
时间:2016-08-04 02:30:48
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英语范文初中珍惜粮食作文 篇一

Don't Waste Food!

Food is essential for our survival. As the saying goes, "Food is the paramount necessity of the people." However, it is alarming to see the amount of food wasted around the world. We must learn to cherish and appreciate the food we have, and make efforts to reduce food waste.

Firstly, wasting food is a tremendous waste of resources. Producing food requires a significant amount of energy, water, and land resources. When we waste food, we are essentially wasting these valuable resources as well. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), it is estimated that one-third of the food produced for human consumption is wasted globally every year. This not only puts a strain on our natural resources but also contributes to environmental problems such as deforestation, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

Secondly, wasting food has serious economic implications. When we throw away food, we are essentially throwing away money. In many countries, people work hard every day just to put food on the table. Wasting food is not only disrespectful to their efforts but also contributes to the rising food prices. Moreover, food waste also leads to financial losses for businesses in the food industry. By reducing food waste, we can save money for ourselves and for the society as a whole.

Lastly, wasting food has ethical implications. While we enjoy the privilege of having access to abundant food, there are still millions of people around the world who suffer from hunger and malnutrition. According to the World Food Programme (WFP), around 690 million people go to bed hungry every night. By wasting food, we are essentially turning a blind eye to their plight. It is our moral responsibility to ensure that food is distributed more equitably and not wasted.

To address the issue of food waste, we need to take action at various levels. Firstly, we should start with ourselves by being mindful of our food consumption. We should only take what we can eat and avoid overeating. Planning meals in advance and making a shopping list can also help us to avoid buying more than we need. Additionally, we should support initiatives that aim to reduce food waste, such as food banks and community kitchens.

In conclusion, we must all recognize the importance of cherishing and appreciating the food we have. Wasting food not only harms our environment, but also has economic and ethical implications. By taking action to reduce food waste, we can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.

英语范文初中珍惜粮食作文 篇二

The Role of Education in Reducing Food Waste

Food waste is a global problem that requires collective efforts to address. One important aspect in tackling this issue is education. By incorporating lessons on food waste and its consequences into the school curriculum, we can raise awareness among students and empower them to make responsible choices regarding food consumption.

Education plays a crucial role in shaping young minds and instilling values and habits. By teaching students about the impact of food waste on the environment, economy, and society, we can help them develop a sense of responsibility and empathy towards others. They will understand that wasting food not only harms the environment but also contributes to hunger and inequality in the world.

Furthermore, education can provide practical knowledge and skills to reduce food waste. Students can learn about proper food storage, meal planning, and portion control. They can also be taught creative ways to use leftovers, such as turning them into new dishes or composting them for fertilizer. By equipping students with these skills, we are empowering them to take action and make a difference in their own lives and communities.

In addition to classroom education, schools can also implement practical measures to reduce food waste. For example, cafeterias can adopt practices such as trayless dining, where students only take what they can eat, or offering smaller portion sizes to reduce food waste. Schools can also establish partnerships with local food banks or community organizations to donate excess food instead of throwing it away.

Beyond the school environment, education on food waste can also be promoted through public campaigns and media. Government and non-governmental organizations can collaborate to raise awareness through advertisements, social media campaigns, and community events. These initiatives can reach a wider audience and engage the public in the fight against food waste.

In conclusion, education plays a vital role in reducing food waste. By incorporating lessons on food waste into the school curriculum and promoting awareness campaigns, we can empower students to make responsible choices regarding food consumption. Through education, we can create a generation of conscious individuals who will work towards a more sustainable and equitable world.

英语范文初中珍惜粮食作文 篇三

It's said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” ---- Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, & Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute. He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute. In the 1960s, when China was suffering serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield. Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, & was honored by UNESCO & FAO. Although he is 70 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.

——珍惜粮食的优秀作文 (菁选3篇)

英语范文初中珍惜粮食作文 篇四

Today, I just had a meal, came out from the dining room, I saw a little boy with a steamed stuffed bun, bite, casually throwing, I saw the scene quickly ran past, to advise the little boy. _Kid, what grade are you?_ _I am the fourth grade, what will you do?_ _You shouldnt throw away didnt eat steamed stuffed bun! Food because it is!_ _I want to throw them, dont you tube!_ _You say that is wrong, because they are farmers face upwards toward the loess back, cultivates crops._ _Im full, and then eat sick. Besides I throw the steamed stuffed bun pass you what matter, is a dog with mouse meddling!_ _You say that is wrong, the usefulness of food can be large, as the saying goes,_ man is iron, meal is steel, a meal not eat hungry. food besides can eat, can also do wine, monosodium glutamate. If money is a treasure, food is the treasure of the treasure. Now life although good, but also can not waste! If we waste a day a steamed stuffed bun, how many baozi there all that day how much waste, waste a year how many dumplings? Its start from the minor matter, waste is a waste of money, do you know how much parents earn money not easy?_ _I was wrong, I never not waste things!_ _I hope you do as you say, goodbye!_

Through this thing I realized people waste too much, now I also have done such a thing, such as have something to buy, and buy something deliberately broke. I must get rid of the bad habits, no longer a waste things!



英语范文初中珍惜粮食作文 篇五

Land resources we are now facing a very important problem, that is, the pressure of population on the land, or in other words, the pressure of land resources is increasing rapidly. Most people think that this is a serious problem, because land resources are limited. Although land has been the main source of food supply for a long time, we do not have to be pessimistic about it.

There are still many problems in the world What a vast sea area awaits our cultivation and development. Fish farming is playing an increasingly important role in providing food because we can sow and harvest fish and plants in the sea. Another thing we can do is to cultivate new varieties.

Many scientists have achieved good results in this regard. For example, a new maize variety invented by American scientists has produced more food and envisioned a huge increase in world food production. To be sure, further research is needed in order to obtain higher yield.




英语范文初中珍惜粮食作文 篇六

Many countries in the world are faced with the problems of an increasing population and a shortage of food.

There are a number of possible solutions to the problem, but none of them is easy. Firstly, governments could discourage people from having large families. Why not have just one child?

Secondly, farming methods in those countries are very simple and often inefficient. If the people bought new agricultural machinery, modernized their farming methods and developed more land, they might soon produce enough food for their needs.

Thirdly, many countries have natural resources such as oil, wood or iron. These could be exported so that food could be imported.

All of these possible solutions simplify the problem. But they show that, if people mean to solve the problems of increasing population and food shortages, there are ways of doing it.


