可以抚慰人心的话 -资料
You know that mildly panicked feeling you get when you found out your friend’s mother just died and you really don’t know what to say?你有没有过这样惊慌的经历:你好友的母亲不幸去世,她正沉浸在撕心裂肺的痛苦之中,你却不知道如何去安慰她?
Breathe. It will be okay,
。深呼吸,你能行的。1. Not so good – “God will never give you more than you can handle。”不要说:“上帝不会让你承受更多苦难。”
Even if the person has a faith system that includes God, this phrase has the tacit implication that if you can’t handle things, you must not have enough faith, you’re a bad Christian, etc. 如果这个人对上帝有着很坚定的信仰,这句话就有了隐藏的含义:也就是说如果你处理不好这件事,你肯定是没有坚定的信仰,不是虔诚的基督徒等等。
Better – “This must be so hard