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2022杨浦一模英语范文 篇一

The Importance of Cultural Exchange Programs

Cultural exchange programs have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. These programs offer individuals the opportunity to immerse themselves in a different culture, learn about its traditions and customs, and develop a global perspective. In this article, we will discuss the importance of cultural exchange programs and their benefits.

Firstly, cultural exchange programs help to promote understanding and tolerance among people from different backgrounds. By living and interacting with individuals from a different culture, participants gain a deeper understanding of their customs, traditions, and way of life. This firsthand experience helps to break down stereotypes and prejudices, fostering a more inclusive and accepting society.

Secondly, cultural exchange programs provide a unique learning experience. Participants have the chance to learn a new language, try new foods, and explore new places. This exposure to different cultures broadens their horizons and allows them to see the world from a different perspective. These experiences can be incredibly enriching and can have a lasting impact on an individual's personal and professional development.

Furthermore, cultural exchange programs promote cultural appreciation and preservation. By immersing themselves in a different culture, participants gain a deep appreciation for its traditions, arts, and history. This appreciation can inspire individuals to preserve their own cultural heritage and promote cultural diversity. In a world that is becoming increasingly globalized, it is important to celebrate and preserve the unique aspects of different cultures.

Lastly, cultural exchange programs foster international friendships and networks. Participants have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and form lasting connections. These friendships can lead to future collaborations, business opportunities, and a greater understanding between countries. In a globalized world, building strong international relationships is crucial for personal and professional success.

In conclusion, cultural exchange programs play a vital role in promoting understanding, tolerance, and appreciation for different cultures. They provide individuals with a unique learning experience, foster international friendships, and promote cultural diversity. As we strive for a more inclusive and interconnected world, cultural exchange programs are more important than ever. It is essential that we continue to support and participate in these programs to build a more peaceful and harmonious global community.

2022杨浦一模英语范文 篇二

The Benefits of Volunteering Abroad

Volunteering abroad has become a popular choice for individuals looking to make a positive impact on the world while gaining personal growth and development. In this article, we will explore the benefits of volunteering abroad and why it is an experience worth pursuing.

Firstly, volunteering abroad allows individuals to make a difference in the lives of others. Whether it is teaching English to children in a rural village or building homes for families in need, volunteering abroad provides an opportunity to contribute to a cause greater than oneself. The impact of these efforts can be life-changing for both the volunteers and the communities they serve.

Secondly, volunteering abroad offers a chance to develop new skills and gain valuable experience. Many volunteer programs provide training and support to help volunteers succeed in their roles. This hands-on experience allows individuals to develop skills such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills can be transferable to various aspects of life and can enhance personal and professional growth.

Furthermore, volunteering abroad provides a unique cultural immersion experience. Volunteers have the opportunity to live and work in a different country, experiencing its customs, traditions, and way of life. This exposure to a different culture fosters a greater understanding and appreciation for diversity. It also helps to break down barriers and stereotypes, promoting a more inclusive and interconnected global community.

Additionally, volunteering abroad allows individuals to build meaningful connections and friendships. Volunteers often work closely with local communities and form bonds that can last a lifetime. These connections not only enrich the volunteer experience but also provide a network of support and friendship. Volunteering abroad is an opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and establish global connections.

In conclusion, volunteering abroad offers numerous benefits, both for the volunteers and the communities they serve. It provides an opportunity to make a positive impact, develop new skills, immerse oneself in a different culture, and build meaningful connections. Volunteering abroad is a transformative experience that can broaden horizons and inspire individuals to become active global citizens. It is an experience that is worth pursuing for personal growth, cultural exchange, and making a difference in the world.

2022杨浦一模英语范文 篇三


30题:It was a cold winter's night. It ________ but it was very windy. 在这里,强调的是一个寒冷的冬夜,没下雨,但是风却很大。是描述漫长的整个冬夜没下雨,用过去进行时,更能描述是一段时间内的某种状态,所以正确答案应该是wasn't raining。较多学生可能会看到过去式直接选didn't rain。

33题 Do you find ______ difficult to learn new skills like how to ride a skateboard? 此题要求对形式宾语的结构有所熟知,才能第一时间做出准确判断。由于形式主语和形式宾语等语法现象都属于比较抽象的难点,需要教师在平时的训练中加强频次,才能使更多的学生掌握此语法现象。

小猫钓鱼部分,第一部分的36空比较容易出错,文中提到,根据一项最新调查,狗会和人一样有妒忌心。In the study, two groups of dog owners were _________. 这里,正确答案为compared, 而干扰项competed用在这里,就在句子中看,也没啥问题,但是后续的文本没有出现任何竞争比赛的信息,所以这里不能选择competed。值得一提的是,在这个题型中,出现了如jealous behaviors、show affection toward、perform tricks、practice basic commands、love someone faithfully、feel loved等词汇,有些还是紧扣教材的,在做题寻求准确答案的同时,认真有效地掌握并巩固这些词汇,对后续英语学习是很有帮助的。

词汇与句型转变题型,没有偏题难题,只要学生认真做,基本还是没问题的。对于某些做题不够动脑筋的孩子,像51题If they _____, the machines of the future will have longer and healthier lives. (success), 很多学生会想当然填succeeded, 因为平时词性转换考过去时的情况太普遍了,而在此处往往会忽略“主将从现”的时态规则。同理,57题:Could you tell me _______the show department ____ on this floor. 第二空,很多学生也可能会想当然把上面题干的is在这里改为was, 忽略了Could 在这里只是表委婉,而不是过去时。

To be continued...?


2022杨浦一模英语范文 篇四






2022杨浦一模英语范文 篇五

杨浦卷的听力部分,语言丰富,与初三上学期的牛津教材结合紧密,出现了大量有难度,但是又是紧扣教材的语言,如:Sound effects can bring your story to life. The kidnappers are playing cards to kill the time. 等鲜活有趣的语言;I can’t wait for the Winter Olympics to begin. 则紧跟时事,与时俱进。

在听力第二大题中,出现了较多需要学生进行推断的试题,极大考验了学生的当场反应能力。如第7小题,当男人问女人抢劫案事发当天女人在哪里时,女人回答I won’t say anything until I’ve called my lawyer. 男人回答You can go home if you answer my question.,需要学生根据听到的内容推断对话双方的人物关系。对学生的理解和推断能力都有较高要求。而第8小题到第10小题中出现的a wavy line、wide open eyes、hair standing on end、wait for ages、have the receipt等较高难度的词汇,则提醒学生认真学习并牢固掌握初三上学期教材内容的重要性。

听力第三大题判断正误部分,我们从一位女士与Shawn的谈话中,可以推断出这是餐厅经理找男招待解决顾客投诉的一次谈话。我们从经理的描述中,不难发现那位女顾客的无理取闹和耀武扬威的嘴脸。快把汉堡吃完了,却对男招待提出了:退全款,提供一个免费汉堡和当面道歉的三个要求,并扬言如果不按要求做,就会在自己社交媒体上向5000个粉丝(followers) 披露此事。在了解事情真相后,这位经理的处事也是比较成熟周全的,在满足无理顾客前两个要求的同时,公司出面给她写道歉信,并赠送一些优惠券(coupons)。既解决了争端,又保护了手下员工的积极性。最后男招待也接受了经理的处理意见,并作出了Sorry for causing trouble的反应,解决了这起投诉事件。此话题也链接了教材第三单元“Complaining and responding to complaints”的话题。

杨浦卷的第四大题听力,则是介绍了丹麦(Denmark)首都哥本哈根 ( Copenhagen /?k??p?n?he?g?n/ )的诺雷布罗(Norrebro)区的Superkilen公园。在这个居住区,居民来自世界各地,公园为迎合他们种类繁多的背景,里面的设施也具有多国特色。整个公园分成红、黑、绿三部分,各部分有着不同的特色和功能,正是由于这个公园有着这么多不同的特色,所以呈现出了一种国际化的味道。填空部分,考察了学生日期的写法,还有几处需要用名词的复数形式,如:various backgrounds、 lovely chairs等。本题还考到了walking pets的结构,同学们平时比较熟悉遛狗walk the dog,但是对于“遛动物”这个结构未必很熟悉。

2022杨浦一模英语范文 篇六








