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高职英语各类作文格式范文 篇一








高职英语各类作文格式范文 篇二







高职英语各类作文格式范文 篇三


Directions: Write a MEMO based on the following information. Write more than 100 words.

Suppose that you are Kevin Green, the general manager of CSW Electric Co. You will write a memo to David Smith, the manager of R&D Department. The memo should cover the following issues:

1) The sales of our TV sets have decreased greatly in the first two quarters of this year.

2) In order to maintain our market share, we have to develop new products.

3) You (David Smith) should prepare a development report to be discussed in the

next board meeting.

1. Directions: Write a report based on the following information. Write more than 350 words.

2. Directions: Apton Electonis Co. is a manufacturer of electronic dictionaries for college students. Now it has developed a new model and is going to start a promotion on campuses. Please draft a short advertisement for it. Write more than 200 words.

3. Directions: Write a proposal based on the following information. Write more than 350 words.

Suppose you are working for the Marketin Department of HPA Company. Your department is collecting proposals on possible cuts to promotion budgets next year. Please write a proposal explaining why some cuts have to be made and how they can be made.

4. 应用写作:







(便条、邀请函及回函、通知、 简短私人和业务信函、简短传真和电子邮件、简短广告、简短产品与厂家介绍、简短产品使用说明等)


2. 看图画或图表作文,给出关键词、段首句、规定情景、提纲或围绕某一主题等作文

不少于350 词


1. 应用文(根据已提供的信息,如图表、概括性说明等撰写报告、信函、内容较丰富的广告、使用说明等)

不少于 200词

2. 根据已给关键词、段首句、规定情景、提纲或围绕某一主题等作文不少于350词

高职英语各类作文格式范文 篇四


一般情况下用第三人称,不说“we must to”或“you should”而应该写成“All the xx are requested to be”




All the monitors meet in the fifth classroom on Friday,Auguest 28,at 10:00am to discuss the question of .

The Student Union Auguest,23,2011 先写地点、后时间(从小到大,从短到长)

短语:be requested to,attend the meeting,meet in,in the college conference room(大型会议)/meeting room(小型会议)



ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,dear xx

2、开头通知套语: May I have your attention,pleaseI’m glad to tell you sth. important.


Everyone is asked to be there on time.

Make/Be sure not to be late.

Please take your notebooks with you and be sure on time/You’d better takeThose who are interested in it are warmly welcome.


That’s you very much/Thanks for listening.


We will have a meeting about it after the sixth class.

There will be an English film in our school tonight.

The match will be put off to next week.

We are going to hold a meeting to discuss the problem.


Dear classmates:

Attention, have sth. Important to tell you. there’ll be an important lecture in Classroom 302,at 1:55 on Tuesday Li Na will give us a talk on English it you may ask him questions on English get prepare and express your opinions and thoughts when you raise for listening.



A Jacket Lost

In the playground, /morning on April 10,a jacket,Kitty cat cover 205,Dormitory 6/Tel:16486548.




inside of which are a pen, a dictionary and some money. The finder is expected to return it to the me. I’ll be much thankful and thank hi

m with a gift with his face.


Li Xiaoping

The Guang Ming Bookstore.(丢失地点)



Found a handbag with some money and a notebook left in the school garden this afternoon. Will the owner please come to Room 302 to .


Volunteers Wanted

UNIVERSITY 2011 SHENZHEN will be held in are being skills at English listening comprehension and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. Students with relevant professional experience are also preferred. If you are interested in it. Please email to university@..

The Students ‘Union of Shen Zhen University


1、邀请信一定要写清楚时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合“I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday”应改为“I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o’ the Locus Hotel”。



Will you come to

May I have the honor to invite you to

I’d like to invite you to/I’d like you to come to

2、I hope you are not too busy to come.

I’m looking forward to seeing you/hearing from you.

We sincerely hope you can attend.


Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.


Dear Mrs. Benton,

Tom and I would be very happy if you and Mrs. Benton could come to dinner with us on next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o’ Yours Li Lei.


1、 接受邀请的回复信中应重复写上邀请信的时间地点等。“I’ll be

delighted to attend your luncheon next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o’ the Locus Hotel.”

2、 回信中要明确表示接受邀请还是不接受,不能写“I’ll come if I’m in




1、Thank you for inviting us to dinner.

2、We are delighted to accept your invitation.

3、I wish I could be there, but I

4、I’m writing to apologize to you and give you gifts to forgive me.

5、I’m very sorry to tell you that I’m unable to attend

6、I’m very sorry that I can’t take part in your


第一行左边写上日期、星期几,右边写天气(cloudy、windy、rainy、fine) 按给出内容写,不可以随意发挥。一般用第一人称,多用过去时态。如果是写感想或者评论,可用一般现在是或者将来时态。

May 17,2012,TuesdaySunny


六、事假 private affair leave


May 6, 2012 Dear ,

grandma’ birthday. She’s already seventy. I want to go home to celebrate it for her with my family.

Yours,Li Fang.

七、病假 sick leave

May 6, 2012 Dear ,

and ask you for sick leave of two days.

Yours respectfully, John.


用第三人称表述 第一行右侧写钟点、星期几。第二行写称呼。


You’ve happened to be out when your friend Dick called at 9:30 this morning. He said he had sth. Important to consult you .He hopes that you could find time to favor/reply him with a call as soon as possible/as soon as you can.


无称呼语,称呼一般是:to whom it may concern

兹证明,this is to certify that+人名

特此证明,Best regards.

May 6, 2012 To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that Mr. Wang Jamming,(male),Our conclusion is that he is able to .

Best regards.

Xx hospital

九、介绍信 一般现在时+一般将来时

1、 公务介绍信 介绍被介绍人的`姓名、重要资格、能力和经历。提出希


高职英语各类作文格式范文 篇五



注意: 1.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;



参考词汇:文科 arts;理科science


The topic I’m going to talk about is the choice between arts and science. As is known to all, students in China can’t study both arts and science. Therefore, a choice between them is bound to be made.

At the end of my first year in high school, I decided to study science rather than arts. And the reasons are as follows: The most important one is that I love science, which can show me the mysteries of nature and the universe. What’s more, I’m good at it. So, it is far easier for me to learn science than arts. Last but not least, I want to become a scientist in the future. It is science that will equip me with necessary abilities.

高职英语各类作文格式范文 篇六


A Pair of Red Shoes

I have ever seen a pair of red shoes with some colored butterflies on them. They were so beautiful that I like them at first glance. But I couldn’t persuade my mother to buy them for me. I had to make up my mind to realize my wish by myself. So I kept on saving money for several months. The shoes were bought at last. However, to my surprise, the shoes didn’t fit me. When I was walking, my feet were blistered from the rubbing. From then on, I didn’t dare to wear them any longer. Day by day, I am growing up. Thanks to the pair of shoes, I have set up my own philosophy. There are so many temptations all our lives, but what we choose should first suit ourselves. We can’t wrong ourselves for other’s eyes. The shoes on our feet may be neither pretty nor charming, but both of which just fit ourselves. So no matter what we may do, perhaps it isn’t interesting or after our heart s, if we devote ourselves to it, we are sure to make great success. at first glance 乍看


