
时间:2016-07-07 08:43:39
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Like many workers, Ivelisse Rivera, a physician at Community Health Center, Middletown, Conn., feels stressed-out by mounting workloads. And she didn’t expect to get much help during her employer’s annual staff meeting last November — just the usual speeches on medical issues. 像很多上班族一样,康涅狄格州Middletown市社区卫生中心的医生里韦拉(Ivelisse Rivera)被越来越多的工作压得喘不过气来,



Instead, she got a big dose of something new: Happiness coaching. Keynote speaker Shawn Achor — a former Harvard University researcher and former co-teacher of one of the university’s most popular courses, Positive Psychology — extolled 90 listening employees to shake off dark moods at work by practicing such happiness-inducing techniques as meditation or expressing gratitude.

但她获得了某种新颍的“药剂”:快乐指导(happiness coaching)。主旨发言人是曾在哈佛大学(Harvard University)做过研究员、并与人一起讲授该校热门课程“积极心理学”的阿克尔(Shawn Achor),



To her surprise, Dr. Rivera says, she drove home filled with thoughts about cheering up; ‘if I assume a negative attitude and complain all the time, whoev

er is working with me is going to feel the same way.’


Happiness coaching is seeping into the workplace. A growing number of employers, including UBS, American Express, KPMG and the law firm Goodwin Procter, have hired trainers who draw on psychological research, ancient religious traditions or both to inspire workers to take a more positive attitude — or at least a neutral one. Happiness-at-work coaching is the theme of a crop of new business books and a growing number of MBA-school courses.

快乐指导课程正在进入各种工作环境。越来越多的雇主都聘请了培训师,利用心理学研究成果、古代宗教传统或两者的融合,激励员工拥有一种更加积极的心态,或至少是一种不消极的心态。这些雇主包括瑞银(UBS),美国运通(American Express),毕马威(KPMG),以及律师事务所Goodwin Procter。针对上班族的快乐指导是一大批商业类新书的主题,也是越来越多MBA课程的主题。

