Character, Age and Ecology of the He【精彩3篇】

时间:2015-03-07 01:35:20
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Character, Age and Ecology of the He 篇一

The He, also known as the Hetao, is an ethnic group residing in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. They are a Mongolic-speaking people with a distinct cultural heritage that sets them apart from other ethnic groups in the region. In this article, we will explore the character, age, and ecology of the He people.


The He people are known for their resilience and adaptability. They have a strong work ethic and are skilled in various agricultural practices, such as animal husbandry and farming. They are also known for their craftsmanship, particularly in the production of traditional Mongolian clothing, rugs, and other textiles. The He people are proud of their heritage and place a strong emphasis on preserving their cultural traditions.


The origins of the He people can be traced back to the Xiongnu Empire, which existed from the 3rd century BC to the 1st century AD. They were one of the many tribes that constituted the Xiongnu confederation. Over the centuries, the He people migrated and settled in different regions, eventually establishing their presence in what is now Inner Mongolia. The He people have a rich and ancient history that spans over two millennia.


The He people inhabit the Hetao Plain, a fertile agricultural region located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. The plain is characterized by a semi-arid climate with hot summers and cold winters. Despite the challenging environmental conditions, the He people have developed sustainable farming techniques, such as flood irrigation and crop rotation, to maximize agricultural productivity. They primarily cultivate crops like wheat, corn, millet, and soybeans. Animal husbandry, particularly sheep and cattle rearing, is also an important economic activity for the He people.

In recent years, the He people have faced ecological challenges due to desertification and water scarcity in the region. Climate change and overexploitation of water resources have posed serious threats to their traditional way of life. To combat these challenges, the He people have implemented various measures, such as afforestation projects and water conservation initiatives, to restore and protect the local ecosystem.

In conclusion, the He people are known for their resilience, ancient history, and sustainable agricultural practices. They have a strong cultural identity and are dedicated to preserving their traditions. Despite the ecological challenges they face, their determination to adapt and protect their way of life is a testament to their character and love for their land.

Character, Age and Ecology of the He 篇二

The He people, also known as the Hetao, are an ethnic group residing in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. In this article, we will delve into the character, age, and ecology of the He people, shedding light on their unique cultural heritage.


The He people are known for their hospitality, warmth, and strong sense of community. They place great importance on familial and social relationships, and respect for elders is deeply ingrained in their culture. The He people are also known for their bravery and nomadic spirit, which is reflected in their traditional horse riding and archery skills. They value hard work and self-sufficiency, as well as the harmony between humans and nature.


The history of the He people can be traced back to the Xiongnu Empire, which existed from the 3rd century BC to the 1st century AD. They were one of the many tribes that constituted the Xiongnu confederation. Over the centuries, the He people migrated and settled in different regions, eventually establishing their presence in what is now Inner Mongolia. The He people have a rich and ancient history that spans over two millennia.


The He people have a deep connection with the natural environment and have adapted their way of life to the unique ecological conditions of the Hetao Plain. They have developed sustainable agricultural practices that take into account the region's semi-arid climate and water scarcity. The He people have mastered flood irrigation techniques and crop rotation methods, allowing them to cultivate a variety of crops, including wheat, corn, millet, and soybeans. Animal husbandry, particularly sheep and cattle rearing, is also a vital part of their economy and ecological balance.

The He people have always respected and protected the natural resources around them. They believe in the importance of preserving the ecological balance and have implemented various measures to combat desertification and promote environmental sustainability. Afforestation projects, water conservation initiatives, and the promotion of eco-tourism are just a few examples of their efforts to protect the region's ecology and biodiversity.

In conclusion, the He people possess a unique character characterized by hospitality, bravery, and a strong sense of community. With a history dating back thousands of years, they have developed sustainable agricultural practices that ensure their survival in the challenging ecological conditions of the Hetao Plain. Their respect for nature and commitment to environmental protection are crucial in preserving their cultural heritage for future generations.

Character, Age and Ecology of the He 篇三

Character, Age and Ecology of the Hezheng Biota from Northwestern China

The Hezheng area of Gansu Province produces the most abundant mammal fossils in China as well as the whole Eurasia, and it also produces other Cenozoic fossils of different animals and plants. Therefore, all of them are named the Hezheng Biota. Mammals are very sensitive to environmental changes, an

d thus the evolution of mammalian faunas in the Hezheng area reflects the strong uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Late Cenozoic, which dramatically affects environmental changes. In the Hezheng area, micromammals are not very rich, but some of them still are important. It is relatively uncommon that three primates are found from the Middle Miocene and the Early Pleistocene deposits. Since the Middle Miocene, carnivores have become important components in the ecosystem of the Hezheng area, and dominated in the Early Pleistocene. The Middle Miocene is a time of high persity for Proboscidea, characterized by shovel-tusked elephants. Perissodactyls in the Hezheng area are very abundant, especially Late Oligocene and Late Miocene rhinoceroses as well as the Late Miocene and Early Pleistocene horses. From the Middle Miocene, artiodactyls became important components of the mammalian faunas, especially bovids.

作 者: DENG Tao 作者单位: Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044 刊 名:地质学报(英文版) SCI 英文刊名: ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA 年,卷(期): 200579(6) 分类号: P5 关键词: Hezheng Gansu Late Cenozoic mammal ecosystem biochronology
Character, Age and Ecology of the He【精彩3篇】

