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情侣打电话英语对话范文 篇一

Title: A Sweet Phone Conversation between a Couple

[Alice and Jack are in a long-distance relationship. They are talking on the phone.]

Alice: Hey, Jack! How's your day going?

Jack: Hi, Alice! It's been a bit hectic, but talking to you always brightens up my day. How about you?

Alice: Same here, Jack. I miss you so much. I can't wait for the day when we can be together again.

Jack: Me too, Alice. I wish I could hold you in my arms right now. But until then, we'll have to make do with phone calls.

Alice: Yeah, it's not the same as being physically together, but at least we have technology to keep us connected. So, what have you been up to?

Jack: Well, work has been keeping me busy. But I managed to find some time to work on a surprise for you.

Alice: A surprise? Tell me more! You know how much I love surprises.

Jack: I'll keep it a secret for now, but I promise you'll love it. It's something that will remind you of me whenever we're apart.

Alice: You always know how to make me feel special, Jack. I can't wait to see what it is.

Jack: I'm glad you're excited, Alice. I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and I wanted to make sure you know how much you mean to me.

Alice: You don't have to do anything extravagant, Jack. Just knowing that you love me is enough for me.

Jack: I know, Alice, but I want to show you in every way possible. Distance may keep us apart physically, but it can't diminish my love for you.

Alice: You always know how to melt my heart, Jack. I love you more than words can express.

Jack: And I love you more than anything, Alice. We'll get through this distance, and soon we'll be together again.

Alice: I can't wait for that day, Jack. Until then, let's keep supporting each other and cherishing these phone calls.

Jack: Absolutely, Alice. We're in this together, and our love will keep us strong.

[Alice and Jack continue their conversation, expressing their love and longing for each other.]


情侣打电话英语对话范文 篇二

Title: Overcoming Distance in a Loving Phone Conversation

[Emily and Ryan are in a long-distance relationship. They are talking on the phone.]

Emily: Hi, Ryan! How's everything going on your end?

Ryan: Hey, Emily! It's been a rollercoaster ride, to be honest. But hearing your voice makes everything better. How about you?

Emily: I feel the same way, Ryan. Being apart is tough, but our love keeps me going. So, tell me, how's your new job?

Ryan: It's challenging, but I'm enjoying it. The only downside is not having you by my side to celebrate the small victories. I miss you so much.

Emily: I miss you too, Ryan. It's hard not being able to physically support each other, but we can offer our emotional support.

Ryan: You're right, Emily. We need to find ways to bridge the distance and make each other feel loved and supported.

Emily: Absolutely! We could plan virtual date nights or surprise each other with care packages. It's the little things that show we care.

Ryan: I love that idea, Emily. Let's make an effort to keep the romance alive despite the distance.

Emily: Definitely, Ryan. Our love is stronger than any distance. We just need to be creative in finding ways to express it.

Ryan: I'm grateful for your understanding, Emily. I know it's not easy being apart, but I promise to make every moment count when we're together.

Emily: I believe in us, Ryan. We can overcome anything as long as we have each other.

Ryan: You're my rock, Emily. Your support and love mean the world to me. I can't wait to be with you again.

Emily: Likewise, Ryan. Until then, let's keep the communication strong and remind each other of our love every day.

Ryan: Absolutely, Emily. Our love knows no boundaries, and together we'll conquer the distance.

[Emily and Ryan continue their conversation, finding ways to support and strengthen their relationship despite the distance.]

情侣打电话英语对话范文 篇三

A:I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking.


B:We should plan to move out of here before July. I'm tired of living in apartments.


A:I know, dear. I am too. But we've just been too busy to look for a house.


B:We need to find a good realtor.


A:Not necessary. If we use a realtor to find a house, it will be more expensive.


B:What do you mean?


A:Realtors always get a mission. If the realtor helps us find something, we have to pay him.


B:But doesn't a realtor help with the contract? I thought they take care of all the legal troubles.


A:Yes, that's often true. But you have to pay them.


B:I still think we should have a realtor. We're new in this country. We don't know all the laws of buying a house. And also, the realtor will inspect the house. He can tell us if the house has any problems.



A:Of course we need a house inspector. But we can hire an inspector on our own. As for the legal problems, Ihave friends. They can help us.


B:So how can we find a house if we don't have a realtor?


A:It takes a little more time. We have to check the ads in the paper. Probably also there are special real estate magazines with ads. Then we have to drive to the homes and look at them.


B:And doesn't the person selling the house have a realtor?


A:Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. It's best to find someone who is selling by themselves.




A:That is because if the seller has a realtor, their price will be higher. He will have to pay a mission to the realtor.


B:Hmm. It all sounds very plicated.


A:It is. But buying a house is very important. So it takes time. That's why we haven't done it yet. It's very troublesome.


B:I want to look in the papers today. Maybe we can see something we like.


A:All right. I'll buy a newspaper when I go to the drugstore.


情侣打电话英语对话范文 篇四


(一) 打电话的人找的是你自己

Is Daisy there? (Daisy 在吗?) Speaking. 我就是。

This is she. 我就是。 (注: 男的用 “This is he.”)

You're speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。 (注: 男的用 “You're speaking/talking to him.”)

This is Daisy. 我就是 Daisy。

That's me. 我就是。

(二) 对方打错电话

Can I speak to Alexander Walker?

我可以和 Alexander Walker 说话吗?

Alexander Walker? I 'm sorry, but there’s nobody here by this name. Alexander Walker?


I 'm sorry. I 'm afraid you’ve got the wrong number.


What number did you dial? 你打几号?

(三) 打电话的人要找的人不在,问对方是否要留言

Can I talk to Mark? (我可以跟 Mark 讲话吗?)

He's out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了,你要留言吗?

He's not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在,我可以帮你传话吗?

(四) 电话没人接(或录音机)

旁人/你 (接电话的人)

Is he there? 他在吗?

No one is there. 没人在。

Nobody answered. 没人接。

No. I got the answering machine. 没有! 是录音机。

(五) 打电话的人问他要找的人在哪里

Do you have any idea where he is? 你知道他在哪里吗?

Sorry. I don't know. 抱歉,我不知道。

He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?


(六) (因自己忙等原因)请别人去接电话


Paul, can you answer the phone? I 'm busy. Paul,

你能不能去接电话? 我在忙。

Can you get it, Paul? My hands are tied. Paul,

你能不能去接电话? 我现在不能接。

Yes, dear. 是的,亲爱的。

(七) 接受对方留言时听不清楚,希望对方重复

When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212?

他回来后,能不能让他打 (206) 5551212 这个号码给我?

Can you repeat again, please? 能不能请你再重复一次?

(Say) Again, please? 再说一次好吗?

Pardon? 抱歉。(请再说一次)

Come again, please? 再说一次好吗?

I'm sorry? 抱歉。(请再说一次)


Suji: June, I’m sorry. I think I’m not able to go to the airport to see you off.苏吉:对不起。我觉得我不去机场给你送行了。

June: Oh, don’t worry about that. I 'll definitely okay.简尼:哦,不用担心。我一定会没事的。

Suji: Well, I really wanted to go, but I have a terrible cold. What time will you leave home? 苏吉:嗯,我真的很想去,但我得了重感冒。你什么时候离家?

June: As soon as my father gets home. Anyway, I understand you. Just take care of yourself. We can say our goodbye right here and now.简尼:只要我的父亲一到家。无论如何,我理解你。要好好照顾自己。现在,我们可以就在这里说再见了。

Suji: Okay, June. Have a wonderful trip.苏吉:好吧,简尼。旅途愉快。

June: Thank you very much. I should say goodbye for now.简尼:非常感谢你。我应该说再见了

电话英语-1.打电话 接电话


key sentences(重点句子)

,is this 4474716?


’d like to speak to .


’m is out right now.


i know when he’ll be back?


is his wife speaking.


i take a message for him?


i have your name,please?


he available?


’ll just find out for you.


,are you still there?


is that speaking?


’m so sorry that i made such an early phone call.


do you wish to talk to?


sue james in?


!is sue there?




dialogue a


b: this 4474716?i’d like to speak to ,please?

a:i’m is out right now.

b:may i know when he’ll be back?

a:i don’t know,but he will certainly be back for is his wife i take a message for him?

b:thank you, tell him to be at the airport one hour before tomorrow afternoon.

a:very ’ll let him know as soon as he comes ,may i have your name,please?

b:this is lin .


dialogue b

a:good morning.

b:good is li gang here i’m calling from new york in america.

a:how can i help you?

b:i’m trying to get hold of he available?

a:i’ll just find out for you,sir… hello,are you still there? unfortunately, is not available at the

you like me to put you through to

b:yes,’s very kind of you.

a:you’re welcome.

dialogue c

(a:jane b:mary c:sue)


b:hello! good is that speaking?

a:it’s ’m so sorry that i made such an early phone call.

b:it’s do you wish to talk to?

a:is sue james in?

b:sue!jane wants you on the phone.

a:hello!is sue there?


a:oh,sorry,i’m afraid i won’t attend the meeting this night i had a sore throat and i started getting bot.

c:do you have a temperature?have you taken it?

a:no,haven’t yet.

c:don’t worry about the ’d better go to see a wish you will soon be well.

a:thank you,.


words and expressions

available a.可得到的,可达到的

airport n.机场,航空站

new york n.纽约

unfortunately ad.不幸地,遗憾地

welcome a.受欢迎的

attend vt.出席,参加

sore a.痛的,疼痛发炎的

throat n.咽喉,喉咙

america n.美国

see a doctor 看医生,就诊

put through (电话用语)把……接通


answerphone ? ?答录电话 ? ?area code ? ?区号 ? ?battery ? ?电池 ? ?business call ? ?商务电话 ? ?cordless phone ? ?无绳电话 ? ?country code ? ?国家代码 ? ?directory enquiries ? ?电话号码查询 ? ?dialling tone ? ?拨号音 ? ?engaged ? ?占线 ? ?ex-directory ? ?未记载于电话号码簿 ? ?extension ? ?分机 ? ?interference ? ?信号干扰 ? ?international directory enquiries ? ?国际电话号码查询 ? ?fault ? ?故障 ? ?message ? ?信息 ? ?off the hook ? ?挂起 ? ?operator ? ?接线员 ? ?outside line ? ?外线 ? ?personal call ? ?私人电话 ? ?phone?(telephone的缩写) ? ?电话 ? ?phone book?/?telephone directory ? ?电话簿 ? ?phone box?/?call box ? ?公用电话 ? ?phone card ? ?电话卡 ? ?phone number?(telephone number的缩写) ? ?电话号码 ? ?receiver ? ?接听器 ? ?switchboard ? ?接线总机 ? ?wrong number ? ?号码错误

情侣打电话英语对话范文 篇五

Todd: Hello, Gabrielle!


Gabrielle: Hello!

Todd: How are you doing today?


Gabrielle: Good thanks.


Todd: Now, Grabrielle, I hear that you are going back home to New Zealand.


Gabrielle: That's right. I'm going home for summer.


Todd: OK. What are your plans?


Gabrielle: Probably a week relaxing, going camping, and then I'm going back to work.


Todd: Oh, OK. Where do you work?


Gabrielle: I teach as an English teacher in Christchurch, in New Zealand.


Todd: Oh, OK. And that's where you're from, naturally.


Gabrielle: That's right.


Todd: Were you born there?


Gabrielle: I was, yeah!


Todd: Well, you are going to have this short little break, or vacation, are you gonna go to the beach...themountains?


Gabrielle: Probably..probably to the beach and camping for about a week with friends, yeah!


Todd: Actually, how warm is it in the summer?


Gabrielle: Probably a maximum of about 30 degrees. A nice dry heat! Very fortable.


Todd: So when you go to the beach is the water warm enough to swim in?


Gabrielle: No, no, no! We swim but it is not warm. Yeah! It's pretty chilly actually.


Todd: OK. Any other plans when you go home?


Gabrielle: Yeah, I'm looking forward to catching up with friends and family and animals.


Todd: Animals!


Gabrielle: Well, I miss my pets.


Todd: OK, well, what pets do you have?


Gabrielle: Well, I have a cat and a dog and a sheep called Sydney and two gold fish.


Todd: Wow!

Gabrielle: Yeah! And I really miss them.


Todd: I'm sure they're really excited to see you. Alright, thanks a lot.


Gabrielle: You are wele!


情侣打电话英语对话范文 篇六

Steven likes reading books, and now he is talking about them with his friend Dora.


Steven: Hey, Dora! What kind of books do you like to read?


Dora: I read everything I can get my hands on but I like love stories best. What do you thinkabout the love stories?


Steven: I hate to tell you this, but they are nothing but sob stories.


Dora: I don't think so. I like them. Then what's your favorite book?


Steven: I'm fond of history books.


Dora: Oh, the history books are dull to me.



