try to describe a famous person in c(经典3篇)

时间:2017-07-09 01:14:46
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try to describe a famous person in c 篇一

Cristiano Ronaldo: A Legend on and off the Pitch

Cristiano Ronaldo, the renowned Portuguese footballer, is not only a superstar on the football field but also a symbol of inspiration and determination. Born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Ronaldo's journey to success is a testament to his incredible talent, hard work, and unwavering dedication.

On the pitch, Ronaldo's skills are unparalleled. He possesses lightning-fast speed, impeccable ball control, and a powerful shot. These attributes, combined with his exceptional athleticism, have earned him numerous accolades throughout his career. Ronaldo has won the prestigious FIFA Ballon d'Or award five times, cementing his status as one of the greatest footballers of all time.

Off the pitch, Ronaldo's charisma and philanthropy have endeared him to millions around the world. He is actively involved in charitable endeavors and has donated millions of dollars to various causes, including children's hospitals, cancer research, and disaster relief efforts. Ronaldo's generosity and willingness to give back to society showcase his compassionate nature and deep-rooted desire to make a positive impact.

Beyond his sporting achievements and charitable work, Ronaldo's dedication to self-improvement is truly remarkable. He is known for his relentless training regime, which includes honing his skills, maintaining peak physical fitness, and constantly pushing his limits. Ronaldo's work ethic is an inspiration to aspiring athletes and serves as a reminder that success is not solely based on talent but also on the willingness to put in the hard work and sacrifice necessary to achieve greatness.

In addition to his athletic prowess, Ronaldo's marketability and brand have made him a global icon. His handsome looks, charismatic personality, and impeccable fashion sense have landed him numerous endorsement deals with top brands such as Nike, Tag Heuer, and Armani. Ronaldo's ability to transcend the world of sports and captivate audiences across various industries is a testament to his universal appeal and immense popularity.

In conclusion, Cristiano Ronaldo is much more than a footballer. He is an embodiment of perseverance, compassion, and determination. His extraordinary talent, philanthropic efforts, and relentless pursuit of excellence have made him a role model for millions worldwide. Whether it is on the pitch, in his charitable endeavors, or as a global ambassador, Ronaldo continues to inspire and leave a lasting impact on those who admire him. He truly is a legend, both on and off the pitch.

try to describe a famous person in c 篇二

Albert Einstein: The Genius Behind the Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein, the German-born physicist, is widely regarded as one of the greatest minds in human history. Born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany, Einstein revolutionized the world of science with his groundbreaking theories and profound insights.

Einstein's most famous achievement is his theory of relativity, which fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, and gravity. His equation, E=mc2, is perhaps the most well-known scientific formula and represents the equivalence of mass and energy. This theory laid the foundation for modern physics and earned Einstein the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

However, Einstein's contributions to science extend far beyond the theory of relativity. He made significant advancements in various fields, including quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and the study of light. His numerous scientific papers and discoveries have had a lasting impact on physics and continue to shape our understanding of the universe.

Beyond his scientific achievements, Einstein's unique personality and philosophical insights have captivated the world. He was known for his wit, humility, and unconventional thinking. Einstein's views on topics such as politics, religion, and education have inspired people to question the status quo and think critically about the world around them.

Despite his immense intellect, Einstein remained humble and approachable. He believed in the importance of sharing knowledge and encouraging scientific curiosity in others. Throughout his life, he mentored and collaborated with numerous scientists, fostering a spirit of collaboration and intellectual growth.

Einstein's legacy extends beyond the realm of academia. His advocacy for peace, human rights, and social justice made him a symbol of wisdom and moral integrity. He used his platform to speak out against injustice and worked tirelessly to promote a more inclusive and equitable society.

In conclusion, Albert Einstein's contributions to science and humanity are immeasurable. His theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of the universe, while his philosophical insights continue to inspire and challenge us. Einstein's pursuit of knowledge, humility, and commitment to making the world a better place are a testament to his enduring legacy. He will forever be remembered as a genius, a visionary, and a champion of scientific progress and human rights.

try to describe a famous person in c 篇三

try to describe a famous person in china

Lu xun(鲁迅)

Lu Xun was born in Shaoxing, in Zhejiang province, into an impoverished but educated gentry family. He received a traditional education before he attended Jiangnan Naval Academy (1898-99) and School of Railway and Mines (1899-1902) in Nanjing. In 1902 went to Japan where he studied Japanese language and then medicine at Sendai Provincial Medical School. In 1906 he dropped out of the school to devote himself entirely to writing. He studied privately and returned in 1909 to China. In 1910-11 he was a teacher in Shaoxing. From 1912 to 1926 he held a post in the ministry of education in Beijing. He was Chinese literature instructor at National Beijing University (1920-26), and also taught at Xiamen (Amoy) University (1926) and University of Canton (1927).

He is a short-story writer, essayist, critic, and literary theorist who is considered one of the greatest figures in the 20th-century Chinese literature. In the West Lu Xun is chiefly known for his stories, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. Lu Xun's acclaimed short stories appeared in three collections between the years 1923 and 1935. He also produced sixteen volumes of essays, reminiscences, prose poetry, historical tales, some sixty classical-style poems, and a dozen volumes of scholarly research, and numerous translations.

The collected works of Lu Xun in twenty volumes was first

published in 1938. Lu Xun's work is still widely read in China. In his lifetime Lu Xun managed to maintain his status as an independent but leftist artist, but since his death political factions have been slightly nervous about his legacy

try to describe a famous person in c(经典3篇)

