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六年级英语下册句子表 篇一



其次,句子表还包含了一些常用的短语和句子,如问候语、道歉语、感谢语等。这些短语和句子在日常交流中非常常见,学生掌握了它们可以更好地与他人交流。例如,问候语如“Hello!”和“Good morning!”可以用于打招呼,道歉语如“I'm sorry.”可以用于表达歉意,感谢语如“Thank you.”可以用于表达感谢之情。通过句子表的学习,学生可以学会正确地使用这些短语和句子。



六年级英语下册句子表 篇二







六年级英语下册句子表 篇三

1. you always know the right thing to say.(你总是说话得体!)

2. Tom jumps as far as Mike. (改为否定句)

3. He often cleans his bedroom. (改为一般疑问句)

4. It is a fine day today. (改为感叹句)

5. Too much pudding will choke a dog. 布丁太多噎死狗。

6. 知识点:

7. Mary can fly. (变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

8. the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. try to look on the bright side of things. 凡事想开点。

9. I get to the shopping centre by bus. (对画线部分提问)

10. I get up at six thirty every day. (用yesterday afternoon替代every day)

11. I could kill you! 我宰了你!

12. That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall.那是这个厅里的恐龙。

13. 重点短语:

14. How heavy are you ?你有多重? I'm 48 kilograms .我体重48公斤。

15. 情态动词can在一般过去时中的变化:

16. I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely.不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你

17. The boy can jump higher than the girl. (改为否定句)

18. I like collecting stamps and singing. (改为否定句)

19. don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

20. The children have school today. (改为否定句)

21. 第一名:祝你以后的日子节节高!另:毕业考试时你问我那道题,我终于想出来了,现把答案写给你(注:此处省略十六道公式及若干文字)

22. What 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论身体上的病痛:--- What's the matter? --- My +身体器官 + is / are + sore. / My + 身体器官 + hurt / hurts. / I have a + 有关病痛的词组。例:

23. He did his homework in the classroom. (改为否定句)

24. They are our women doctors. (变为单数)

25. She does housework at the weekends. (改为否定句)

26. A与B比较的句子结构:A+be动词+形容词比较级+than+B.

27. erful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!

28. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

29. Did you do anything else? 你还做了其他什么事情吗?

30. you have to believe in yourself . that’s the secret of success.(charles chaplin , american actor )只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老

31. 一般过去时标志性词语有:

32. one today is worth two tomorrows.

33. How tall are you ?你有多高? I'm metres.我身高米。

34. love never dies. 爱情永不死。

35. Did you see a film ? 你看*了吗?

36. 重点句式:

37. Where did you go yesterday ?——I went to a park .昨天你去哪儿了?我去公园了。

38. My sister is thirty kilos. (对画线部分提问)

39. My mother is watering flowers in the garden. (对画线部分提问)

40. patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。

41. within you i lose myself, without you ifind myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

42. meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man、 优雅地迎接成功,勇敢地面对挫折。

43. we cannot always build the future for our youth,but we can build our youth for the future.我们不能总是为我们的青年造就美好未来,但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。

44. Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy Christmas.全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。

45. Give the purse to me. (换一种说法,句意不变)

46. Liu Tao needs some pencils. (改为否定句)

47. Turn right at the third crossing. (改为否定句)

48. do you have any brothers or sisters 你有兄弟或姐妹吗?

49. The policeman caught the thief. (改问正在进行时)

50. It always rains in summer there. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)

51. She is an English girl. (变为复数)

52. Wang Bing is heavier than Gao Shan. (对画线部分提问)

53. Are you right ?——I'm OK now .你还好吧?我现在没事了。

54. summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.

55. thanks anyway. 无论如何我还是得谢谢你。

56. ?-I went to Sanya with my family .我和家人一起去三亚。3它看起来像头骡子。. It looks like a mule !4你们去吐鲁番了吗?-. - Did you go to Turpan ?是的,去了。-Yes, we did .5你们怎么去的?. -How did you go there ?我们坐飞机去的。-We went there by plane .听上去不错。-Sounds great .饭厅grassUnit 4 Then and now dining halllast year去年last month上个月go cycling之前草坪g

57. where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.家是我们所爱的地方,双脚可以离开,心却不能。

58. 形容词变为比较级的变化规则:

59. just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

60. Do you like spring? (加上winter 改为选择疑问句)

61. Only fantasy and action, can never realize the joy of harvest.只会幻想而不行动的人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。

62. I like autumn best. (改为否定句)

63. How can I get to the supermarket? (改为同义句)

64. often by those i ignore, only in lost just know that is the most precious.往往被我忽视的那些,只有在失去了才知道那是最珍贵的。

65. 少?- -Im 48 kilograms .我体重48公斤。 Your feet are bigger than mine .你的脚比我的大。3clean my room cleaned my roomUnit 2Last weekend衣服打扫房间wash my clothes - washed my clothes 洗read a book - read abook看书see a film saw a film看电have a cold had a cold感冒sleep slept睡觉last weekend上周末last night昨晚last Mondaystay at home -

66. all the same 仍然,照样的

67. Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:

68. It is hot in summer in New York. (对画线部分提问)

69. 译文:成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。

70. Liu Tao drew some pictures yesterday. (改为否定句)

71. Go along this street. (改为否定句)

72. It's taller than both of us together .它比我们俩加在一起还高。

73. How did you go there ?——We went there by plane .你们怎么去的?我们坐飞机去的。

74. I like playing volle

yball. (改成第三人称单数he)

75. I see a man behind me. (改为一般过去时)

76. Su Yang is asking Ben some questions. (对画线部分提问)

77. Yes ,I cleaned my room and washed my clothes .是的,我打扫了房间并且洗了衣服。

78. It was good/fine/ok ,thank you !很好,谢谢!

79. 比较级,用来对自己和他人的身体特征进行比较:--- You are + 形容词的比较级 + than me. --- I'm + 形容词的比较级 + than you. 例:

80. Did you go to Turpan ?——Yes ,we did .你们去吐鲁番了吗?是的,我们去了。

81. David and Mike are going to planting trees this afternoon.(对画线部分提问)

82. 单位超过1时,要把单位变为复数:

83. Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one.懦弱的人只会裹足不前, 莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡

84. Please turn off the light. (改为否定句)

85. It looks like a mule .它看起来像头骡子。

86. Are they American cars? (改为单数)

87. nd ? Did you see a film? 上周末干什么了?你看电影了吗?-No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.没有,我感冒了。整个周末都待在家里睡觉。Unit 3Where did you go ?ride a horse 骑马 rode a horseride a bike 骑自行车 rode a bike去野营 went campinghurt my footgo camping脚受伤 hurt my foot去钓鱼 went fishingeat fresh foodgo fishing吃新鲜的食物 a

88. work makes the workman.勤工出巧匠。

89. What size are your shoes ?你穿多大号的鞋?

90. You xxx!你这杂种!

91. Nancy usually reads magazines. (改为过去时)

92. 部分形容词比较级的不规则变化:good/well—better


