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高二英语必修五课后句子 篇一


Unit 1

1. The little girl is so timid that she rarely speaks in class.

2. The police are investigating the case, but they haven't found any clues yet.

3. The teacher was furious when she saw that the students had cheated on the test.

4. I've been feeling rather down lately, but I don't know why.

5. The movie was so thrilling that I couldn't help but scream.

6. The doctor advised me to take some medicine and get plenty of rest.

7. The company is planning to launch a new product next month.

8. I believe that honesty is the key to a successful relationship.

9. The team had a difficult time adapting to the new coach's training methods.

10. The students were asked to complete the assignment by the end of the week.

Unit 2

1. The old man looked very frail and walked with a cane.

2. The government is implementing new policies to reduce pollution.

3. The company is expanding its business overseas and opening up new markets.

4. The teacher praised the student for her outstanding performance in the exam.

5. The children were excitedly discussing their plans for the summer vacation.

6. The novel is set in a small village in the countryside.

7. The scientist conducted a series of experiments to test his hypothesis.

8. The company's profits have been steadily declining over the past few years.

9. The government is encouraging citizens to participate in community service.

10. The team is confident that they will win the championship this year.

Unit 3

1. The little girl burst into tears when she couldn't find her favorite toy.

2. The police arrested the suspect after a long and intense investigation.

3. The teacher explained the difficult concept in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

4. I often feel overwhelmed with all the work that I have to do.

5. The movie received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike.

6. The doctor advised the patient to change his diet and exercise regularly.

7. The company is considering merging with a competitor to increase its market share.

8. I believe that forgiveness is an important part of healing and moving on.

9. The team faced many obstacles but managed to overcome them and win the game.

10. The students were required to hand in their essays by the end of the day.

Unit 4

1. The old woman lived a solitary life in a small cottage in the woods.

2. The government is investing in renewable energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

3. The company is struggling to survive in a fiercely competitive market.

4. The teacher asked the students to work in pairs for the group project.

5. The children were engrossed in their favorite video game and didn't hear their mother calling.

6. The novel explores themes of love, friendship, and betrayal.

7. The scientist discovered a new species of plant in the Amazon rainforest.

8. The company's sales have been steadily increasing over the past few months.

9. The government is promoting cultural exchange programs to foster understanding between different countries.

10. The team is determined to win the championship and has been training hard.

Unit 5

1. The little boy was fascinated by the colorful butterflies in the garden.

2. The police are searching for the missing person and have asked for the public's help.

3. The teacher praised the student for his creativity and originality in his artwork.

4. I often feel anxious and worried about the future.

5. The movie was a box office hit and broke several records.

6. The doctor recommended a healthy diet and regular exercise to improve the patient's overall health.

7. The company is planning to launch a new advertising campaign to promote its products.

8. I believe that communication is the key to resolving conflicts and building strong relationships.

9. The team faced a tough opponent but managed to come out on top.

10. The students were given a challenging assignment that required critical thinking skills.

In this article, I have provided sentences from each unit of the high school English textbook "必修五". These sentences cover a wide range of topics and can be used to practice various language skills such as grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students can use these sentences as examples to improve their own writing and speaking abilities. By studying these sentences, students can gain a better understanding of the English language and its usage in different contexts. It is important for students to regularly practice using these sentences to reinforce their understanding and improve their overall language proficiency.

高二英语必修五课后句子 篇三

1. What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别

2. 不定式做主语一般表示具体的某次动作。===动名词doing 表示习惯的,经常的动作。

3. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较

4. sense n. 感觉

5. be satisfied with对…感到满意

6. note down 记下

7. There be句型、以here开头的句子谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。

8. = assist sb to do sth 帮忙,协助某人去做某事

9. come up 走上前来,走近,发生,出现 come up with 追上,赶上,提出

10. remind sb. of sth. 使某人回想起某事 /提醒某人某事

11. be essential for / to … 对……是必要的

12. 集体名词family, class, team, group 等看作整体时,谓语动词用单数;看作每一个成员时,谓语动词用复数。

13. depend on 依赖

14. for health reasons 出于健康原因

15. search for … 寻找

16. give off 发出(光/热等)

17. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑

18. bring …with … 随身携带

19. keep…from/of使…免受(影响/伤害等)

20. be optimistic about … 对……乐观

21. assist sb. in /with sth.

22. 用法

23. in addition 也,另外,此外

24. through sb.’s analysis 通过某人的分析

25. play a role/ part (in) 在…中担任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一个角色

26. on earth 究竟,到底

27. “the +形容词”(如the poor ,the rich ,the young, the old , the dead ,the sick,the brave 等)作主语,谓语动词往往用复数

28. a number of后面加复数名词或代词,其动词用复数形式;但the number of后面加复数名词或代词时,其谓语用单数。

29. defend…against… 为某人辩护

30. keep doing sth 一直做某事

31. turn up 出现 / 开大(音/水量)

32. first aid 的.意思是“急救”,例如:first aid to the injured 给予伤员的急救。

33. draw a conclusion 得出结论

34. cure sb of illness 治好某人…病

35. Life in the Future

36. fall ill 生病

37. contribute to 为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于

38. be different from… 与……不同

39. at your convenience 在你方便的时候

40. 当主语较长,谓语较短时,常用it做形式主语,而将不定式放到谓语的后面。

41. 在定语从句中主语是关系代词who , that , which , 谓语动词的数应与先行词的数一致。

42. _______, she is still as strong as you.

43. plenty of + [u] / [c] 许多

44. suggest v. (request,insist…)

45. be/get out of control失去控制,不能操纵

46. On the wall _________ two large portraits.

47. be supposed to have done 理应当 / 被认为做过某事

48. in all directions 四面八方

49. compare A with B

50. make an error 出错

51. 一些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。

52. sweep up 打扫 / 横扫 /掠过 use up 用光 come up 过来 eat up 吃光

53. news ,maths,physics ,politics等词貌似复数,实为单数,其谓语动词用单数.

54. accuse sb. of sth.= charge sb. with sth. 指控某人做某事

55. die of 因…而死亡(内因)

56. focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于

57. pass… on to… 把……传递给……

58. consist of 由……组成

59. put forward 提出

60. concentrate on 集中精力于……

61. 倒装句的定义:英语最基本的词序是主语在谓语动词的前面。

62. Protect 动词,“保护、维护”,用于句式“protect + 名词 + against/from + 名词”。

63. on purpose / by accident 故意地 / 偶然,意外地

64. impress sb with sth= impress sth on sb使人记住某事

65. break down (机器)破坏,损坏;(人)身体出毛病;(计划等)受挫,失败

66. keep doing sth. 一直做某事

67. in place 放在适当的地方。如:

68. squeeze 动词,意思是“榨取”、“挤出”,例如:squeeze an orange 榨橘子

69. 宾语从句用以区分主语从句的几个特征

70. stick to 坚持

71. in no time 很快,立刻

72. be enthusiastic about 对…热情

73. be under repair 在维修中

74. Not until _________ home __________ his parents had been ill for three days.

75. be satisfied with…对……感到满意,满足于

76. be absorbed in 专心

77. 引导主语从句的连词主要有:

78. assist sb in /with sth = assist sb in doing sth

79. at present 目前,眼下 for the present眼前;暂时

高二英语必修五课后句子 篇四

1. be supposed to do 应该

2. Sb lose / catch sight of … 看不见 / 看见 Sb / Sth be in / out of sight 看得见 / 看不见 at first sight 第一眼

3. be curious about 对……感到好奇

4. on one’s feet (从病痛或挫折中)复原

5. lead to导致/造成

6. take up 拿起/占用/接受/开始/从事/继续/选修

7. 用it 作形式主语的结构

8. so作“也”讲时,引导的句子用倒装语序,例如:

9. educational / legal system 教育 / 立法制度

10. in turn 依次,逐个地

11. In hardly any situation ________ find her sad.

12. 一般过去时对谓语动词的要求

13. 由连词not……but……, or, either……or, neither……nor, not only…but also,等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,则谓语动词按就近一致原则,与最靠近它的主语一致。(这个就是就近原则)

14. at war (with…) (与……)交战中

15. 主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有 but ,except, besides, with ,as well as ,together with ,along with,like 等引导的介词短语时 ,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。

16. What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome?

17. communicate with sb 和某人交流

18. by/ for /through +( the / a ) lack of… 由于……的缺乏 be lacking in 缺乏(品质 /特点) lack for … 需要

19. on one’s own 独自,*自己 of one’s own 自己的……

20. over and over again 反复;多次

21. even if (= even thoug)即使,用来引导让步状语从句

22. such as 例如

23. electric shock 触电;电休克 7

24. My brother had a cold last week, _________.

25. account for 解释

26. take off 脱下;(飞机)起飞

27. 当表示国家,城市,人名,书名,报纸,杂志,及组织机构等的专有名词做主语时,作为整体,谓语动词用单数形式。

28. make a deep/strong impression on sb 给某人留下深刻印象

29. bend the rules 变通,放宽

30. remind sb of sth 使某人回想起某事 /提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事 remind sb that … 提醒某人……

31. 一般过去时的定义

32. pide…into… 把……分成

33. make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会,预约

34. look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望做某事

35. the six of us 我们六人(共六人)

36. request sb (not) to do sth. 要求某人做/不要做某事

37. What three visits would you ask to go on if you were Li Qiang ?

38. the latter后者 the former 前者

39. go soft 变软

40. bring up 教养,养育;提出

41. compare A to B 把A与B作比较,把A比喻作B

42. unless 除非……;如果不……。如:

43. die from 因…而死亡(外因)

44. point of view 态度,观点,看法

45. 倒装句的基本用法

46. have a nose for… 对……非常敏感

47. a trick of the trade 职业诀窍

48. variety n. 多样, 种类,

49. get / be caught in … 被困在……中

50. 由and或both……and连接的并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

51. be / get absorbed in 专心于,集中精力于

52. speak in whisper 低声地说

53. puzzle over / about 为…烦恼,困扰


