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高考英语作文信函模板范文18篇 篇一


Dear [收信人的姓名],

I am writing this letter to express my heartfelt gratitude for your kindness and help during my recent visit to your city. It was truly an unforgettable experience, and your generosity made it even more special.

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your warm hospitality. From the moment I arrived, you provided me with a comfortable place to stay and made sure I had everything I needed. Your thoughtfulness and attention to detail were truly remarkable.

I would also like to express my gratitude for your guidance and support throughout my stay. Your knowledge of the city and its attractions helped me make the most of my time there. Thanks to your recommendations, I was able to visit some incredible landmarks and try delicious local cuisine.

Furthermore, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to meet your friends and family. They welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like a part of their community. I am truly touched by their kindness and hospitality.

Lastly, I want to thank you for your generosity. The gifts you gave me were not only thoughtful but also a reflection of your deep understanding of my interests and preferences. I will treasure them as a reminder of our friendship and the wonderful time we spent together.

Once again, thank you for everything. I am truly grateful for your kindness and the unforgettable memories we created together. I hope to have the opportunity to reciprocate your generosity in the future.

Yours sincerely,


高考英语作文信函模板范文18篇 篇二


Dear [投诉对象的姓名],

I am writing to express my disappointment and frustration regarding the recent incident that occurred at your establishment. I hope that by bringing this matter to your attention, we can work together to find a satisfactory solution.

On [具体日期], I visited your store/restaurant/office and unfortunately, I had a very negative experience. Firstly, the staff members were extremely rude and unprofessional. They ignored my requests for assistance and seemed disinterested in providing any kind of service.

Furthermore, the quality of the product/service I received was far below my expectations. The item I purchased was defective and did not function properly. Despite my attempts to explain the issue to your staff, they were dismissive and unhelpful.

In addition to the poor customer service and product quality, I was also shocked to discover that your establishment had violated certain safety regulations. The premises were poorly maintained, with hazards such as loose wires and slippery floors present.

As a loyal customer, I am deeply disappointed by the lack of professionalism and care exhibited by your staff. I had always held your establishment in high regard, but this incident has severely tarnished my opinion of your brand.

I kindly request that you take immediate action to address these issues. I expect a full refund for the defective product, as well as an apology for the poor customer service and safety violations. I hope that steps will be taken to ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future.

I look forward to your prompt response and a resolution to this matter. If I do not receive a satisfactory response within [specific timeframe], I will be left with no choice but to escalate this complaint further.

Yours sincerely,


高考英语作文信函模板范文18篇 篇三

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第一篇

Dear Smith,

I am Liping, a student from mountainous area of Shaanxi Province,who have to quit school because of do eager to continue my study and fortunately I got help from you.

After that, I cherish every opportunity to study and try my best to study hard.

The result is that I have made great progrein my learning and received praise from both my school and government.

As for your inviting me to meet you, I am afraid I cannot afford this expense.

Could you please send me a photo of you instead?

Sincerly your,


高考英语作文信函模板范文 第二篇


'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in your new problems are quite the following suggestions are helpful.


have received your letter saying you plan to play a visit to China for ten days next the following suggestions are helpful to you.


'm writing to you to present what I think on the further improvement of our hotel so as to attract more clients(顾客).


have asked me for my advice with regard to how to learn Chinese ,and I will try to make some suggestions here.


'm very glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to fit in the new school are a few suggestions.


'm very glad to have received your I'm writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school.



'd like to suggest that...


my opinion,...


I were you,I would...


'd better do.../not do...


's necessary for you to read some books about these places before you come to see them with your own more knowledge about these places,you will have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture.

在你来亲眼看到这些地方之前,你 有必要读一些关于这些地方的书。有了关于这些地方更多的知识,你将会更好的理解中国的历史和文化。

of all,you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can after class.


is known to all,vocabulary is of great should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud.


’s more,try to communicate with your classmates in English out of in this way can you improve your listening and spoken English quickly.


but not least,you should develop the habit of keeping a diary,which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt.



hope these suggestions will be of use to : where there is a will,there is a way(有志者事竟成).


hope these suggestions will be of use to : The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”(一个决心要成功的人从来不说“不可能”).




hope that my suggestions are helpful for you would be more than happy to see improvement.


believe that you will take my suggestions into serious you decide to do,good luck with your studies/work!


sincerely hope my advice will be some help for there is more I can do to help,please let me know.


hope you can take good consideration of my would be ready to discuss about this matter with you to further details.


sincerely hope my advice will be some help for 'm eager to see you soon in you in advance a pleasant trip to Beijing.


高考英语作文信函模板范文 第三篇





寄信人只写姓名,不写头衔。但是,收信人一般都在名字前加上头衔,以示礼貌和尊敬。对于没有官衔和学衔的人士,通常在姓名前写上Mr., Mrs.,或Ms.。












Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第四篇




信头(Heading), 日期(Date), 收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address), 称呼(Salutation), 信文(Body of the letter), 结束语(Complimentary close), 署名(Signature)



① 齐头式

② 缩进式 私人信件一般只写寄信日期即可。

Example: 123 Tianhe Road

Tianhe District

Guangzhou 510620

Guangdong Province

P. R. C.

Jan. 8,


① 年份应写全,例如不能用“99”来代替“”;

② 月份应写英文名称,除May, July外,可用缩写,如:Sep., Oct.。但不要用数字

April 13,

. Box 36

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a . degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第五篇




英语的信封和中文的一样,有三部分组成,即发信人地址、收信人地址和邮票。只不过英语信封的格式除了邮票所贴的位置(信封的右上角)和中文的一样外,英语信封上要写的发信人和收信人的地址和中文的大不一样。发信人的地址应写在信封的左上角,收信人的地址应写在信封偏中右偏下处,英文书信的地址应从小写到大,先写门牌号码,再写街道、城镇、省或州及邮政编码,最后是国家名称。国家名称的每一个字母都要大写。 如下:

2)信头 (heading)

3)封内日期(Date Line)

4)封内地址(Inside Address)




在非正式书信中,称呼后用逗号。(注意:尽量避免使用“To Whom It May Concern” 或“Dear Sir or Madam”,因为这种称呼已经过时,并且不很友好。改进方法是争取确定收信人的姓名,或使用“Dear Human Resources Manager”,“Dear Friends”这样的称呼。在给律师或外交领事写信时,可以使用“Esquire”或“Esq.”这样的头衔,但它们不应出现在称呼中。同样,如果收信人的姓名后面有“Jr.”或“Sr.”,如“George Bush,Jr.”也不能把它们包含在称呼中。)



7)提示句(选择性)Attention Line(optional)


8)主题句(选择性)Subject Line(optional)


9)正文(Body of the Letter)



10)写信人签名(Writer's Identification/ Signature)




12)信尾问候语(Complimentary Closing)

信尾问候语是写在信尾的告别话语,例如Sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours sincerely,; Friendly yours,; Truly yours,; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially,通常位于正文两三行以下。第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,最后以逗号结尾。

13)附言(Postscript PS or .)


高考英语作文信函模板范文 第六篇

Dear Brown,

I am very glad to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for a job in your company. He is a graduate from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. In the past four years he has got the first grade scholarship for four times. And this year he got the title of the Excellent Graduate.

He not only studies well but also has great capacity. He is good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I think that he has great potentialities. If he can join the company, he will be able to give full play to his talent. And your company will also be greatly benefited. I strongly recommend Li Ming to your company.


高考英语作文信函模板范文 第七篇


Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Wuhu to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practice your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Wuhu.


Chen Quan

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第八篇


It is my pleasure to write here for you.


Further to our conversation earlier, .........

As discussed over the phone, .......

Thanks for you kind reply.

Thank you for your inquiry/email.

Thanks for your letter. It is my pleasure to receive your reply!

Thanks for your mail of 日期............


We will noted and many thanks!

I hope everything with you is fine.

Many thanks for your support.

I hope you are well and in good health!

FYI: for your information 仅供参考


(1) We hope to receive your favors at early date.

(2) We hope to be fa

vored with a reply with the least delay.

(3) We await good news with patience.

(4) We hope to receive a favorable reply per return mail.

(5) We await the favor of your early (prompt) reply.

(6) A prompt reply would greatly oblige us.

(7) We trust you will favor us with an early (prompt) reply.

(8) We trust that you will reply us immediately.

(9) We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply.

(10) Will you please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?

(11) Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do?

(12) We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post.

(13) We are waiting (anxious to receive) your early reply.

(14) We should appreciate an early reply.

(15) We thank you for the courtesy to your early attention.

(16) We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay.

(17) Kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

(18) Please send your reply by the earliest delivery.

(19) Please send your reply by messenger.

(20) Please reply immediately.

(21) Please favor us with your reply as early as possible.

(22) Please write to us by tonight's mail, without fail.

(23) May we remind you that we are awaiting your early reply?

(24) May we request the favor of your early reply?

(25) A prompt reply would help us greatly.

(26) A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.

(27) Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

(28) Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.

(29) We look forward to receiving your early reply.

(30) As the matter is urgent, an early reply will reply.

(31) We reply on receiving your reply by return of post.

(32) We request you to accept our warmest thanks for the anticipated favor.

(33) We thank you in advance for the anticipated favor.


(1) We await your reply by fax.

(2) Please fax reply to fax this morning.

(3) We are anxiously awaiting your reply by fax.

(4) Please arrange for your fax reply, or long distance call, to reach us before noon Monday.

(5) Fax reply immediately.

(6) Please acknowledge by fax the receipt of these instructions.

(7) Please do not fail to fax your reply immediately on receipt of this letter.

(8) Please fax your decision without delay as we have offers waiting.

(9) Oblige us by replying by fax before noon tomorrow, as we have another offer.

(10) Inform us by fax of your lowest quotations.

(11) Fax in time for us to write you in reply by 7 pm mail.

(12) Fax me from Osaka before noon stating your telephone number.

(13) Kindly reply me by wire.

承蒙贵公司重视, 感谢之至

(1) Please accept our thanks for your usual kind attention.

(2) Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken.

(3) We are obliged to you for your kind attention in this matter.

(4) We are greatly obliged for your trial order just received.

(5) We wish to assure you of your appreciation of your courtesy in this matter.

(6) We thank you for your order just received.

(7) We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.

(8) We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.

(9) Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.

(10) We are very sensible of your friendly services on our behalf,for which please accept our sincere thanks.

回函迟误, 请见谅

(1) Please excuse my late reply to your very friendly letter of March 1.

(2) I hope you will forgive me for not having written you for so long.

(3) I hope you will excuse me for not having replied to you until today.

(4) I humbly apologize to you for my delay in answering your kind letter of May 5.

(5) I have to (must) apologize you for not answering your letter in time.


(1) We assure you of our best services at all times.

(2) We shall spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.

(3) We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times.


(1) We hope you will pardon us for troubling you.

(2) We regret the trouble we are causing you.

(3) I regret the trouble it caused you.

(4) We trust you will excuse us for this inconvenience.

(5) We wish to crave your kind forbearance for this trouble.

(6) We solicit your forbearance for such an annoyance.

(7) Kindly excuse me for troubling you in this matter.

对此错误, 谨致歉意, 务请原谅

(1) Please excuse this clerical error.

(2) We tender you our apology for the inconvenience this error may have caused you.

(3) We request you to accept our regret for the error of our clerk.

(4) We greatly regret that we have caused you such an inconvenience.

(5) We wish to express our regret for the annoyance this mistake has caused you.

(6) We frankly admit we were at fault and we are anxious to repair the consequences.


(1) We solicit a continuance of your valued favors.

(2) We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support.

(3) We hope we may receive your further favors.

(4) We hope to receive a continuance of your kind patronage.

(5) We request you to favors us with a continuance of your kind support.

(6) We solicit a continuance of your kind patronage.


(1) It would give us great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.

(2) We wish to reciprocate the goodwill.

(3) We shall on a similar occasion be pleased to reciprocate.

(4) We hope to be able to reciprocate your good offices on a similar occasion.

(5) We are always ready to render you such of similar services.

(6) We shall at all times be willing to reciprocate such of similar favors.

(7) We shall be happy to have an opportunity of reciprocating to you on a similar occasion.


高考英语作文信函模板范文 第九篇

Dear______ ,

①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding ______(要询问的内容).

③First of all, what are

______(第一个问题)? ④Secondly, when will

______(第二个问题)? ⑤Thirdly, is


⑥I would also like to inquire ______(将最重要的问题单独成段). ⑦Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

⑧Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十篇

Dear Editor,

As a student reader, I am writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house.

On the whole, these books have many advantages. First of all, the topics in the textbooks are various, most of which are focused on students’ life. What’s more, the pictures in the textbooks are so colorful and vivid that we can have a better understanding of the knowledge in it. What is the most important thing for the textbooks is that they can develop students’ interest in learning English.

However, some vocabularies in the textbooks are too difficult for us to understand. I hope you can change them into easier ones so that we can learn English better.

Best regards,

Li Hua





高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十一篇


Directions: Write a letter of complaint according to the following situation: You bought an air conditioner in Sun Appliance and had it installed the other day, but you found that the fan made too much noise when the machine operated. You demand the store to send a representative to check it up.

You should write at least 150 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I m writing to lodge the complaint about the poor quality of an air conditioner that I purchased from Sun Appliance Company.

Frankly speaking, Sun Appliance has always been my favorite. On April 4, 2007, I bought the air conditioner (serial number 12345) from one of your chain store located in Lang Fang. The machine operated well at first, but ten days later, there was a fault that bothered me, that is, the fan made so much noise that I could not sleep well at night. Worse still, the cooling system didn t work well and the machine began to leak recently. Its poor quality ruined almost all my previous impression toward your products.

I strongly suggest that a repairman or a service engineer should be sent to my home without delay. I wonder if you could pinpoint the exact cause of the malfunction as soon as possible. If you can t, I am afraid that I will request for full amount of refund or a new air conditioner.

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十二篇

A Letter to the University President about the Library Service on the Campus

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to express my concern over the library service on the campus.

As a major in English, I find that most of the books in English in the library are outdated. So far, I have not come across a single book published after 1995. As a result, we fail to get the latest information of academic development both at home and abroad.

In addition, the light in the reading room is far from bright, which does harm to our eyes. Worse still, there is no airconditioning and we are sweating heavily while reading.

Last but not least, the newlydeveloped electronic information system does not work well and needs further improvement. A great number of books should have been listed in the system.

There is no denying that the library has helped us a lot. But it is in urgent need of improvement. When improved, the library is certain to provide much more help with our study.

Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Qiang

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十三篇

Dear Brown,

It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. During the four years'study he has done a good job. Every year he got the first grade scholarship. And he also has got the title of the Excellent Graduate.

He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company.


高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十四篇

Dear ,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you advertised in of .(信息****)

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for .(表明自己可以胜任某一职位)For one thing, .(胜任的理由一) For another, .(胜任的理由二) Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.

Please contact me at any time at .(提供个人联系方式)

Thank you for considering my application, and I’m looking forward to meeting you.(结束语,表达感谢和期望)

Yours sincerely,


高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十五篇

Good afternoon, everyone. May I have your attention, please?

I’m the chairman of the Students’ Union. As the New Year is around the corner(即将到来), we are going to hold a New Year party for you, which is intended to enable you to have a better understanding of Chinese culture.

During the party, not only can you sing a Chinese song, but you will also compete with each other to see how skilled you are at using chopsticks. What’s more, you’ll learn at the party how to make dumplings. Sounds great. doesn’t it? The party is scheduled(计划于) in Room 101 of the Teaching Building from 6:00 . to 8:00 pm. next Friday.

Please make sure you won’t miss it. Thank you for your attention.

高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十六篇



With best wishes, 谨祝安好!

All the best, 祝一切安好!

With kind regards, 谨致问候!

With kindest regards, 谨致最良好的问候!

With all good wishes,谨祝万事如意!

All good wishes,万事如意!

Best regards,谨致最好的问候!

Wish you every success in the future。 祝你未来一帆风顺。


I’m looking forward to hear from you soon。 我盼望你尽快回信。

Please remember me to your family。 请代我向你家人问好。

Give my best wishes to your parents。 向你父母亲问好。

Any other particulars required I shall be pleased to give you。 其他各项详情,如有所需,我当欣然奉告。

We hope that the finished work will prove in every way satisfactory to you。 我们期望此项工作能在各方面使您满意。

We shall have the pleasure of weling your visiting soon。 倘于近日能欢迎您来访,我们将感到快乐。

Won’t you let us hear from you promptly?可否即予赐复?

Your early reply will be appreciated。 希早复为感。

We await your good news。 我们恭候您的好消息。


写给机关或不认识的人时,用Yours faithfully(您忠实的),Yours truly(您十分忠实的), Faithfully yours(您忠实的),Yours confidentially(您信任的)等。

写给年长者、老师或上级用Yours respectfully(您尊敬的),Very respectfully yours,Yours obediently(您恭顺的)等。

写给熟人或好友,一般用Yours sincerely,Very sincerely yours,Yours cordially等。在美国往往只用Sincerely(诚挚的)或Cordially(热诚的)。在我国,同事之间通信,一般常用Comradely yours,Faithfully yours等。在我国对外往来的商业信件中,国外来信结尾一般用Yours faithfully(您忠实的)或Yours truly(您十分忠实的)。我国发往外国的信件一般都用谦称。



高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十七篇

Dear Editor,

As a student reader, I am writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house.

In my eyes, these books have a lot of advantages. To begin with, there are such a wide variety of topics in the books that they can satisfy students’ curiosity better. In addition, the pictures in the textbooks are very interesting and attractive. Not only can they draw students’ attention, but they can also arouse our interest in learning English. In short, we have benefited a lot from these books.

However, in my opinion, there are still some shortcomings in the textbooks. We find some words are a bit difficult to remember. Therefore, I suggest that you can make them easier to understand.

Best regards,

Li Hua





高考英语作文信函模板范文 第十八篇

A Letter to the Headmaster

Dear Headmaster,

I am the minister of students' life in the Student Union. On behalf of all the students, I am writing to you to give our opinions about the canteen.

Our canteen has something satisfactory and something unsatisfactory as well. To our satisfaction, many kinds of the food are supplied to us. Besides this, the food is cheap and tastes good. We all enjoy the food. And the surroundings in the canteen have also been improved. But the quantity of a helping they give is not enough. The seats are not enough as students have no seats when eating.

Finally we advise them to improve the quality of the food and their service. We will feel very happy if these problems can be solved.









满分作文范文辽宁卷四:写信 Write letters一


