
时间:2012-03-05 03:48:23
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In the picture, there is a group of people standing in a line, waiting to board a plane. The setting appears to be an airport, with luggage trolleys and signs indicating different gates. The people in the picture are of different ages and backgrounds, suggesting a diverse group of travelers.

In the foreground, there is a young couple holding hands and smiling. They seem excited and eager to embark on their journey. Behind them, there is an elderly woman with a walking stick, accompanied by a younger man who is most likely her son or caregiver. They both have concerned expressions on their faces, perhaps due to the woman's limited mobility.

Further back in the line, there are two businessmen wearing suits and carrying briefcases. They appear to be engrossed in a serious conversation, possibly discussing important matters related to their work. Next to them, there is a family with two small children. The parents are trying to keep their children entertained, as the kids seem restless and fidgety.

From the picture, it is evident that the airport is a melting pot of different people from various walks of life. It is a place where individuals come together with different purposes and destinations in mind. Some may be traveling for leisure, while others may be embarking on business trips or visiting loved ones.

The picture also highlights the emotions and experiences associated with air travel. The young couple symbolizes excitement and anticipation, while the elderly woman and her companion represent the challenges that come with age and mobility issues. The businessmen demonstrate the seriousness and focus required in their professional lives, and the family with children showcases the need for patience and adaptability when traveling with young ones.

Overall, the picture captures the essence of a bustling airport, where people from all walks of life come together for various reasons. It reminds us of the diversity and shared experiences that can be found in our travels, highlighting the importance of understanding and respecting one another as we navigate the world.

英语看简图说话范文 篇二


The picture depicts a cityscape at night with tall buildings illuminated by colorful lights. The scene is vibrant and bustling, with cars and people moving about. It is evident that the city is alive and full of energy even during the nighttime.

In the foreground, there are two friends sitting on a bench and enjoying the view. They are engrossed in a conversation, with smiles on their faces. They seem to be having a great time, appreciating the beauty of the city and each other's company. Behind them, there is a street musician playing a guitar, adding to the lively atmosphere with his music.

Across the street, there is a group of people waiting at a bus stop. They appear to be tired, as if returning home from a long day of work. Some are engrossed in their phones, while others engage in small talk. Despite their fatigue, they seem content and at ease in the city environment.

Further back in the picture, there is a couple walking hand in hand. They are dressed elegantly, suggesting they may be on their way to a special event or a romantic night out. They stroll along the sidewalk, taking in the sights and enjoying each other's company.

The picture portrays the diversity and vibrancy of city life. It captures the moments of connection and relaxation amidst the hustle and bustle. The friends on the bench exemplify the joy of spending time with loved ones and appreciating the beauty of the surroundings. The street musician adds a touch of art and creativity to the scene, enhancing the overall atmosphere.

The people waiting at the bus stop symbolize the everyday routine and the sense of community that can be found in a city. Despite the challenges and fatigue of the day, they find comfort in familiar surroundings and the company of others. The couple walking hand in hand represents the romance and excitement that can be experienced in a city, as they create their own special moments amidst the urban landscape.

Overall, the picture portrays a cityscape that is vibrant, diverse, and full of life. It reminds us of the beauty and energy that can be found in urban environments, as well as the connections and experiences we can have with others. It serves as a reminder to appreciate the moments of joy and connection that can be found in our everyday lives.

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