
时间:2013-05-01 03:11:29
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英语情景对话2人范文 篇一

Title: Ordering Food at a Restaurant

A: Good evening! Welcome to our restaurant. How many people are in your party?

B: Hi! It's just the two of us.

A: Great. Please follow me to your table. Here are the menus. Can I get you something to drink while you look it over?

B: Yes, I'll have a glass of water, please.

A: And for you, sir?

C: I'll have a Coke, please.

A: Alright. I'll be right back with your drinks.

(Several minutes later)

A: Here are your drinks. Have you decided what you would like to order?

B: I think I'll have the chicken Alfredo pasta.

A: Excellent choice. And how would you like it cooked?

B: Medium, please.

A: And for you, sir?

C: I'll go with the grilled salmon, please.

A: How would you like it seasoned?

C: Can I have it with lemon pepper seasoning, please?

A: Of course. Anything else you would like to add to your dishes?

B: Can I have some extra Parmesan cheese on top of my pasta?

A: Certainly. And for you, sir?

C: No, thank you. That will be all.

A: Alright. I will place your orders and they will be ready shortly. Enjoy your meal!

英语情景对话2人范文 篇二

Title: Making Plans to Hang Out

A: Hey, it's been a while. How have you been?

B: I've been good! How about you?

A: I'm doing well too. Listen, I was thinking we should hang out this weekend. What do you think?

B: That sounds like a great idea! What did you have in mind?

A: Well, I heard about this new cafe that just opened up downtown. I thought we could check it out.

B: That sounds interesting. What time should we meet?

A: How about we meet at 2 pm? That should give us enough time to chat and grab a coffee.

B: Sounds good. Where exactly is the cafe located?

A: It's on Main Street, just a few blocks away from the park.

B: Alright, I'll make a note of it. Should I bring anything?

A: No need, I'll take care of everything. Just bring yourself and your good mood.

B: Haha, will do! Oh, and I have a favor to ask. Can we make a quick stop at the bookstore on our way back? I've been wanting to buy a new novel.

A: Sure, no problem. We can make a detour before heading home.

B: Thanks, you're the best!

A: It's my pleasure. I'm looking forward to catching up and having a fun time together.

B: Me too. See you on Saturday!

英语情景对话2人范文 篇三

A:what are your strong points?


B:well, I’m very good with people. I’m honorable. I work hard. I work well under pressure. And I’m patient.


A:what kind of people do you like to work with?


B:I like a person who works hard. I don’t like lazy people.


A:what’s your greatest strength?


B:well, this is a challenging question. I suppose I would say that I’m a quick learner.


A:so, you’re smart.


B:I think so. I think that I am good at what I do.


A:what do you consider your weakness?


B:I’m not good at speaking in public. I feel uncomfortable when I speak in public.


A:that’s not a problem. It’s unnecessary for this position.


英语情景对话2人范文 篇四

A: Welcome to my office.


B: According to your advertisement, you want an experienced software engineer. I think my background meets the requirements of this position.


A: Can you tell me why?


B: I majored in Computer Engineering when I was at university. Actually I was quite familiar with Fortran and C Language.


A: What do you think about the recent development in computers?


B: Developments in hardware are going a-head very quickly. But to turn the computer into a machine that can be easily manipulated, much more complex softwares are needed than are available now. As a result, more computer programmers should devote themselves to this work.


A: I've looked through your application material and I am quite satisfied with your qualification. Have you got anything to ask me?


B: Yes. Could you tell me something about the job?


A: Yes, of course. You would be responsible for design and development of products. You would also be in charge of software programmes including evaluation of complex software system to ensure product features and operation compliance.


B: Oh, I see. I think I can do the work well.


英语情景对话2人范文 篇五

Jaco: Hi, I am Jaco McGuire. You must be Mr. Simpson. I’m here to pick up your girl Jessica.


Mr. Simpson: Okay, kid. She is upstairs changing. Where are you taking her?


Jaco: We are going to movies. Romeo and Juliet.


Mr. Simpson: That’s a good one. Her mom and I went out to see that movie too on our first date. But I don’t like the ending.


Jaco: Me, neither. They should have lived happily ever after.


Mr. Simpson: Thanks to her stupid Dad and cousin, they both died. Family hatred should not have got in the way of love. Do you hate me?


Jaco: No, absolutely not. You are a nice man. Jessica talked a lot about you.


Mr. Simpson: Really? Nothing bad, I hope. Whose fault you think made the two split up for ever? Let’s show some honesty here. Are you going to kill me if I say you are not allowed to meet my Jesse?


Jaco: I, uh, No. No. But I need to know why. If it is my fault, or you don’t think I am good enough for her, I will do everything that I can to improve myself.


Mr. Simpson: Kidding, kid. Relax. Call me Carl. Now we are on the first-name bases. Take care of my girl.


英语情景对话2人范文 篇六

A: Good morning.


B: Good morning, Mr. Wang. Please take a seat.


A: Thank you.


B: Now let me take a look at your application form. The application online is not very detailed. Well, Mr. Wang, can you tell me why you are interested in working in our company?

A: Well. First of all, the position you offered is quite challenging; and besides, your company enjoys a high reputation in the IT industry; and I also believe I can fully use what I have learnt here.


B: Mr. Wang, what are the qualifications you think you possess for the present job?


A: As you know, I graduated from Xi’an University and majored in data communication, and have had six years working experience in the relevant field.


B: What are the courses offered by your university in data communication?


A: Well, like communication system, communication network, mobile communication and digital communication.


