描写人的外貌英语好句子 篇一
Title: Describing People's Appearance in English
When it comes to describing people's appearance, English offers a variety of descriptive words and phrases that can help paint a vivid picture. In this article, we will explore some excellent sentences to describe a person's physical appearance.
1. Physical Build:
- She is tall and slender, with long, graceful limbs.
- He has a muscular build, with broad shoulders and a chiseled physique.
- Despite her petite frame, she exudes elegance and poise.
2. Facial Features:
- Her face is adorned with delicate features, characterized by high cheekbones and a button nose.
- He boasts a strong jawline and piercing blue eyes that captivate anyone who meets him.
- With rosy cheeks and a radiant smile, she lights up the room with her infectious charm.
3. Hair:
- Her lustrous, flowing locks cascade down her back, shimmering in the sunlight.
- He sports a trendy, spiked hairstyle, which adds a touch of edginess to his overall appearance.
- With his bald head and well-groomed beard, he exudes an air of confidence and sophistication.
4. Clothing Style:
- She is dressed in a chic, tailored suit, exuding professionalism and elegance.
- He prefers a casual style, often seen in jeans and graphic tees, reflecting his laid-back personality.
- With her bohemian attire and flowing skirts, she embraces a free-spirited and artistic vibe.
English provides a rich repertoire of words and phrases to describe a person's physical appearance. Whether it's their physical build, facial features, hair, or clothing style, these sentences can help bring your descriptions to life and create a vivid image in the reader's mind.
描写人的外貌英语好句子 篇二
Title: Expressing People's Appearance in English
Describing people's appearance is an essential skill in English language learning. In this article, we will explore some powerful sentences that capture the essence of a person's physical appearance.
1. General Appearance:
- She possesses an aura of grace and charm, with an ethereal beauty that is hard to ignore.
- He has a magnetic presence, drawing attention with his confident posture and captivating smile.
- With her radiant complexion and flawless skin, she is a vision of natural beauty.
2. Facial Features:
- Her eyes sparkle like diamonds, reflecting her vibrant personality and zest for life.
- He has a distinguished face, with deep-set wrinkles that tell stories of wisdom and experience.
- With her perfectly arched eyebrows and full lips, she embodies classic beauty.
3. Hair:
- Her silky, cascading curls frame her face, adding a touch of elegance and femininity to her appearance.
- He sports a trendy, buzz-cut hairstyle, which accentuates his strong facial features and gives him a modern edge.
- With his salt-and-pepper hair and distinguished beard, he exudes an air of sophistication and maturity.
4. Clothing Style:
- She is a fashionista, always dressed in the latest trends, effortlessly blending elegance and style.
- He prefers a minimalist approach to fashion, often seen in neutral colors and clean lines, reflecting his refined taste.
- With her eclectic wardrobe and bold fashion choices, she embraces individuality and self-expression.
Describing people's appearance in English allows us to convey their unique qualities and create a visual image in the reader's mind. By using these descriptive sentences, we can effectively capture the essence of a person's physical appearance.
描写人的外貌英语好句子 篇三
描写人的外貌英语好句子 精选83句
1. She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。
2. 夏天到了,知了在树上吵闹个不停。
3. 他年纪约摸三十五六岁了,鬓角的头发略微秃进去一些,眉毛浓黑而整齐,一双眼睛闪闪有神采。他看人时,十分注意;微笑时,露出一口整齐微白的牙齿;手指粗大,指甲缝里夹着黑泥巴,穿一件旧青布棉袄,腰上束条蓝布围裙。
4. A friendly smile will help you to win others heart. 友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心。
5. but she wears short skirts ,I wear T-shirts ,she is cheer captain and I am on the bleachers
6. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round .
7. 相濡以沫:濡:沾湿;沫:唾沫。泉水干了,鱼吐沫互相润湿。比喻一同在困难的处境里,用微薄的力量互相帮助。
8. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起来的时候很有魅力。
9. 她有一头金色长卷发
10. He is a fine young man,ahout 25 years old,tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile.
11. she has long brown curly hair wih be riotous with colour glasses.她带着五颜六色的眼镜还有长棕色卷发(原创)
12. 思念你是一种幸福的折磨,唯独在内心轻轻呼唤你的名字,亲爱的!你感受到我急切的心灵跳动吗?
13. 按行自抑:按:克制。约束自己的行为。
14. She always dress very elegant and tidy.
15. “危机”两个字,一个意味着危险,另外一个意味着机会,不要放弃任何一次努力。
16. The news depresses her.
17. He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. 他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。
18. The rugged face of the old sailor老水手满是皱纹的脸上(百度)
19. she was young,with a fair,calm face that showed a certain strength.
20. He has two Wrinkled hands他有双满是皱纹的手
21. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had never seen.
22. Her hair is brown and curly.她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。
23. She is shorter than I am and is very has straight,shoulder-lenghth thinks she is pretty.
24. 熙熙攘攘:熙熙:和乐的样子;攘攘:纷乱的样子。形容人来人往,非常热闹拥挤,爆满。
25. When she smiled, she showed her white even teeth.
26. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起来的时候很可爱。
27. she id a girl with long straight hair 她是留着长长直发的女孩
28. When he laughs, we see his even teeth.
29. He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鹰钩鼻
30. 叮铃铃,下课了我和同学在操场上玩耍,我们在玩捉迷藏,我看见一个同学在操场上飞快地跑着,忽然他踩到了一块大石头,脚一扭,一下子摔倒在了地上,那位同学抱着受伤的腿,像一匹受伤的狼一样狰狞着,忽然他用可怜无助的眼光看着我。
31. 她的手并不美,关节瘦了一点,而且也太长,周围的线条欠柔。
32. she
33. 他们一个个愁眉苦脸,像久旱的庄稼一样没有精神。
34. a
35. 小猫看到一只老鼠,几步扑过去,小猫望着俘虏,高兴的在唱歌。
36. She has a double chin. 她有双下巴。
37. 人的痛苦,大部分时间不是被新痛刺伤,而是翻阅旧记忆的惯性。
38. She
39. 我的外婆今年八十三岁了,她个儿不高,头上全是白发,脸上布满了皱纹,牙齿全落光了。她的背有些驼,小脚只有长,但走起路来还很有精神。
40. she saw the ashen face of one of the officers.她马上看到一个脸上毫无血色的脸(原创)
41. Because of her fair skin and kindness, we all like her very much.
42. She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye.
43. 嬉皮笑脸 没精打采 百感交集 张皇失措 幸灾乐祸 油腔滑调
44. She belongs to those who are very difficult to satisfy.
45. He was in a rage.
46. 小树不断努力着,和太阳公公比赛早起,不停地收藏雨露和阳光,付出比别人多得多的汗水,终于长成大树。
47. He wears black hat and black jacket and dark blue cotton他带着黑布小帽,黑布大马褂,深青色布棉袍 (《背影》朱自清)
48. 爷爷长着一副古铜色的脸孔,一双铜铃般的眼睛,尖尖的下巴上,飘着一缕山羊胡须。他高高的个儿,宽宽的肩,别看他已年过古稀,可说起话来,声音像洪钟一样雄浑有力;走起路来“蹬蹬蹬”他,连小伙子也追不上呢。
49. a forgetful old man一个健忘的老人 (同学概念本上)
50. She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both sexes. 无论男人或是女人,不仅羡慕她,而且打心里尊重她。
51. Her face brightened up. 她喜形于色。
52. Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。
53. Everyone looked at her in astonishment.
54. 后来的故事都与你无关,短暂交集后便是
55. Her sense of humour could brighten you entire day and her wise words were always exactly what you needed to hear.她的幽默感总是可以使你整天都感到非常开心,而她智慧的话语更是能道破天机。
56. 还没来得及跟童年说再见,我们就已被推上了青春的的列车;还没享受够爸妈的“怀抱”,却不得不尝试着独自奔向远方。我们是一群青春少年,我们带着童年的天真,学者中年的老成,抒写只有我们自己才能破译心声的密码。
57. 鼓乐喧天:鼓:弹奏。喧天:声音大而嘈杂。弹奏着各种乐器,声响大得直冲云天。
58. She really cared about other people and was an extremely talented listener. 她总是很关心身边的人,并且擅长倾听。
59. 头发(hair): 发型(hair style): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的。
60. 每当望见老师对学生谆谆教导,安慰学生的时候,我就会想起一句名言:教师的爱是滴滴甘露,即使枯萎的心灵也能苏醒;教师的爱是融融春风,即使冰冻了的感情也会消融。
61. 当她微笑时,她露出洁白整齐的牙齿。
62. 那美丽的头发披散在身上,像一股褐色的小瀑布一样.波浪起伏,金光闪闪。
63. She was red with anger.
64. 爷爷的双手显然不如以往那么灵活有力了,但它依然那么宽,那么厚,那么温暖。
65. 她看见奶奶站起来,双手抓着锅盖向上揭。吃力地揭了几次,才稍稍揭开一条缝。一股浓烟从灶口冲出来,差点熏着奶奶的脸。奶奶随便用袖子拂了拂布满皱纹的脸,又摇摇头,自言自语地说:”老了,不中用啰!“
66. 头发(hair):
67. He was born a hooked nose.
68. He had a brown skin,black hair,bright eyes and strong white teeth.
69. When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。
70. 这次第,怎一个愁字了得。
71. 听见爸爸终于同意他上学了,来喜把柳叶往嘴里一含,学几声黄莺叫,又学几声画眉声,拎着崭新的书包飞跑起来。
72. The girls had blond curls. 小姑娘长着金色卷发。
73. He jumped for fun.
74. 坚强,是坚韧不拔。太脆硬的东西易折断,越是外强中干,越先败下阵来,表面的气势终不会长久。而坚强,是从内心茁壮而起的精神力量,流经血脉便增加坚毅,渗入骨髓则增长强韧。于是,坚强的人,不仅浑身积聚着能量,也会给周遭的人带来积极的影响力。
75. 惟孝顺父母,可以解忧。——孟子
76. 生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生;生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死;生活需要艺术,但不能投机取巧;生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干;生活需要重复,但不能重蹈覆辙。
77. He wears black hat and black jacket and dark blue cotton.
78. She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.
79. 爷爷特别爱清洁,总是把自己的房间打扫得一尘不染,有时候,他还帮我收拾房间,替我整理东西。
80. 喜欢你的人给了你温暖和勇气,你喜欢的人让你学会了爱和自持,你不喜欢的人教会你宽容与尊重,不喜欢你的人让你自省与成长,没有人是无缘无故出现在你的生命里的,每一个人的出现都有原因,都值得感激。
81. Mark is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesn't look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isn't fat and he isn't thin. His build is average. 迈克21岁了,他身高大约英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。
82. There is always a smile of contentment on her face. 她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。
83. 当他笑的时候,我们看到他整齐的牙齿。