
时间:2012-03-09 02:33:32
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圣诞节的来历英文中文简介 篇一

The Origin of Christmas


Christmas is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the world. It is a time of joy, love, and giving, and is often associated with the birth of Jesus Christ. But where did this holiday originate from? Let's delve into the history of Christmas and discover its roots.


The celebration of Christmas dates back to the 4th century when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine. However, the origins of Christmas can be traced back even further to ancient pagan celebrations.


In ancient Rome, the festival of Saturnalia was held in late December to honor the god Saturn. This festival was characterized by feasting, gift-giving, and the lighting of candles. It was a time of merriment and revelry, where social norms were temporarily suspended.


As Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, the church sought to incorporate these pagan traditions into their own celebrations in order to help convert people to Christianity. By associating the birth of Jesus with the existing pagan festivities, the church hoped to make Christianity more appealing and accessible to the masses.


By the 5th century, December 25th was widely recognized as the birthdate of Jesus Christ. However, it is important to note that the exact date of Jesus' birth is not mentioned in the Bible, and there is ongoing debate among scholars regarding the true date. It is believed that December 25th was chosen to coincide with the pagan festival of Saturnalia, as well as the Roman celebration of the birth of the sun god, Sol Invictus.


Over the centuries, Christmas traditions evolved and were influenced by different cultures and customs. The Christmas tree, for example, is believed to have originated in Germany in the 16th century. Today, it is a staple decoration in many households around the world during the holiday season.


In conclusion, while Christmas is primarily a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus, its origins can be traced back to ancient pagan celebrations. Through the centuries, these traditions have evolved and been adopted by various cultures, creating the diverse and joyous holiday we know today.


圣诞节的来历英文中文简介 篇三



