中秋节快乐 英文【推荐3篇】

时间:2018-02-09 08:18:42
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中秋节快乐 英文 篇一

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday that is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. It is a time for families to gather together, appreciate the full moon, and enjoy delicious mooncakes.

The origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival can be traced back to ancient times. Legend has it that there was a beautiful woman named Chang'e who drank a magical elixir and flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people believe that Chang'e's presence is strongest and they pay tribute to her by offering fruits and mooncakes.

Mooncakes are the most iconic food of the Mid-Autumn Festival. These round pastries are filled with various sweet or savory fillings such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, or salted egg yolks. They are not only delicious but also carry special meanings. The round shape symbolizes completeness and reunion, while the egg yolks represent the full moon.

In addition to mooncakes, there are many other traditional activities that take place during the Mid-Autumn Festival. One popular activity is lantern making and lighting. Children often make colorful lanterns in the shape of animals or characters and bring them out to the streets at night. This creates a beautiful spectacle of illuminated lanterns filling the night sky.

Another common tradition is the lion dance. Dancers wearing lion costumes perform acrobatic moves to the beat of drums and cymbals. This lively performance is believed to bring good luck and fortune to the community.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, families come together to enjoy a feast and appreciate the beauty of the full moon. It is a time for expressing gratitude and love for one another. The festival also serves as a reminder of the importance of family and the value of togetherness.

In recent years, the Mid-Autumn Festival has gained popularity beyond China and is celebrated by people from various cultural backgrounds. It has become a way to promote cultural exchange and understanding. Many cities around the world organize Mid-Autumn Festival events, featuring traditional performances, food stalls, and lantern displays.

As we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, let us embrace the spirit of unity and harmony. May the full moon bring us joy, happiness, and blessings. Wishing you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

中秋节快乐 英文 篇二

Mooncakes: The Sweet Delight of the Mid-Autumn Festival

One of the most cherished traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the consumption of mooncakes. These delectable pastries are not only delicious but also hold deep cultural significance.

Mooncakes are round pastries with a rich, dense filling surrounded by a thin, tender crust. The fillings can vary, but some popular choices include lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and salted egg yolks. The intricate designs on the crust, often depicting the moon or flowers, add to the beauty of these delicacies.

The history of mooncakes can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) in China. During this time, the Chinese people were under the rule of the Mongolians. The Chinese used mooncakes as a means to secretly plan a rebellion against their Mongolian rulers. They embedded messages inside the mooncakes, urging people to rise up against the oppressors. This clever strategy eventually led to the successful overthrow of the Mongolian regime.

Today, mooncakes are not only a symbol of rebellion but also a symbol of unity and togetherness. They are often given as gifts to friends, family, and business associates during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The act of sharing mooncakes represents the wish for harmony and prosperity.

In addition to the traditional fillings, modern mooncakes come in a wide variety of flavors and styles. Some popular variations include snow skin mooncakes, which have a soft and chewy texture, and ice cream mooncakes, which are a refreshing twist on the traditional treat. These innovative creations have attracted a younger audience and brought new excitement to the festival.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a time for creativity and innovation in mooncake designs. Bakeries and hotels compete to create the most unique and visually stunning mooncakes. From intricate patterns to unconventional flavors, there is no limit to the creativity that can be displayed in these edible works of art.

While mooncakes are undoubtedly delicious, they are also quite calorie-dense. It is not uncommon for a single mooncake to contain several hundred calories. Therefore, it is important to enjoy them in moderation and balance them with a healthy diet and exercise.

As we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, let us savor the sweetness of mooncakes and appreciate the artistry behind their creation. May these delectable treats bring joy and happiness to your celebration. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

中秋节快乐 英文 篇三

1 Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.


2 East or west, home is best.


3 The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.


4 Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.


5 When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.


6 My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.


7 To have a m

oonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.


8 Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children? Best wishes for you!


9 Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?


10 Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.


天上有个月,水中有个月,我这儿也有个月。Sky One, the water there, I also have here months. 为送礼!For gifts! 现将月饼放在水中,用月光返照原理速递过来。 Now the cakes on the water, with penetration of courier from the moonlight. 祝中秋节快乐,月圆人更圆! I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, one more round full moon!

[中秋节快乐 英文]

中秋节快乐 英文【推荐3篇】

