悲伤,你一定爱过一个人。

91. 风筝是因为束缚,才能飞得高。

92. 我以为爱可以填满人生的遗憾,而制造更多遗憾的,偏偏是爱。I think love can fill up the regrets of life, but to create more regrets, preference.

93. To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up,though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful,still waiting it earnestly and eagerly.

94. 想要你再回到我身边,跟我有始有终。

95. 并不是舍不得就可以不放弃。

96. 你眼里的难过,都快溢出来了。

97. 有时候,手握的太紧,东西会碎,手会痛。

98. 有一种单身,只为了等一个人。

99. The more you wanna know whether you have forgotten something

,the better you remember; I once heard that,the only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.

100. 占有欲适当即可,否则失去得越快。

101. 还没来得及去沾花惹草,就被人拔光了。

102. 安徒生的童话,终究也会败在现实中。

103. 最怂的就是明知自己是备胎却还舍不得离开。

104. 难过了,就蹲下来抱抱自己。

105. 看着天空,不是寻找什么,只是寂寞。

106. 往后余生,洗衣服是你,做饭是你,洗碗还是你。

107. 换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。

108. 不想哭,眼泪却藏不住。

109. 最痛的距离,是你不在我身边,却在我心里。

110. 何必让回忆比经历还长,何必让自己一再负伤。

111. 后来熬夜成瘾,也习惯了没人关心。Later, he became addicted to staying up late and became accustomed to being neglected.

112. To forgive is not to forget,nor remit,but let it go; to be lonely is not becoz u have no friends,but no one is living in ur heart.

113. 愿无岁月可回首,且以深情共余生。

114. Let——s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”。

115. 谢谢你,那么忙,还亲自来伤害我。

116. 最后,你是你,我是我,回到终点。

117. There is no story, no worry, a lone hand, and lazy.没有故事,没有心事,单枪匹马也懒得热闹。

118. 今昔的别离,流放了我的相思。

119. 孤独可以使人能干,也可以使人笨拙。

120. Women do not just think that men are polygamous charm, men think women do not only real power. 女人没魅力才觉得男人花心,男人没实力才觉得女人现实。

121. 原?,?情是含笑?毒酒。

122. 除了一腔孤勇和深爱,我什么也没有。

123. 被你遗忘,原来都只是很简单。

124. If you leave me,please dont comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

125. 曾经发生过的事情不可能忘记,只不过是想不起而已。——《千与千寻》Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can't remember. -- xxxSpirited Away,xxx

126. 爱那么短,可是遗忘那么长。

127. How long, I can go to theendof the world.还有多久,我才可以走到世界的尽头.

128. 想哭的时候,别憋着,难受的是自己!

129. 她什么都要和我比,即使我是她闺蜜。

130. 我能靠回忆,活下去吗?

131. 人海十万里,没有人善待你。

132. 我拿你当成命,你却当我有病。

伤心的句子英语 篇六

1. If I had to forget your eyes before it was dark.

2. 曾经美好过,最后却伤心走了。

3. 老板,给我来斤真爱,我拿去喂狗。

4. 若爱是画地为牢,也要与你相困到老。

5. 或许你会想起我,像想起一朵永不重开的花。

6. Memories can make you smile,but it can very well make you cry hard.回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。

7. 感冒原本是一种很伤感的病。

8. You may only be a person in this world,but for someone,youre the world.

9. 以前张口闭口都是你,现在别人提起你我都是笑而不语。It used to be you who kept your mouth shut, but now when people mention you, I just laugh and dont contact them, they will never contact you.

10. Every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书.

11. If you can hold something up and put it down,it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it’s called of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.举起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重.

12. 伤害你的不是对方的绝情,而是你心存幻想的坚持。What hurts you is not the desperation of the other person, but the perseverance of your fantasy.

13. Not sad, please do not install the ending.

14. 没有了喜欢的人连发呆都不知道想谁。

15. 心被深深的给了一刀,再也痊愈不了。

16. We are Hardships for the worst,but can not.

17. 一度流行的爱情游戏,却被过时谢幕。

18. 用心演绎每一个故事,即使结局未知。

19. When every love comes to the end,if you look back,u will find flowers and sorrows,but its always beautiful.

20. We've gone through so much but eventually we come back to where we were.我们经过那么多考验,最后还是回到了原点。

21. 如果时光渲染了记忆,我会努力忘记。

22. 要走多快,才能与你步伐一致。

23. 感觉一旦消失,承诺就只是一张白纸。

24. 断过的绳子怎么系都会有结。

25. 情话固然动听,但也很,刺耳。

26. 再深的深情,也不能让你再爱我。

27. 偶尔的相遇,是我这辈子都忽略的绚丽。

28. Love makes man grow up or sink down.

29. 不要伤我的心,因为里面住的是你。

30. 曾经信誓旦旦的承诺,如今变成不值得一提的心酸。

31. Love is not about running into each other in crowds、Love is an impossible meeting、For example,I am a bird flying in sky,u r a leopard in forest、We just fall in love accidentally.

32. 我喜欢你,无关风月。我愿你好,即使后来你与我全然无关。I like you, regardless of the wind and the moon. I wish you well, even if you have nothing to do with me afterwards.

33. 你真幽默,用分手来试探我有多爱你。

34. 没有你在身边,整个世界都是灰色的。

35. 一句习惯了,容下了多少失望和心酸。

36. 失去分享的欲望便是一切关系散场的开始。

37. 人生如戏,每个人不过只是角色扮演。

38. 你其实很幸福,只是你没注意到而已。

39. 回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的车。

40. 熬夜等你上线,你却隐了身。

41. 我将句子写给你,打动的却是我自己。

42. 你是自由,风都无法圈养你。

43. 我有酒,你有故事。余生很贵,每天都要尽兴。

44. Who gave me love placid who accompany me to see through the fleeting landscape.

45. I suddenly feel myself like a puppet,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows. There are lots of shining silvery thread on my back controlling all my actions.我突然发觉自己是个华丽的木偶,演尽了世间的悲欢离合,却逃不过背后的银色丝线

46. 我爱你,不要问我为什么,因为是你。

47. The most beautiful is not the rainy day,but with you avoid the rain eaves.

48. 分手算什么、抛开心痛,我再次闪亮。

49. 痛到心口的话我也会笑着把它说完。

50. I love you not for who you are,but for who I am before you.你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁.

51. 等你真的需要他的时候,他却不见了。

52. Love is a lamp,while friendship is the shadow、When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere、Friend is who can give you strength at last.

53. 迟早有一天我会心寒至极离开你,再也回不来了。

54. There is always something,and you will see some people.

55. 真的很想你,也是真的不想再受委屈。

56. 我要变强,强到没有人可以让我流泪。

57. 现在我的很怕失去,友情爱情都一样。

58. 习惯了,是个很强大的词,可以代替所有的一言难尽。

59. 只有受过伤的人,才是道被爱的幸福。

60. 有些人很好,但不认识更好。

61. 我假装无所谓,却发现你是真的不在乎。I pretend it doesnt care.

62. But if the while I think on thee,dear friend,all losses are restored,and sorrowsend.只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散.

63. 泪流不止的,我还剩下什么。

64. 日子和我,都有点难过。

65. 别人在等送伞,而我在等雨停。

66. 好遗憾,还没来得及教会你爱我。

67. 生活不止眼前的苟且,还有前任的喜帖。

68. your life,there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone,asking for no result,no company,no ownership nor love、Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

69. 我在等一个遥不可及的拥抱。

70. The heart has to hold,so Yiriweinian.


