good friends

时间:2014-04-01 04:44:46
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good friends


1 .talk about friends and friendship,and learn to make apologies.

2. discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggestion solutions.

3. practice talking about likes and dislikes.

4. Learn to write an e-mail to find an e-pal.

生词(New lexis) :

1. From text : honest brave loyal wise

handsome smart argue classical fond

match mirror fry hammer saw rope movie

cast deserted hunt share sorrow feeling airplane

lie in speech adventure notebook error

2. Addition vocal : fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line

句型( structure) :直接引语和间接引语(1):


“I like reading adventure stories .”said John .

John said that he liked reading adventure stories.

“I don’t enjoy computers ,”Sarah said to her friend.

Sarah told her friends that she did’t enjoy computers. 2. 转述他人的疑惑—一般疑问句

“Ann ,have you seen my blue notebook ?”Peter asked.

peter asked Ann if she had seen his blue notebook.


“what differences does it make ?”Peter asked Jim .

Peter asked Jim what differences it made.


1.likes and dislikes :

he /she likes /loves … he /she is fond of …

my interests/favorites hobbies are reading and singing .

he /she don’t like …

he /she doesn't enjoy … he /she hates …

he /she thinks …is terrible /boring

2.making apologies :

you said that you would … why did’t /did you …?

you promised to …why did’t you …?

please forgive me .

I’m very sorry …it happened again .

I’m sorry I forget.

热身运动(Warming up) :make a discussion

what should a good friend be like ? What

qualities should a good friend have ? Should they be

funny ,smart or strong ? Use the words in the box

below to describe a 5-star friend . You can use other words in you like.

e.g. A: I think a friend should be kind.

B: A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

例如:A: I think a friend should be kind.

B: A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

Describe yourself in three words and then describe one of your

friends .

I think I am_______ ________and ________.

I think he/she is ________ ________and ________.

课前阅读(pre --reading):

Imagine that you are alone on an island .you have to survive without friends and all things you use in your everyday life. Which of the items in the box would be the most useful to you on the island ?list the three items and explain why you think they would be useful.

1.I think that________would be most useful, because I could use it_______ ,to_______and to________.

2.I also think that_______would be useful ,because I could use it to_______,to_______and _______.



In the movie cast away ,Tom Hanks plays a man named Chunk is a businessman who is always to busy that he has little time for his friends .He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the world .One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes ,

Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.

On the island ,Chuck has to learn to survive all alone .He has to learn to collect water , hunt for food ,and make fire .

perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends .In order to survive ,Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend------a volleyball he calls Wilson .

Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island .He realizes that he has’t been a very good friend because he was always been thinking about himself .During

his four years on the island ,Chuck learns how to be a good friend to Wilson .Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes fond of him ,he talks to him and treats to have someone to care about ,he also learns that he should have care more about his friends ,when he makes friends .when he makes friends with Wilson ,he understand that friendship is about feelings and that we must give as much as take.

A volleyball is certainly to unusual friend our friend . Most of friends are human beings ,but we also make friends with animals and even things .For example ,many of us have pets , and we all have favorite objects , such as lucky pen or diary . The lesson we can learn form Chunk and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers .Friends helps us understand who we are ,why we need each other and we can do for each other.


The movie stars Tom hanks and Helen Hunt and is directed by Robert Zemeckis (also directed of forest Gump).

Hanks plays Chunk Noland ,a workaholic Federal Express systems engineer ,who always lives by the clock . His fiancée is often neglected . On Christmas Day , he has a call and has to board a plane to Malaysia, leaving his fiancée . In a terrible storm ,his plane crashes over the south seas, killing the few on board with the exception of Chunk..

The place crash leaves chuck stranded on a deserted island for four years ,cut of from all the people and stripped of everyday day conveniences, he must first meet the basic needs of survival . He makes full use of the contents of the washed –up FedEx packages .in total solitude he makes he friends with a volleyball which is also washed ashore inside a FedEx package .He communicates with the volleyball , names it Wilson and even paints a face on it with his own blood ,almost making a ball as a real person with real feelings. After four years, Chuck returns to the civilization . He becomes transforms both physically and emotional .He realized that there is much more to life than work.


1.In the movie Cast Away Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland .在电影《荒岛余生》中,汤姆·汉克斯扮演一位名叫查克·若兰德的男子,play 在这里的意思是“扮演(角色)”=play the role / part ,act ,act the part / role of , take the part of . day chuck is an a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. 一天,查克飞越太平洋时,他的飞机突然因故障而坠毁了。

Crash : 1>vt&vi (使)猛撞;(使)坠毁,例如:

last night he was so drunk that he c

rashes his car into the iron railings.


we survived although others died in the air plane crash..在这次空难中,其它人都死了,只有我们几个侥幸逃生了。

3.chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island where there are no people .查克从灾难中逃生了,并且着落在一个荒芜人烟的荒岛上。

1>.desert .v. 遗弃,抛弃,离弃,例如:

he is so selfish that all friends have deserted him 他是如此的自私,以至他的朋友都抛弃了他。

2>desert .adj. 无人的,被抛弃的,被遗弃的;例如:

~island, ~street.

4.on the island ,Chuck has to learn to survive all alone.


alone 和lonely 的区别:


1> 当它做形容词时,只能做表语,表示“独自一人”表示的是客观状态,没有感情色彩;

2> 当它做副词时,意思是“独自,单独”,在名词或代词后时,意思为“只有(only)”


例句:1>. I am alone , but I don’t feel lonely .我是独自一人,但我不感到孤独。

2>.we have no idea why he left the company . Tom alone knows the secret.我们都不知道他为什么要离开公司,只有Tom 一人知道这个秘密。

3>.Chuck Noland lived alone on the lonely island for four years.查克·若兰德独自一人在荒岛上住了4年。

5.In order to survive ,Chuck developed a friendship with an unusual friend —a volleyball he calls Wilson.为了生存,查克和一个不平常的朋友发展了一段友谊—一个排球,他叫它威尔逊。

In order to … 引导一个表示目的的状语从句。意思为“为了…”

例句:He hurried through his homework in order to play football with other boys .为了和其他男孩踢足球,他匆匆忙忙的做完他的家庭作业。

有时还可以省略in order ,直接用不定式表示目的状语。如:

He hurried through his homework to play football with other boys .

in order to do 还可以用so as to 来代替,但是so as to 一般不能放在句首。

In order to do 的否定形式是 :in order not to do .如:

He left early in order to not to be late for school.他离开那么早,是为了上学


in order 还可以带不定式逻辑主语for sb to so .如:

He stopped aside in order for me to pass.为了让我过去,他停下来站在一旁。

in order that 和so that 句型引导的状语从句,也是表示目的的。

6.Even though Wilson is just a volleyball ,Chuck becomes fond of Wilson .尽管威尔逊只是一个排球,但是查克还是很喜欢它。

even if ,even though 引导让步状语从句“即使,纵然”。

例句:we can’t get the work done even if (even though) we stay all night.


7.Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow.查克知道了我们需要朋友来同甘共苦。

share 常用于下面短语:

1>.share in sth 分享,分担(in 可以省略)

例句: True friends share (in) your sorrows as well as (in) your joys.真正的朋友是能够像分享你的快乐一样的分担你的痛苦的。

2>. Share sth (out) among / between sb 将…平均分配

3>.share sth with sb 与某人共享…

例句:I share the water fee with my roommates.我与我的室友共同分担水费.

8.Chuck also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.查克也知道了他应该多顾及一下他的朋友们的。

should have done “本该…”

例句:you should’t have gone to bed so late last night .


A : The fish has gone bad . 这条鱼已经坏了。

B : you should have kept it in refrigerator. 你应该将它放在冰箱里的。

课后习题 (Post—reading):

1.what things must Chuck learn to survive on the island?

2.what does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?

3.if you were alone on an island ,about would you do in order to survive ?

4.image that four people are in an airplane that is going on crash ,one is a police man ,one is a doctor ,one is a teacher ,and one is a scientist ,there is only one parachute . decide who should get parachute and explain why.

语言点学习(language study) :

Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases you have learnt

in this unit.

1.My friend is ______.he never tells lies.

2.I like pop music ,she likes _____music ,but we are good friends.

3.I think a good friend should not only share happiness ,but also _______with me.

4.Although father and I often ______ with each other ,we are good friends.

5.many peoples keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as ________friends to people.

6.If you were alone on a desert island ,you would have to learn to collect water and _______food.

7.The young man is very ______history ,he reads books about it almost every day.

8.she is a ______girl ,she is afraid of anything.

9.There will be many people at the theatre,so we will go there early _____ _____ _____ get good seats.

10.If someone is quick in mind and action ,we can say he is_____.


1.honest 6.hunt for

2.rock/classical 7.fond of

3.sorrow 8.brave

4.argue order to


Tip writing an e—mail message:

An e—mail is less formal than a letter ,but there are still a few thins.

1.write the topic of your message on the subject line

2.keep your e--mail as short as possible

3.check your e—mail for spelling errors and other mistakes.

4.write your name at the end of your message .

good friends

good friends

