
时间:2018-07-08 08:25:17
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小学英语对话类作文范文 篇一

Title: A Trip to the Zoo

Lucy: Hi Tim, do you want to go to the zoo with me this weekend?

Tim: Sure, that sounds like a great idea! What time should we meet?

Lucy: Let's meet at the entrance at 9 o'clock in the morning. Don't forget to bring your camera!

Tim: Okay, I'll set my alarm and pack my camera. I'm really excited to see all the animals.

Lucy: Me too! I've heard that the zoo has a new lion cub. I can't wait to see it.

Tim: Yeah, and I want to see the elephants too. They're my favorite!

Lucy: We can also see the monkeys, giraffes, and penguins. It's going to be so much fun!

Tim: Definitely! I think we should bring some snacks and drinks so we can have a picnic in the zoo.

Lucy: Great idea! I'll pack some sandwiches and fruit. What about you?

Tim: I'll bring some chips and juice boxes. We can share them during our picnic.

Lucy: Perfect! It's going to be a wonderful day. I'm glad we're going together.

Tim: Me too. It's always more fun to explore new places with a friend.

Lucy: See you on Saturday, Tim. Don't forget to wear comfortable shoes!

Tim: I won't forget. See you then, Lucy!

(Word count: 200)

小学英语对话类作文范文 篇二

Title: A Birthday Party

Amy: Hi Sarah, guess what? It's my birthday next week, and I'm having a party!

Sarah: That's awesome, Amy! I'd love to come. When is the party?

Amy: It's on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 pm. Can you make it?

Sarah: Yes, I can! I'll mark it on my calendar so I don't forget.

Amy: Great! It's going to be a pool party, so bring your swimsuit and towel.

Sarah: I'll remember to pack them. Are we going to have any games at the party?

Amy: Yes, we'll have a water balloon toss, a relay race, and a diving contest.

Sarah: That sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to join in the games.

Amy: And we'll also have a birthday cake and some snacks for everyone to enjoy.

Sarah: Yummy! I'll bring a present for you too. What do you want for your birthday?

Amy: You don't have to bring anything, but if you insist, I love arts and crafts.

Sarah: Okay, I'll get you some art supplies. It'll be a surprise!

Amy: Thank you, Sarah. I'm so excited for my birthday party. It's going to be the best!

Sarah: I'm excited too. I'm glad I get to celebrate with you, Amy.

Amy: See you on Saturday, Sarah. Get ready for lots of fun!

Sarah: I will. See you then, Amy!

(Word count: 212)

小学英语对话类作文范文 篇三

Title: Helping a Friend

One day, Tom saw his friend, Lisa, sitting alone on a bench looking sad. He decided to go and talk to her.

Tom: Hi, Lisa. What's the matter? You look upset.

Lisa: Oh, hi Tom. I lost my favorite book. I can't find it anywhere.

Tom: Don't worry, Lisa. I'll help you look for it. Where did you last see it?

Lisa: I think I left it in the classroom during lunch break.

Tom: Okay, let's go there and search for it together.

They went to the classroom and started looking for the book. They checked every corner, under desks, and inside shelves.

Tom: Lisa, I found your book! It was under your chair.

Lisa: Oh, thank you, Tom! I looked there, but I didn't see it. You have such good eyes.

Tom: It's no problem. I'm glad I could help you find it.

Lisa: You're such a good friend, Tom. I don't know what I would do without you.

Tom: That's what friends are for, Lisa. We help each other when we need it.

Lisa: I'll always be there for you too, Tom. Thank you again for finding my book.

Tom: You're welcome, Lisa. Anytime you need help, just let me know.

They smiled at each other and continued their day with a renewed sense of friendship and support. Tom was happy that he could make Lisa feel better by helping her find her lost book.

小学英语对话类作文范文 篇四

I am in the fifth grade, I study Chinese, math and English. My teachers leave many homework every day. After school, I stay in school doing homework about one hour. I go back home, after I eat my supper, I start doing homework again. I often sleep at eleven o’clock in the evening, because I have so many homework.


小学英语对话类作文范文 篇五

My best friend is Mary. She is a pretty and friendly girl. She is talented because she is good at many things. She can sing well and she can dance. She is really an active girl in our class. And she gets along well with me. I love her very much. I sincerely hope that we are best friends forever.

小学英语对话类作文范文 篇六

Rosie: Sorry, I overslept. My clock didn't go off this morning.


Francie: Again?


Rosie: That's right, even though I did set the alarm last night.


Francie: Your clock never works. Perhaps you should buy a new one.


Rosie: Well, if it breaks down again tomorrow, I'll definitely buy a new one.


Francie: Maybe by then it'll be too late.


Rosie: What do you mean “too late”?


Francie: By that time you'll be fired.



