
时间:2013-09-07 04:13:34
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关于交通的英语句子 篇一

Title: The Importance of Traffic Education


Traffic education plays a crucial role in ensuring road safety and reducing accidents. It is important for individuals to understand the rules and regulations of the road, as well as the potential consequences of reckless behavior. In this article, we will explore the significance of traffic education and the impact it has on society.


1. Traffic education promotes safe driving habits:

- By teaching individuals about road signs, traffic rules, and safe driving practices, traffic education helps in fostering a responsible and cautious approach towards driving.

- It educates individuals about the importance of following speed limits, using seat belts, and avoiding distractions, such as texting while driving.

2. Traffic education reduces accidents:

- Lack of proper education about traffic rules and regulations can lead to reckless driving, resulting in an increased number of accidents.

- By providing comprehensive traffic education, individuals become more aware of the potential risks and consequences of their actions, leading to a decrease in accidents.

3. Traffic education creates a culture of respect:

- Understanding and adhering to traffic rules promotes a culture of respect towards other road users.

- Traffic education teaches individuals to be considerate towards pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers, ensuring a harmonious and safe traffic environment.

4. Traffic education instills lifelong skills:

- Traffic education not only benefits individuals in their immediate driving skills but also provides them with lifelong knowledge and skills that can be applied to various situations.

- These skills include defensive driving techniques, decision-making abilities, and the ability to assess and manage risks on the road.


Traffic education is essential in promoting road safety, reducing accidents, and creating a culture of respect among road users. By providing individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills, traffic education plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of both drivers and pedestrians. It is crucial for governments and educational institutions to prioritize traffic education to create a safer and more responsible society.

关于交通的英语句子 篇二

Title: The Future of Transportation: Advancements and Challenges


Transportation is an integral part of our daily lives, and as technology continues to advance, the future of transportation holds immense possibilities. In this article, we will discuss the advancements and challenges that lie ahead in the field of transportation.


1. Advancements in electric vehicles:

- Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as a sustainable mode of transportation.

- The development of more efficient batteries and charging infrastructure has contributed to the growth of EVs, reducing carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

2. Autonomous vehicles:

- The rise of autonomous vehicles has the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry.

- Self-driving cars can enhance road safety, reduce traffic congestion, and provide mobility solutions for the elderly and disabled.

3. High-speed rail:

- High-speed rail networks are being developed in various countries, offering a faster and more sustainable alternative to air travel.

- These networks reduce travel time between cities, promote economic growth, and minimize carbon emissions.

4. Challenges:

- The implementation of new transportation technologies faces challenges such as infrastructure development, regulatory frameworks, and public acceptance.

- Ensuring the safety and security of autonomous vehicles, as well as addressing ethical concerns, remains a significant challenge.

5. Sustainable transportation:

- As the world faces the consequences of climate change, sustainable transportation solutions are crucial.

- Encouraging the use of public transportation, cycling, and walking can reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions.


The future of transportation holds great potential with advancements in electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, high-speed rail, and sustainable transportation solutions. However, challenges such as infrastructure development, regulation, and public acceptance need to be addressed. By embracing these advancements and addressing challenges, we can create a future of transportation that is safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly.

关于交通的英语句子 篇三

1. 没有红灯停,哪来绿灯行。

2. 宁走千步远,不冒一步险。

3. artery traffic 交通干线

4. zebra stripes 斑马线

5. 遵守交通法规,平安与你同在。

6. 不要在离河太近的'地方玩,以防掉进河里。

7. 维护交通安全,关爱生命久远。

8. 穿越马路,要听从交通民警的指挥;要遵守交通规则,做到“绿灯行,红灯停” 。

9. 主语就是句子中动作的发出者,宾语就是动作的接收者,谓语就是动作。

10. is it direct train?直通车么?

11. red light 红灯

12. 恪守交规,法律为您生命护航。

13. 一日安全一日新,天天安全值万金。

14. Normally, the transportation system in Paris carries 950,000 passengers a day.

15. 行车走路讲安全,文明交通靠大家。

16. Traffic into London on the M11 was backed up for several miles.

17. no turns 不准掉头

18. lane auxiliary 辅助车道

19. 大家小家是一家,交通安全靠大家。

20. 心无交规,路有坎坷。

21. 遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。

22. two-way traffice 双车道

23. 安全是最大的节约,事故是最大的浪费。

24. 制度不全,事故难免。

25. 遵守交规,储蓄安全。

26. 不要翻越道路中央的安全护栏和隔离墩。

27. narrow road 窄路

28. 路好车好安全最好,慢行快行平安就行。

29. can i stop over the way?我能中途下车么?

30. 开车不喝酒,酒后不开车。

31. 走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中。

32. 生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。

33. I will confirm it tomorrow,thanks.

34. 道路连者你和他,安全系着千万家。

35. 处罚违章不留情,看似无情最深情。

36. single line 单行线

37. 跨入校园,好好学习;走出校门,好好走路。

38. 在道路上行走,要走人行道;没有人行道的道路,要靠路边行走。

39. The heavy traffic was re-routed past my front door.

40. 乱穿马路最危险,文明行路保安全。

41. loop 回路

42. amber light 黄灯

43. 道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。

44. 守法才能平安,平安才能回家。

45. 文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱。

46. 离交通安全法近,距交通事故远。

47. no through traffic 禁止通行

48. Right here in the parking lot. It was parked right here in your left rearview mirror was smashed.

49. Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.

50. 走路时,不要边走边玩,也不要边走边看书。

51. 安安安全出车去,平平安安回家来。

52. mark car stop 停车标志

53. During the evening rush hour it was often solid with vehicles.

54. turn right 右转

55. 超车超速痛快一时,酿成车祸悔恨一生。

56. 十次肇事九次快,莫和死神去比赛。

57. Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.

58. 安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随。

59. I had to drive eight miles at rush hour.

60. resume speed 恢复速度

61. Tom's 就是个所有格。

62. The traffic in this city never lets up, even at night.

63. 音乐,人类的灵魂,只有懂得音乐的人才懂得生活。

64. private car park 停私人车

65. Skiing weekends cost £58 (exclusive of travel and accommodation).

66. parking place 停车处

67. traffic police 交通警

68. traffic regulation 交通规则

69. 行人过路要小心,提前准备防万一。

70. 道路连着千万家,安全连着你我他。


