
时间:2012-03-04 05:22:17
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初三毕业留言英文 篇一

Farewell to My Middle School Years

Dear classmates and teachers,

As we bid farewell to our middle school years, I cannot help but feel a mix of emotions. The past three years have been a rollercoaster ride filled with laughter, tears, friendship, and growth. We have shared countless memories and experiences together, and now it is time for us to move on to the next chapter of our lives.

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all our teachers. Thank you for your patience, guidance, and dedication in nurturing us. You have not only imparted knowledge but also instilled values and life skills that will stay with us forever. Your passion for teaching has inspired us to pursue our dreams and strive for excellence. We will always cherish the memories of your inspiring classes and the valuable lessons we have learned from you.

To my dear classmates, you are the reason my middle school years have been so unforgettable. From the first day of school, we embarked on this journey together, supporting and encouraging each other along the way. We have laughed together, cried together, and celebrated each other's successes. Through our shared experiences, we have formed a bond that will last a lifetime. As we part ways and pursue different paths, I am confident that each and every one of us will achieve great things.

Middle school has taught us more than just academic knowledge. It has taught us resilience, perseverance, and the importance of teamwork. We have learned to overcome challenges and push ourselves beyond our limits. We have discovered our strengths and weaknesses, and we have grown as individuals. As we enter high school, let us carry these lessons with us and continue to strive for personal and academic growth.

Finally, I want to remind all of us to never forget the memories we have created together. The laughter in the classrooms, the excitement during school events, and the friendships that have blossomed – all these moments have shaped us into who we are today. Let us treasure these memories and hold them close to our hearts as we embark on new adventures.

To conclude, I want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. Our middle school years may be coming to an end, but the friendships and memories we have made will last a lifetime. Let us embrace the future with open hearts and minds, ready to conquer new challenges and make a difference in the world. Congratulations to the Class of [year], and farewell to our middle school years!


[Your Name]

初三毕业留言英文 篇二

Embracing Change and Growth

Dear fellow graduates,

As we stand here on the cusp of our middle school graduation, I cannot help but reflect on the incredible journey we have been on. These past three years have been transformative, challenging, and filled with countless opportunities for growth. Now, as we prepare to take the next step in our educational journey, let us embrace the change and continue to strive for personal and academic growth.

Middle school has been a time of discovery and self-exploration for all of us. We have had the chance to explore various subjects, discover our passions, and develop new skills. Whether it was excelling in math, discovering a love for art, or participating in sports, we have all found something that ignites our passion. Let us carry this enthusiasm and curiosity as we enter high school, ready to explore even further and broaden our horizons.

Change can be intimidating, but it is through change that we grow. The transition from middle school to high school signifies a new chapter in our lives. It is an opportunity to step out of our comfort zones, challenge ourselves, and discover new strengths. Let us not be afraid to take risks and embrace the unknown. It is through these experiences that we will continue to learn and evolve as individuals.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible support system we have had throughout our middle school years. Our teachers, parents, and friends have been there for us every step of the way, offering guidance, encouragement, and love. Their unwavering support has been instrumental in our growth and success. Let us express our gratitude to them and continue to seek their guidance as we navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

Lastly, I want to remind all of us to cherish the friendships we have made. Middle school has been a time of forming deep connections and lifelong friendships. As we move forward, it is important to stay connected and support one another. High school may bring new faces and new experiences, but let us never forget the bonds we have formed here. These friendships will be a source of strength and support throughout our lives.

In conclusion, let us embrace the change and growth that lie ahead. High school will undoubtedly bring new challenges, opportunities, and experiences. Let us approach them with open minds, ready to learn, grow, and make a positive impact. Congratulations to each and every one of you on this milestone. Together, we can accomplish great things. Here's to the next chapter in our lives!

With warmest regards,

[Your Name]

初三毕业留言英文 篇三

  1.you helped me laugh

  you dried my tears

  because of you

  i have no fears

  together we live

  together we grow

  teaching each other

  what we must know

  you came in my life

  and i was blessed

  i luv you friend

  you are the best

  release my hand

  and say good-bye

  please my friend

  don't you cry

  i promise you this

  it's not the end

  'cause like i said

  you're my friend

  2.I wish for you…

  Comfort on difficult days

  Smiles when sadneintrudes

  Rainbows to follow the clouds

  Laughter to kiyour lips

  Sunsets to warm your heart

  Gentle hugs when your spirits sag

  Friendships to brighten your being

  Beauty for your eyes to see

  Confidence for when you're in doubt

  Faith so that you can believe

  Courage to know yourself

  Patience to accept the truth

  And love to complete your life.

  3. You're a very special person,

  And I want you to know.

  How I loved to be your teacher,

  How fast the weeks did go!

  Please come back to visit me

  As through the grades you grow,

  Try hard to learn all that you can

  There is so much to know!!

  The one thing I try to teach you

  To last your whole life through,

  Is to know that you are special

  Just because you are you!!!

  4.Forget about the days

  when it's b

een cloudy,

  but don't forget your hours in the sun.

  Forget about the times

  you've been defeated,

  but don't forget the victories you've won.

  Forget about the mistakes

  that you can't change now,

  but don't forget the lessons.

  Forget about the misfortunes

  you've encountered,

  but don't forget the times your luck has turned.

  Forget about the days

  when you've been lonely,

  but don't forget the friendly

  smiles you've seen……

  Forget about the plans

  that didn't seem to work out right,

  but don't forget to always have a dream


