
时间:2015-08-07 07:25:29
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Television的初三英作文 篇一:The Influence of Television on Teenagers

Television plays a significant role in the lives of teenagers. It has become an integral part of their daily routines and has a profound impact on their behavior, attitudes, and opinions. While television can offer educational and informative content, it also has its drawbacks. In this essay, we will explore the influence of television on teenagers and discuss both the positive and negative aspects.

Firstly, television provides a wide range of educational programs that can enhance teenagers' knowledge and understanding of various subjects. Documentaries, science shows, and historical dramas offer valuable information and insights, making learning more engaging and accessible. Furthermore, educational channels like National Geographic and Discovery inspire teenagers to explore the wonders of the world and develop an interest in different fields.

In addition, television can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for teenagers. Many reality shows and talent competitions showcase individuals who have achieved success through hard work and dedication. These programs can inspire teenagers to pursue their dreams and strive for excellence in their chosen fields. Moreover, television dramas and movies often depict relatable characters and storylines that resonate with teenagers, enabling them to empathize with others and gain a deeper understanding of human emotions and experiences.

However, television also has its negative influence on teenagers. Excessive television viewing can lead to sedentary lifestyles and a lack of physical activity. This can contribute to health issues such as obesity and poor cardiovascular health. Furthermore, the portrayal of violence, sex, and substance abuse in some television programs can desensitize teenagers and distort their perception of reality. They may develop unrealistic expectations about relationships, body image, and lifestyles, which can negatively impact their self-esteem and mental well-being.

To mitigate the negative influence of television, it is essential for parents and educators to encourage teenagers to watch programs that are educational, informative, and age-appropriate. Setting limits on screen time and encouraging them to engage in physical activities, hobbies, and social interactions can help maintain a healthy balance in their lives. Additionally, promoting critical thinking and media literacy skills can enable teenagers to analyze and evaluate the content they consume, empowering them to make informed decisions and avoid harmful influences.

In conclusion, television has a significant impact on teenagers, both positive and negative. While it can provide educational content and inspire teenagers, it can also lead to sedentary lifestyles and distort their perception of reality. By promoting responsible television viewing and cultivating critical thinking skills, we can ensure that teenagers benefit from the positive aspects of television while minimizing its negative influence.

Television的初三英作文 篇二:The Evolution of Television: From Black and White to High Definition

Television has come a long way since its inception, evolving from black and white screens to the vibrant high-definition displays we enjoy today. This essay will explore the technological advancements that have shaped the television industry and discuss the impact of these changes on our viewing experience.

In the early days of television, screens were limited to black and white images. Despite the lack of color, this technology revolutionized entertainment and brought the world into people's living rooms. Families gathered around their televisions to watch news broadcasts, sports events, and popular television shows. The introduction of television brought about a sense of unity and connectedness, as people shared the same experiences and discussions about the programs they watched.

As technology progressed, color television was introduced, allowing viewers to experience a more immersive and visually appealing viewing experience. The vibrant colors added depth and realism to the content, making it more engaging and captivating. This advancement further solidified television as a primary source of entertainment and information in households around the world.

In recent years, the advent of high-definition television (HDTV) has revolutionized the way we watch television. HDTV offers superior picture quality, with sharper resolution, richer colors, and enhanced clarity. This technology provides a more lifelike and immersive viewing experience, allowing viewers to feel as if they are part of the action. From sporting events to nature documentaries, HDTV has transformed the way we perceive and appreciate visual content.

Furthermore, the evolution of television has not only impacted the quality of the picture but also the way we consume media. With the rise of streaming services and smart TVs, viewers now have access to a vast array of content at their fingertips. They can watch their favorite shows and movies on demand, pause and rewind live television, and even interact with the content through social media platforms. This shift in viewing habits has given viewers greater control over their television experience, allowing them to personalize and tailor their entertainment choices.

In conclusion, the evolution of television from black and white screens to high-definition displays has transformed the way we consume media and enhanced our viewing experience. From the sense of unity brought by the early days of television to the immersive and lifelike visuals offered by HDTV, technology has continually shaped and improved the television industry. As technology continues to advance, it will be fascinating to see how television evolves and continues to captivate audiences around the world.

Television的初三英作文 篇三


  With the development of imformation techology, ‘television’ has been the most important way which is tansmission of imformation. It’s a conveiniet way to see the things happened around the world.

  For most people, television is necessary in our daily life. You can learn more and more konwladge, see the outside world by watching TV. And there are many programmes that can make us smart on television. After hard work, we can relax by watching television. We can watch television whenever. For the children, it’s a good way to nicrease the enthusiasm on the science and let them grow up faster.

  But every coin has two side. As a new way, it’s also has shortcomings. If you watch TV not in you spare time, it will become a waste of time. It’s bad for our health to watch television more. If you. watch television so more, your vision will be made down by it. Before it inviet. We spend our free time with our family and friend. Nowdays, wo spend our time on TV. there such many bad progammes on television too. That let us be too lazy to work.

  In a word, television is necessary in life. But we must be restrained to watch television.


