Effects of Atomic Oxygen Irradiation【优秀3篇】

时间:2018-03-07 09:11:45
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Effects of Atomic Oxygen Irradiation 篇一


Atomic oxygen irradiation, also known as atomic oxygen exposure, refers to the process of exposing materials or surfaces to high-energy atomic oxygen. This phenomenon commonly occurs in outer space, where atomic oxygen is abundant in the Earth's upper atmosphere. The effects of atomic oxygen irradiation on various materials have been extensively studied, and its implications are significant in the fields of aerospace engineering, materials science, and space exploration.

One of the most notable effects of atomic oxygen irradiation is surface erosion. When materials are exposed to atomic oxygen, the high-energy atoms can react with the surface molecules, leading to the removal of atoms from the material's surface. This erosion process can cause a decrease in the material's thickness and structural integrity over time. For spacecraft and satellites, which are exposed to atomic oxygen in the harsh space environment, this erosion phenomenon can pose a serious threat to their longevity and performance.

Furthermore, atomic oxygen irradiation can also induce changes in the material's physical and chemical properties. For instance, polymers and organic materials can undergo oxidative degradation when exposed to atomic oxygen. This degradation can result in a decrease in the material's mechanical strength, flexibility, and thermal stability. In addition, atomic oxygen can cause discoloration and surface roughening of certain materials, leading to aesthetic and functional degradation.

The effects of atomic oxygen irradiation are not limited to materials alone. Atomic oxygen can also interact with biological systems, such as human skin cells. Studies have shown that exposure to atomic oxygen can induce oxidative stress in cells, leading to DNA damage and cellular dysfunction. This has important implications for human space exploration, as astronauts are exposed to atomic oxygen during spacewalks and extended stays in space. Understanding the effects of atomic oxygen on human health is crucial for ensuring the well-being of astronauts and developing appropriate protective measures.

In conclusion, atomic oxygen irradiation has significant effects on materials and biological systems. From surface erosion to changes in physical and chemical properties, the implications of atomic oxygen exposure are vast. Further research and advancements in materials science and space exploration are necessary to mitigate the detrimental effects of atomic oxygen and ensure the sustainability of space missions and spacecraft.

Effects of Atomic Oxygen Irradiation 篇三

Effects of Atomic Oxygen Irradiation on Transparent Conductive Oxide Thin Films

Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) thin film is a kind of functional material which has potential applications in solar cells and atomic oxyg

en (AO) resisting systems in spacecrafts. Of TCO, ZnO:Al (ZAO) and In2O3:Sn (ITO) thin films have been widely used and investigated. In this study, ZAO and ITO thin films were irradiated by AO with different amounts of fluence. The as-deposited samples and irradiated ones were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Hall-effect measurement to investigate the dependence of the structure, morphology and electrical properties of ZAO or ITO on the amount of fluence of AO irradiation. It is noticed that AO has erosion effects on the surface of ZAO without evident influences upon its structure and conductive at most 21.7%.

作 者: Wang Wenwen Wang Tianmin 作者单位: Center of Material Physics and Chemistry, School of Science, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China 刊 名:中国航空学报(英文版) ISTIC 英文刊名: CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS 年,卷(期): 200720(5) 分类号: V2 关键词: transparent conductive oxide thin film ZnO:Al In2O3:Sn atomic oxygen erosion electrical properties
Effects of Atomic Oxygen Irradiation【优秀3篇】

