
时间:2019-03-03 01:31:27
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国庆节英语作文范文 篇一

Celebrating National Day

National Day, also known as the Chinese Independence Day, is one of the most important holidays in China. It is celebrated on October 1st every year to commemorate the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. This holiday is a time for people to reflect on the achievements of the country and to express their love and pride for their homeland.

On National Day, there are various activities and events held throughout the country. The most significant event is the grand military parade held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. This parade showcases the strength and unity of the Chinese armed forces. People from all over the country gather in front of their televisions to watch this spectacular display of military power.

Apart from the military parade, there are also cultural performances, fireworks displays, and flag-raising ceremonies held in different cities. People dress in their best clothes and gather with family and friends to enjoy the festive atmosphere. The streets are decorated with red flags and lanterns, symbolizing good luck and prosperity. Many people also take this opportunity to travel and explore different parts of the country.

During National Day, it is common for people to show their national pride by wearing clothes and accessories with the national flag. They also sing patriotic songs and recite poems about the beauty of their country. Schools organize special programs where students learn about the history and significance of National Day. It is a time for people of all ages to come together and celebrate their shared identity as Chinese citizens.

In addition to the celebrations, National Day is also a time for reflection. It is a time to remember the sacrifices made by the founding fathers of the country and to appreciate the progress that has been made over the years. It is a time to think about the future and how each individual can contribute to the development of the nation.

In conclusion, National Day is an important holiday in China that brings people together to celebrate their country and its achievements. It is a time for people to express their love and pride for their homeland. Whether through grand parades or small family gatherings, National Day is a time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future.

国庆节英语作文范文 篇二

Traveling during National Day

National Day is a time when people have a week-long holiday to relax and enjoy themselves. It is also an opportunity for many people to travel and explore different parts of the country. Traveling during National Day has become a popular tradition among Chinese people.

During the National Day holiday, popular tourist destinations are crowded with travelers. People flock to famous landmarks such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors. It is a chance for people to learn about the history and culture of their country while enjoying the beauty of these historic sites.

In recent years, more and more people have chosen to travel to less well-known places during National Day. They seek to escape the crowds and discover hidden gems off the beaten path. Some people prefer to go hiking in the mountains or take a leisurely bike ride along the countryside. These alternative forms of travel allow people to connect with nature and experience a different side of China.

Traveling during National Day also provides an opportunity for families to spend quality time together. Parents take their children on trips to theme parks, zoos, and amusement parks. It is a time for families to bond and create lasting memories. Many people also take this opportunity to visit their hometowns and reunite with relatives they haven't seen in a long time.

Although traveling during National Day can be fun, it also comes with its challenges. The large number of tourists can result in crowded transportation and long queues at popular attractions. It is important for travelers to plan their trips in advance and be prepared for the crowds. Patience and flexibility are key to enjoying a smooth and stress-free journey.

In conclusion, traveling during National Day is a popular tradition in China. It is a time for people to relax, explore, and create lasting memories with their loved ones. Whether visiting famous landmarks or discovering hidden gems, traveling during National Day is a chance for people to appreciate the beauty and diversity of their country.

国庆节英语作文范文 篇三

The National Day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a country. Often the National Day will be a national holiday.

The National Day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. Other dates such as the country's patron saint day, or a significant historic date are sometimes used. Most countries have a single National Day per year, though a few,

for example, India and Pakistan, have more than one. Besides that, each of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China, namely Hong Kong and Macao, celebrate the day of the establishment of the special administrative region, as well as the National Day of the People's Republic of China.

The importance attached to the National Day, and the degree to which it is celebrated, vary enormously from country to country. In France, for example, National Day is 14 July and is known as Bastille Day.

It is widely celebrated and the French Tricolour is much in evidence, while the President of the Republic attends a military parade on the Champs-lysées of Paris. In the United States, the Fourth of July celebrations are widely celebrated with fireworks and barbecues.

In the Republic of Ireland, St. Patrick's Day, March 17, has been the National Day and a Public Holiday for many years, and in recent years it has been observed as a full Public Holiday in Northern Ireland too. However, in the rest of the United Kingdom the constituent countries' patron saints' days are low-key affairs.

Most countries have a fixed date National Day, but some have movable dates. An example here is Jamaica, which celebrates its National Day on the first Monday in August. This commemorates independence from the United Kingdom which was attained on Monday, 6 August 1962 - the first Monday in August of that year. Another example is Thailand which celebrates the birthday of the King on 5 December. This date will change on the accession of the heir to the throne.

国庆节英语作文范文 篇四

The National Day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a country.(国庆节)Often the National Day will be a national holiday.

The National Day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. Other dates such as the country's patron saint day, or a significant historic date are sometimes used. Most countries have a single National Day per year, though a few, for example, India and Pakistan, have more than one. Besides that, each of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China, namely Hong Kong and Macao, celebrate the day of the establishment of the special administrative region, as well as the National Day of the People's Republic of China.

The importance attached to the National Day, and the degree to which it is celebrated, vary enormously from country to country. In France, for example, National Day is 14 July and is known as Bastille Day. It is widely celebrated and the French Tricolour is much in evidence, while the President of the Republic attends a military parade on the Champs-élysées of Paris.

In the United States, the Fourth of July celebrations are widely celebrated with fireworks and barbecues. In the Republic of Ireland, St. Patrick's Day, March 17, has been the National Day and a Public Holiday for many years, and in recent years it has been observed as a full Public Holiday in Northern Ireland too. However, in the rest of the United Kingdom the constituent countries' patron saints' days are low-key affairs.

Most countries have a fixed date National Day, but some have movable dates. An example here is Jamaica, which celebrates its National Day on the first Monday in August. This commemorates independence from the United Kingdom which was attained on Monday, 6 August 1962 - the first Monday in August of that year. Another example is Thailand which celebrates the birthday of the King on 5 December. This date will change on the accession of the heir to the throne.

国庆节英语作文范文 篇五

Recently, every morning when I wake up, I find my air-conditioner automatically turned off. I didnt understand why at first, but soon I learned that there is a great shortage of electricity supply in our citymy air-conditioner turned off because of a power failure midnight.

With the rapidly developing industry and the ever increasing population, demand for electricity supply is soaring. Besides, summers in recent years are much hotter than before, so most working places and households are air-conditioned, which consumes additional electricity.

Faced with such a hard nut, we have to find ways to crack it. Above all, in western areas of China, there is surplus of electricity supply. So, cities that are thirsty for electricity may ask for remote help. Then, when we have electricity, we should remember to save it. Set your air-conditioners at 270C and you wont feel less comfortable than when they are at 260C. In fact, some factories already shift their working hours to avoid the peak time of electricity-consuming. My parents dont work from Monday through Friday as beforethey work from Sunday through Thursday and have/take the following two days off instead. This is also a way out, isnt it?

国庆节英语作文范文 篇六

China, what a beautiful name! It's true that there are billion Chinese people living in this magical land. They are diligent, tenacious and, more importantly, they have an indomitable spirit! It is also in this magical land that the Great Wall will be continuous, just like a crouching dragon. The rolling Yangtze River and Yellow River will flow continuously, feed the Chinese people for generations, and make our motherland richer and stronger day by day!

What God has given China is actually fair. God gave China the war of resistance against Japan, but let us see the founding ceremony. Since then, China has written a new page in reform and opening up. God gave China ice and snow disaster, but let us see the feat of soldiers rushing to the front line to shovel snow and remove ice. God made Wenchuan, China suffer a great earthquake, but let us see the great unity and harmony of the Chinese people who are indomitable and fearless of disasters, which moved the world. Then, China won an opportunity to host the world Olympic Games, which let us see the enthusiasm, kindness, positive quality and indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation!

China, it shocked the world. The world is better because of China!

Chinese history is ancient and civilized, and Chinese culture has a long history. Now China has begun to rise. It has already broken out of the shackles of tradition and broken the ideological cage of feudalism. It is advancing towards a humanistic society and ! A great man once said, xxxChina is like a sleeping lion. Once it wakes up, it will stir the whole world!xxx Yes, I believe, and all Chinese people also believe that China will take off!

Whenever I look at the five-star red flag flying on the playground, my heart is as surging as the sea. I believe that the Chinese people will deeply love their motherland, because the motherland has nurtured us, and we have witnessed the greatness of the motherland. Counting by pinching fingers, the motherland has been established for 70 years. For a person, it is already an old age. However, for China, just as children thrive, China will never grow old. It will always be vigorous and grow healthily under the moisture of spring rain, the sunshine of summer sun, the wind of autumn and the fragrance of winter plum. China has a long way to go in the future, just like a roc about to spread its wings and fly. China will be brave to break through!

China, I'm proud of you! I am proud that I am Chinese! I feel happy that I was born in China!


