《Let It Be》歌词及其大意和句型分析(实用3篇)

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《Let It Be》歌词及其大意和句型分析 篇一

The Beatles的著名歌曲《Let It Be》是一首备受喜爱的经典之作。这首歌曲的歌词传达了一种宽容与接受的情感,让我们来深入分析一下其中的大意和句型。

首先,歌曲开头的歌词是“When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me”,这句话表达了在困难时刻,人们会寻求心灵慰藉和支持。Mother Mary在这里代表着一种安慰和宽恕的象征,给人们带来力量和勇气。

接下来的歌词“Speaking words of wisdom, let it be”强调了接受和放手的重要性。无论面临什么困境,我们都应该学会接受现实,放下过去的烦恼,接受命运的安排。

在歌曲的副歌部分,“Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be,Whisper words of wisdom, let it be”这段旋律动听的歌词不仅强调了“let it be”的重要性,也传达了一种宽容与宽厚的心态。通过接受现实,我们可以获得智慧和力量,让生活变得更加美好。

总的来说,《Let It Be》歌曲以简洁明了的语言表达了宽容、接受和放手的情感。通过这首歌曲,我们可以学会面对困难,接受现实,从而获得内心的平静和自信。

《Let It Be》歌词及其大意和句型分析 篇二

The Beatles的经典歌曲《Let It Be》是一首深受人们喜爱的歌曲,让我们来深入分析一下其中的大意和句型。

首先,歌曲中的“let it be”这个句型在整首歌曲中反复出现,强调了接受和放手的重要性。通过这个简单的句型,歌曲传达了一种宽容与宽厚的情感,让人们学会接受现实,放下困扰,获得内心的平静和坚强。

接下来的“Speaking words of wisdom, let it be”这句歌词表达了在困难时刻,我们可以寻求他人的智慧和建议,从而获得帮助和支持。通过接受他人的帮助,我们可以更好地面对挑战,找到解决问题的方法。

在歌曲的结尾部分,“And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me,Shine until tomorrow, let it be”这段歌词传达了即使在黑暗的时刻,仍然有光明和希望存在。通过坚持和接受,我们可以找到前行的方向,迎接新的一天。

总的来说,《Let It Be》歌曲通过简单明了的句型和动听的旋律,表达了接受、宽容和希望的情感。让我们在生活中学会放手,接受现实,从而迎接更美好的未来。

《Let It Be》歌词及其大意和句型分析 篇三

《Let It Be》歌词及其大意和句型分析

  《Let It Be》

  The Beatles过去是,现在是,或许将来也会是有史以来最受欢迎和最成功的音乐组合,他们的音乐是一种无论任何时间、任何地点、任何年龄、任何心情、任何性别、任何种族、任何身份听起来都不讨厌的音乐。1960年John Lennon(约翰·列农)John正式将自已组建的乐团定名为The Beatles并且和汉堡当地的俱乐部签订演出合约,开始闯荡天下。

  1968年,他们录制了《The white album》, 1969年,他们制作了《Let It Be》这时他们非常疲惫,觉得这些专辑应该是他们最后的`作品。不过他们觉得《Let It Be》有点过于悲伤,因此他们又制作了专辑《Abbey Road》。他们在他们开在伦敦的苹果公司的房顶上进行了最后一次演出。1970年4月,“甲壳虫”宣布解散。

  《Let It Be》这首歌可以说是甲壳虫乐队解散前的最后绝唱,也是反映他们心声的代表作品,表达了乐队解散前其成员复杂的思想感情,在艺术特色上即结合了当时的社会状况,也表达出一定的宗教观念。

  Let It Be

  When I find myself in times of trouble,

  Mother Mary comes to me,

  Speaking words of wisdom, “Let it be.”

  And in my hour of darkness,

  She is standing right in front of me,

  Speaking words of wisdom,

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  Whisper words of wisdom, “Let it be.”

  And when the broken-hearted people

  Living in the world agree,

  There will be an answer,“Let it be.”

  For though they may be parted,

  There is still a chance that they will see,

  There will be an answer, “Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  There will be an answer, “Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  Whisper words of wisdom, “Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  Whisper words of wisdom, “Let it be.”

  And when the night is cloudy,

  There is still a light that shines on me.

  Shine until tomorrow, “Let it be.”

  I wake up to the sound of music,

  Mother Mary comes to me,

  Speaking words of wisdom, “Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  There will be an answer, “Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  “Let it be.”“Let it be.”

  Whisper words of wisdom, “Let it be.”








  1、Let it be.

  =Let everything go as it is.

  =Let everything happen.

  =Never mind what happen.


  2、When I find myself in times of trouble.

  =When I find myself in times of adversity


  find oneself: 发现自己的处境

  in times of trouble = in times of adversity 陷入困境

  例如:When you are in times of trouble, you should try your best to get rid of it.


  3、Mother Mary

  = the Mother of Jesus 圣母玛利亚

  4、And in my hour of darkness, she is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, “Let it be”.

  = And when I feel discouraged, Mother Mary is just standing before me and encouraging me by saying that let everything go as it is.


  5、For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see.

  = For even though they may be parted from each other, it is likely that they will see again some day in the future.


  6、When I wake up to the sound of music

  = When I hear the sound of music 当我听到圣乐时

  wake up to = wake to 警觉,认识(到)

  例如:wake up to the importance of 认识到……重要性

  wake up to the fact that…认识到……的事实

  7、And when the broken-hearted people living in the world agree.

  = And when the people whose hearts were broken live in this world, they are willing to live peacefully.


  the broken-hearted people = the people whose hearts were broken. 伤心的人们

  the broken-hearted people的构词法是:


  a kind-hearted girl 一个心地善良的姑娘

  a double-faced guy 一个耍两面派的家伙

  a left-handed person 左撇子

《Let It Be》歌词及其大意和句型分析(实用3篇)

