
时间:2014-02-01 04:30:38
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选秀节目英语作文带翻译 篇一

Title: The Popularity and Controversy of Talent Shows


Talent shows have become increasingly popular in recent years, attracting millions of viewers worldwide. These shows provide a platform for aspiring singers, dancers, and other performers to showcase their talents and potentially launch a successful career in the entertainment industry. However, the rise of talent shows has also sparked controversy regarding their authenticity and impact on the participants. This essay will explore the popularity and controversy surrounding talent shows.


1. Popularity of talent shows:

Talent shows have gained immense popularity due to several reasons. Firstly, they offer a unique form of entertainment that appeals to a wide range of audiences. The suspense and excitement of witnessing contestants' performances and the anticipation of who will be crowned the winner make these shows highly engaging. Additionally, talent shows often feature well-known judges and celebrity guest appearances, further attracting viewers.

2. Platform for aspiring talents:

One of the main advantages of talent shows is that they provide a platform for aspiring talents to showcase their abilities. Many contestants dream of launching a successful career in the entertainment industry, and talent shows offer them a chance to be discovered by industry professionals. These shows often have a large viewership, which can increase the exposure and recognition of participants, leading to potential opportunities for their future careers.

3. Controversy surrounding talent shows:

Despite their popularity, talent shows have faced criticism and controversy. One of the main concerns is the authenticity of the competition. Some viewers question whether the contestants' performances are entirely genuine or if they are staged for dramatic effect. Moreover, the focus on dramatic backstories and emotional narratives can overshadow the actual talent, leading to accusations of manipulation and exploitation of participants for entertainment purposes.

4. Impact on participants:

Another controversial aspect of talent shows is the psychological impact on participants. The intense pressure to perform and the fear of rejection can have detrimental effects on contestants' mental well-being. Additionally, the sudden fame and public scrutiny that comes with appearing on a talent show can be overwhelming and difficult to handle, especially for young participants.


Talent shows have become a global phenomenon, captivating audiences with their thrilling performances and inspiring stories. While they provide a valuable platform for aspiring talents, the authenticity of these shows and their impact on participants have been questioned. It is essential for talent shows to strike a balance between entertainment and fairness to ensure the well-being of participants while continuing to captivate audiences.

选秀节目英语作文带翻译 篇二

Title: The Influence of Talent Shows on Popular Culture


Talent shows have become a significant influence on popular culture, shaping trends and preferences in the entertainment industry. These shows not only showcase the talents of aspiring performers but also have a profound impact on the music, fashion, and overall cultural landscape. This essay will explore the influence of talent shows on popular culture.


1. Music industry:

Talent shows have had a transformative effect on the music industry. Winners and finalists of these shows often receive recording contracts and gain instant fame, leading to the release of successful albums and singles. The exposure gained through talent shows has propelled many artists to stardom, revolutionizing the way music is discovered and promoted. Additionally, talent shows have introduced new genres and styles of music to a wider audience, expanding the diversity of popular music.

2. Fashion and style:

Talent shows have also influenced fashion and style trends. Contestants often display unique and trendy outfits, which are quickly adopted by viewers and fans. The judges and hosts of these shows are often fashion icons themselves, setting trends and inspiring fashion choices among the audience. The popularity of talent shows has given rise to a new generation of fashion influencers and has made the fashion industry more accessible to aspiring designers.

3. Cultural impact:

Talent shows have a significant cultural impact, reflecting societal values and preferences. The success stories and journeys of contestants often resonate with viewers, creating a sense of connection and empathy. These shows have the power to shape public opinion and influence societal attitudes towards certain types of talents and performances. Furthermore, talent shows have become a shared cultural experience, with people discussing and analyzing performances, creating a sense of community and shared interest.

4. Global reach:

One of the most remarkable aspects of talent shows is their global reach. Shows like "American Idol," "Britain's Got Talent," and "The Voice" have franchises in numerous countries, allowing talents from different cultures and backgrounds to be discovered and showcased on an international stage. This global exposure not only benefits the individual contestants but also promotes cultural exchange and appreciation.


Talent shows have emerged as a powerful force in shaping popular culture. From influencing the music industry to setting fashion trends and reflecting societal values, these shows have become an integral part of our cultural landscape. As talent shows continue to evolve and adapt to changing times, their influence on popular culture will undoubtedly continue to grow.

选秀节目英语作文带翻译 篇三



  With a success of a “Super Girl” show a few years ago, a growing number of “Super Girl” or “Super Boy” have been springing up in our country. Accordingly, a large number of young people swarm into taking part in this kind of shows. Concerning with this phenomenon, people have different opinions.


  For one thing, some people sing high praise of it because they consider this kind of shows as another chance to be famous. Some parents also argue that it is a good chance for youngsters to display their ability and personality. Some also point out thatyoungercan broaden their horizon and increase their social contact through these shows.


  However, for another, those people who hold perse views figure that it is not a rational choice for those who have no talent in the fields; on the contrary, taking part in these shows will increase their family financial burden and wasting their time. The worst thing is that some young people give up their studies to attend these shows and that will depress them a lot if they were lost in the shows.



  Taking the above into account, I consider that people should think twice before they act, especially those who have no any talents in this field and those whose families are not so rich. But at the same time, I advocate that those who have some talents in singing or acting or other things can make a try.



