
时间:2012-03-07 04:27:22
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对篮球热爱的句子英语 篇一

The Love for Basketball

Basketball has always been more than just a sport to me. It is a passion, a way of life, and a source of inspiration. The sound of the ball bouncing on the court, the swish of the net as the ball goes through, and the feeling of adrenaline rushing through my veins when I make a shot – these are the moments that fuel my love for basketball.

From a young age, I was drawn to the game. I remember watching my favorite players on TV, studying their moves, and trying to imitate them on the playground. Every free moment I had, I would be out there, dribbling, shooting, and perfecting my skills. Basketball became my escape, a place where I could forget about the world and focus solely on the game.

As I grew older, my love for basketball only intensified. I joined a local team and started competing in leagues and tournaments. The camaraderie among teammates, the thrill of victory, and the lessons learned from defeat – these experiences molded me into the person I am today. Basketball taught me the importance of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. It taught me to never give up, even when the odds are against me.

Beyond the physical aspect, basketball also holds a special place in my heart because of the values it represents. It is a game that transcends boundaries and brings people together. No matter where you come from or what language you speak, on the court, we are all equal. Basketball teaches us to embrace diversity, respect our opponents, and work towards a common goal.

The love for basketball has also opened doors for me. I have had the opportunity to travel to different countries, meet new people, and learn about different cultures – all because of this game. Basketball has given me a sense of belonging and a community that supports and encourages me to chase my dreams.

In conclusion, my love for basketball goes beyond the boundaries of the court. It is a love that stems from the joy, the challenges, and the values that this game has brought into my life. Basketball has taught me to dream big, work hard, and never stop believing in myself. It is a love that will forever be a part of who I am.

对篮球热爱的句子英语 篇二

The Magic of Basketball

Basketball is not just a game; it is a magical experience that captivates the soul. It is a symphony of movement, skill, and passion that mesmerizes both players and spectators alike. The love for basketball runs deep within me, as every dribble, every pass, and every shot connects me to the beauty and intensity of the game.

The court is my canvas, and the basketball is my brush. With each dribble, I create a rhythm that dances to the beat of my heart. The ball becomes an extension of myself, as I weave through defenders, seeking the perfect moment to strike. The anticipation, the quick decision-making, and the execution of the play – these are the moments that make my heart race and fuel my love for the game.

Basketball is a language that goes beyond words. It is a conversation between teammates, a silent understanding of each other's movements and intentions. The teamwork and coordination required in basketball are like a symphony orchestra, where each player has a vital role to play, contributing to the collective harmony. The beauty of the game lies in the seamless synchronization of individual talents to create something greater than oneself.

The love for basketball is also rooted in the emotions it evokes. The exhilaration of a fast break, the satisfaction of making a perfect shot, and the disappointment of missing an opportunity – these emotions are what make the game so addicting. Basketball is a rollercoaster of feelings, a constant reminder of the highs and lows that life brings. It teaches me resilience, to bounce back from failures and to celebrate victories with humility.

Beyond the court, basketball has a powerful impact on communities and society as a whole. It brings people together, breaking down barriers of race, gender, and age. It is a universal language that transcends cultural differences and unites people from all walks of life. Basketball has the power to inspire, to create change, and to instill values such as teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship.

In conclusion, the love for basketball is a love affair with the magic of the game. It is a connection to the beauty, intensity, and emotions that basketball brings. It is a language that unites, a canvas for self-expression, and a journey of personal growth. Basketball is more than just a sport; it is a way of life that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

对篮球热爱的句子英语 篇三

对篮球热爱的句子英语 精选72句

1. 热爱篮球,从坚持开始。

2. xxxI'm all about challenges and seeing if I can go out and see if I can achieve something. If at the end of the day I do it, great. If I don't, I can live with

3. 打篮球的男生,永远比打游戏的男生好。

4. 你永远不要低估一颗冠军的心。——汤姆贾诺维奇

5. 篮球之神不仅陪伴一代人的整个青春,也填满了一代篮球人的青涩回忆。

6. running英 ['r?n??]美 ['r?n??]adv.连续地n.跑步;运转;管理[例句]:Running is my favourite sport.跑步是我最喜欢的运动。

7. 我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。——艾弗森

8. brick (重击篮球框的球)

9. 篮球,需要我们这代人去努力。

10. 一周有七天,一天有二十四个小时,我随时可以搞定卡尔。——罗德曼

11. 以打篮球,开启一天的生活。

12. 感谢你把篮球的一切都给我这个时代!永远爱你!即使在天的那一边!

13. 不管顺境逆境,惶恐还是彷徨,2022年,我们多打打球吧!

14. free-throw (罚球线/罚球)

15. 为了打篮球而打篮球,篮球只是手段而是目的。

16. jump-shot (跳投)

17. 汗洒战袍湿,一起享受人生快乐的篮球之旅。

18. xxxIf that was my concern, I wouldn't do this. I'm not afraid to take on a challenge. I'm not afraid to take a step. If I fall, I fall, pick myself

up and move 如果关心这个,我就不会复出了……我从不害怕挑战……我从不怕走出新的一步,如果我失败了,那我会爬起来重新开始.

19. hit (撞)

20. 你的篮球,陪我走过了四季,借了篮球就应该坚持,借了篮球就坚持到底。

21. 忘不了我那永远的兄弟、永远的篮球。

22. 球在我的手上,路在我的脚下,又有什么可怕的呢。

23. overtime (延长赛)

24. “除非我打得极糟,否则他们是不会有这种想法的。不管是去哪里,都会让那里伤心的……这是我从来没想过的问题,我的经纪人也许会这样想的。”

25. 不要换我下场,我死后多的是时间休息。——巴克利

26. 感谢篮球,感谢篮球使我们有了众多的异姓兄弟。

27. 人是需要有,做梦和圆梦的能力的。

28. 我不是说我可以打败科比·布莱恩特,可以打败麦克格拉蒂。你们都说他们将取代我,我相信他们一定在迫不及待地想会会我,我也在急着见他们。——乔丹

29. 队伍中没有“我”的概念,但是我永远渴望胜利。

30. 对篮球,他从不走捷径,他为比赛付出了全部。

31. air-ball (篮球空心球)

32. 丢掉了工作,不知路在何方,那也去打打球吧!

33. put up (尝试投篮)

34. 天才可以赢得一些比赛,团队合作才能赢得冠军。

35. zone defense(区域联防)

36. 当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我可以做的事情做好。——乔丹

37. court(球场)

38. 教练,我想打篮球!

39. 篮筐在我眼中如海洋般广阔,我只是要往里面扔一颗石子。

40. basketball英 ['bɑ?sk?tb??l]美 ['b?sk?tb??l]n.篮球[例句]:American basketball's dream team.美国篮球梦之队。

41. 立定投篮:又称“set shoot”。

42. 会打篮球很潇洒,打得好的更是给人赏心悦目的感觉。

43. 我们在比赛中享受篮球带来的快乐,享受成功带来的喜悦。

44. 篮球梦,是我一生的梦!

45. In all the work I most like to play basketball

46. 即使世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。

47. 空中接力:又称“alley-oop”,简称空接。

48. 感谢篮球这个项目,它让许许多多的人活得有滋有味。

49. 我们的青春啊,因为篮球而格外精彩!

50. 英雄是一时的,但传奇是一世的!

51. 篮球不仅是一项运动,更是一种生活方式。

52. figure skating [?fiɡ? ?ske?t??]美 [?f?ɡj? ?sket??]n. 花样滑冰[例句]:Irving Brokaw popularized figure skating in the .欧文·布罗考使花样滑冰在美国得以推广。

53. forward (前锋)

54. man-to-man defense (一对一盯人防守)

55. gymnastics英 [d??m'n?st?ks]美 [d??m'n?st?ks]n.体操[例句]:She loves gymnastics.她喜欢练体操。

56. 世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。——科比

57. 后仰跳投:又称“fade away”。

58. 篮球如此,人生亦是。

59. rebound (碰到篮板弹回)

60. In all my favorite in the sport of basketball.

61. block (盖帽)

62. 希望把自己对于篮球的热爱和理解,分享给每一个愿意为之奋斗的年轻人。

63. center (中锋)

64. 篮球于他,不仅是青春,更是一剂良药。

65. 假如有一天我必须爬着离开球场,我也绝对不会让人把我抬出去,没有人能把我抬出去,永远也不可能。——莫宁

66. 挥洒的汗水以及与队友默契的配合,从来都是我快乐的源泉。

67. guard (后卫)

68. 科比不朽,他的精神永远激励着我们。

69. 身上穿的是生活,手里拿的是梦想。

70. 生活中有一种治愈创伤的良方,叫做打篮球。

71. 为什么打球?篮球有力量。

72. swimming英 ['sw?m??]美 ['sw?m??]n. 游泳;眩晕v. 游泳( swim的现在分词);漂浮;浸,泡;旋转[例句]:Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool.患者在游泳池里锻炼萎缩的肢体。


