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八年级上册英语最高级句子 篇一

In the 8th grade English textbook, students are introduced to the concept of superlatives. Superlatives are used to describe the highest degree or quality of something. In this article, we will explore various examples of superlative sentences in the 8th grade English textbook.

One of the first examples of a superlative sentence in the textbook is "She is the tallest girl in the class." This sentence uses the superlative form of the adjective "tall" to describe the girl who is the tallest among all the girls in the class.

Another example is "The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world." This sentence uses the superlative form of the adjective "long" to describe the Great Wall of China as the longest wall out of all the walls in the world.

Furthermore, the textbook provides examples of superlative sentences using irregular forms of adjectives. For instance, the sentence "He is the best player on the team" uses the superlative form of the adjective "good". Similarly, the sentence "It was the worst movie I've ever seen" uses the superlative form of the adjective "bad".

In addition to adjectives, superlative sentences can also be formed using adverbs. For example, the sentence "She runs the fastest out of all the athletes" uses the superlative form of the adverb "fast" to describe the girl who runs at the highest speed among all the athletes.

Moreover, the textbook includes examples of superlative sentences that compare two or more things. For instance, the sentence "Elephants are bigger than horses" compares the size of elephants and horses, stating that elephants are bigger.

Overall, the 8th grade English textbook provides students with a wide range of examples of superlative sentences. By understanding and using superlatives correctly, students can enhance their English language skills and effectively describe the highest degree or quality of something.

八年级上册英语最高级句子 篇二

In the 8th grade English textbook, students are introduced to the concept of superlatives. Superlatives are used to describe the highest degree or quality of something. In this article, we will explore various examples of superlative sentences and discuss their importance in effective communication.

One of the examples of a superlative sentence in the textbook is "She is the smartest student in the class." This sentence uses the superlative form of the adjective "smart" to describe the girl who is the smartest among all the students in the class. By using superlatives, we can clearly convey the message that she possesses the highest level of intelligence in comparison to her classmates.

Another example is "This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted." This sentence uses the superlative form of the adjective "delicious" to describe the cake as the most delicious one the speaker has ever tasted. By using superlatives, we can express our opinion and emphasize the exceptional quality of something.

Furthermore, superlative sentences allow us to compare and contrast different things or people. For instance, the sentence "London is the busiest city in the world" compares the level of busyness in London to that of all other cities in the world. Superlatives help us highlight the distinctiveness of a particular subject in comparison to others.

Moreover, superlative sentences are important in storytelling and descriptive writing. They add depth and vividness to our narratives, making them more engaging and captivating. For example, the sentence "The sunsets in Santorini are the most breathtaking sights I have ever witnessed" creates a powerful image in the reader's mind, enhancing the overall reading experience.

In conclusion, the study of superlative sentences in the 8th grade English textbook plays a crucial role in developing students' language skills. Superlatives allow us to express the highest degree or quality of something, compare and contrast, and create vivid descriptions. By mastering the use of superlatives, students can enhance their communication abilities and effectively express their thoughts and opinions in English.

八年级上册英语最高级句子 篇三

1. C.

2. (1)比较级:It'sabitlikemyhouse,onlynicer

3. 他在同学中是最高的。

4. 我会尽力展现一些成都的魅力,哪怕是最细枝末节的部分

5. 他放声高唱。

6. The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.

7. “the+比较级,the+比较级”,译为“越…越…。”

8. 对不起,我得走了。

9. H。

10. hborhood! How do you like it so far? Greg: Its fantastic, but I still dont really know my way around. Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there. Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cinema around here? Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sit the

11. 同时,我们强烈建议你们永远不要放松你们的警惕,因为直到我们除去黑暗者之前,他们会继续尽最大努力使我们正在一起做的工作失败。

12. 他们在努力争取胜利。

13. Y.

14. TP.

15. 重要的是尽快将它完成。

16. 形容词/副词比较级+than+ any other+单数名词(+介词短语)”表示“比同一范围的任何一个人/物都……”,含义是“最……”。

17. W.

18. 天气越来越凉爽。

19. 他昨天尽力赶上公共汽车。

20. N.

21. “两者之间更……的那一个”:主语+be+the+比较级+of the two

22. He is the tallest in our class .

23. P.

24. H.

25. He is the cleverest boy in my opinion.

26. He runs fastest in the race.

27. 疑问词+助动词+主语+动词原形+be(+the)+最高级+甲,乙or丙?

28. Youaretallerthanme.

29. 我们将在下一次会议上进一步讨论这个问题。

30. H.他试图用刀子打开箱子.

八年级上册英语最高级句子 篇四

1. 比较级

2. 这山顶终年积雪。

3. 这队一连五次取得胜利。

4. E.

5. 风变得越来越大。

6. 你将很快适应学生生活。

7. I’.

8. 刚才冒犯了你,请原谅。

9. 用于修饰比较级程度的副词:a little, a bit, a lot, much, even, still, far, rather, any.

10. M.

11. 天越来越长。

12. 抱歉,我想知道所有这些和我们有什么关系。

13. big:

14. 西瓜比苹果大得多。

15. 主语+实义动词+(the)+副词最高级+in/of短语

16. “最……的其中之一”:one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数。

17. 把它放在最上层的抽屉里

18. 他的书包在同学中是最大的。

19. 她最大的好处就是从不批评我们。

20. thin:

21. 她的离去对公司是个巨大的损失。

22. ItrymybesttolearnEnglishwell.我尽力学好英语。

23. 他把箱盖揭掉.

24. Changjinhu is the most impressive film this year.

25. 什么也无法动摇我队会获胜的信念。

26. The longest river in China is Changjiang river .

27. 主语+be+the+形容词最高级+in/of短语

28. 我会尽力展现一些成都的魅力,哪怕是最细枝末节的部分。

29. 在某些学校中存在着失败文化。

30. 制定一个对公司和个人都有利的薪酬计划。

31. YEnglishwell.

32. this is one of the most famous people here.这是这人最有名的人。

33. “the+比较级+of the two……”表示“…是两者中较…的”

34. “越……,越……”:the more+形容词,the more+形容词

35. i think the white cat is the most beautiful one of all.我觉得白色的猫是所有里面最漂亮的一只。

36. the most important thing is the data.最重要的是数据.

37. “主语+动词+ one of the+形容词最高级


38. 你们的文明将为我们服务!

39. (2)最高级:Thisthree-storeybuildinginChinamaybetheworld'sthinnest.

40. It is the most delicious meal I have ever had.

41. You'.

42. (1)比较级:Heistallerthanher.

43. 塔位于山顶上。

44. H?

45. 《汉英大词典》

八年级上册英语最高级句子 篇五

1. 保罗在考试中名列前茅.

2. 我们不得不迅速适应新制度。

3. (2)最高级:H.

4. 这座新楼比那座旧楼高三倍。

5. A.

6. AndI,.

7. successful英[s?k?sesfl]美[s?k?s?sf?l]adj.成功的,如愿以偿的;[例句]O.我们的目标应该是成功的同时过得开心。

8. Do you know which mountain is the highest one?

9. 这有点像我的房子,只是更为漂亮


11. F.

12. 是的,我年长的年龄在等式中起到了作用,部分是由于我无法迅速地获取信息。

13. whorunsthefastest

14. 我希望这件事尽快完成。

15. 他们来自完全不同的文化。

16. 他有足够的时间看这本书

17. 现代计算机能迅速处理大量的信息资料。

18. 他比他父亲高出半头.

19. 序数词+最高级

20. 他爬到了小山顶.

21. Excuseme,butI.

22. 他的书包比我的大。

23. O.

24. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》

25. 他有足够多的作业做

26. 你比我更高大。

27. 地铁方面表示,将加大对一号线设备的检修力度,尽最大努力减少同类故障的再次发生。

28. 请原谅,打扰您了。

29. (2)最高级:T.


