
时间:2017-07-09 06:11:45
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篇一:The Future World

The year was 3020. The world had undergone tremendous changes since the 21st century. Technology had advanced beyond imagination, and the human race had achieved feats once thought impossible. In this future world, robots and artificial intelligence were an integral part of everyday life.

Every household had a personal robot, programmed to cater to the needs of its owners. These robots could cook, clean, and even provide companionship. They were designed to look and behave like humans, with emotions and personalities of their own. It was not uncommon to see people forming close bonds with their robotic companions, treating them as members of the family.

Transportation had also evolved. Flying cars dominated the skies, making traffic congestion a thing of the past. These cars were powered by renewable energy sources, eliminating the need for fossil fuels. Magnetic levitation technology allowed for high-speed trains that traveled at incredible speeds, reducing travel time between cities significantly.

The healthcare system had also seen remarkable advancements. Medical nanobots were injected into the bloodstream to detect and treat diseases at the cellular level. These tiny robots could repair damaged tissues and even reverse the aging process. Diseases that were once considered incurable had become a thing of the past.

Education had transformed as well. Virtual reality classrooms had replaced traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Students could immerse themselves in realistic simulations, exploring historical events or even traveling to distant planets. The possibilities were endless, and education had become more engaging and interactive than ever before.

However, with all the advancements, there were also challenges. The rapid progress of artificial intelligence had raised concerns about the future of human jobs. Many feared that robots would replace human workers, leading to widespread unemployment. Efforts were made to retrain and reskill the workforce, ensuring that humans could adapt to the changing job market.

Despite these challenges, the future world was a testament to human ingenuity and progress. It was a world where dreams were turned into reality, where the boundaries of what was possible were constantly pushed. And as the human race continued to evolve, it was clear that the future held even more remarkable possibilities.

篇二:The Dystopian Society

In the year 2100, the world had fallen into a dystopian society. The once thriving cities were now desolate wastelands, ruled by oppressive regimes. Technology had been weaponized, and the divide between the rich and the poor had grown exponentially.

In this dystopian society, surveillance was pervasive. Citizens were constantly monitored, their every move tracked and scrutinized by the government. Privacy was nonexistent, and dissent was met with severe punishment. People lived in fear, afraid to speak out against the regime for fear of reprisal.

The environment had suffered irreversible damage. Pollution had reached alarming levels, and natural resources were scarce. The air was toxic, and the water contaminated. The effects of climate change were felt everywhere, with extreme weather events becoming the new norm.

Education was only accessible to the elite. The majority of the population was denied the opportunity to learn and better themselves. The ruling class wanted to maintain their power and control, and education was seen as a threat to their authority.

Technology, once hailed as a tool for progress, had become a weapon of oppression. Artificial intelligence and robots were used to enforce the regime's rule, suppressing any form of dissent. The lines between man and machine had blurred, as humans were increasingly replaced by their robotic counterparts.

Despite the bleakness of this dystopian society, there were pockets of resistance. Underground movements fought against the regime, striving for freedom and equality. These rebels used technology to their advantage, harnessing its power to spread their message and organize protests.

The future seemed uncertain, but there was hope. The human spirit was resilient, and the desire for freedom could not be extinguished. The dystopian society served as a reminder of the importance of preserving democracy and protecting individual rights. It was a warning to the present generation to take action and prevent such a future from becoming a reality.

In conclusion, the dystopian society portrayed a world where humanity had lost its way. It was a cautionary tale, urging us to be vigilant and proactive in shaping the future. Only through unity and the preservation of our values could we ensure a brighter and more equitable tomorrow.

写科幻的作文范文英语 篇三

Isaac Asimov Asimov) American Jew, a young biochemist who left Russia to come to the United States when he was a child. He devoted himself to writing and became one of the most prolific writers in the world. He is one of the top science fiction writers in this century.

This won the Hugo prize and the nebula lifetime achievement award on behalf of science fiction. His name is called _Asimov's_ Science Fiction Magazine _is now considered one of the best-selling science fiction magazines.


艾萨克·阿西莫夫·艾萨克·阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)犹太人,童年时离开祖国俄罗斯来到的生物化学青年,他全身心投入写作,成为世界上最多产的作家之一,远近闻名,是本世纪最顶尖的科幻作家之一,这位代表科幻小说获得雨果奖和星云终身成就奖的最高荣誉,他的名字被称为“阿西莫夫的科幻杂志”,现在被认为是最畅销的科幻文学杂志之一。

写科幻的作文范文英语 篇四





















写科幻的作文范文英语 篇五

科学家准备让所有地球人移民,因为这个地球实在是太脏了,没法呆下去.科学家启动了各国的航天飞机和宇宙飞船,装着80多亿人,以最快的速度向新地球驶去.到了目的地,新地球果然同最初干净美丽的地球一模一样.为了区分,人类把这个新的星球命名为天球,他们开始幸福地生活、繁衍.然而,没过一百年,人类又像对待地球那样对待天球:大肆捕杀珍贵保护动物,滥砍滥伐森林;建造了数不清的农药厂、发电厂、水泥厂……这些工厂排放出大量的污水废气,天球的臭氧层越来越稀薄,加上太阳黑子的频繁活动,臭氧层受到大规模破坏.一条条清澈的河流变得混浊不堪,一片片绿色的森林变成了茫茫沙漠,北极的冰川融化速度加快,每年至少有一个地势低的国家被海水淹没 这时,人类才觉醒,可惜已经迟了,科学家无论用什么手段都无济于事,看来,局面到了无法挽回的地步了.有些家伙还无所谓,认为天球脏了,大不了再换一个星球居住.但是,悲哀的是,整个宇宙仅有两个地球,并不是所有的星球都是适合人类生存的家园.又过了五十年,被人类糟蹋得不成样子的天球突然爆炸,人类也从此灭亡了.

写科幻的作文范文英语 篇六

摘 要:介绍了英语课堂教学的四条准则,指出英语教学不可脱离系统的教材,既要激发学生学习兴趣,也要加强训练,达到提高课堂效率、减轻学生课业负担的目的。




听说读写活动要在已有的能力基础上进行。已有的知识的基础要扩大,使学生获得新知识。因此,研究教材的内在联系,要考虑学生的能力,以旧引新,以新联旧,知识和能力层层铺垫。例如listening,discussion or survey都紧紧围绕一个主题展开,有关于动物保护的、关于环保的、关于科幻的、关于服装的,每一主题的各环节都紧紧联系,为学生充分展开话题、培养语言能力提供了丰富的知识载体。









