文章1:what happened to us歌词内容 篇一
"What Happened to Us"是一首由美国歌手Jessica Mauboy演唱的歌曲,歌词中描述了一段关系走向破裂的故事。这首歌曲充满了悲伤和失望的情感,歌词中的每一个字都充满了深深的情感。
歌曲开头就唱出了歌手内心的痛苦和困惑:“What happened to us, we were almost there / Whoever said it’s impossible to miss what you never had, never almost had you.”这句歌词表达了歌手对于曾经的美好回忆和未来可能性的失望。曾经两人几乎就要拥有幸福,但最终却无法实现,这种无奈和遗憾让人心痛。
接着歌词中描述了两人之间的关系逐渐破裂:“We were building, we were climbing / Even talking ‘bout baby / But we’re losing, we’re denying / We never saw it coming.”这段歌词揭示了两人在关系中渐行渐远,虽然曾经一起努力建立,但最终却因为种种原因而分道扬镳。这种无奈和痛苦的感觉直击人心。
在歌曲的高潮部分,歌手唱到:“Oh, I’m thinking ‘bout forever / I’m thinking ‘bout the now / Oh, I’m thinking ‘bout forever / I’m thinking ‘bout the now.”这里歌手强调了对于未来和现在的思考,对于曾经的美好和未来的可能性的追忆和期待。然而最终却只能停留在想象中,无法实现。
最后歌曲以“Whatever happened to us”作为结束,这个问题悬而未决,让人们对于未来和过去的关系充满了疑问和不确定性。这首歌曲充满了悲伤和失望的情感,让人们深深体会到了爱情的复杂和无奈。
文章2:what happened to us歌词内容 篇二
"What Happened to Us"这首歌曲中的歌词描述了一段关系的破裂和失望,表达了歌手内心深处的痛苦和无奈。这首歌曲充满了悲伤和失望的情感,让人们深深感受到了爱情的辛酸和无奈。
歌曲中的歌手唱到:“What happened to us, we were almost there / Whoever said it’s impossible to miss what you never had, never almost had you.”这段歌词表达了歌手对于曾经美好的回忆和未来可能性的失望和无奈。虽然两人几乎拥有了幸福,但最终却无法实现,这种遗憾和失望让人心痛。
接着歌词中描述了两人之间的关系逐渐破裂:“We were building, we were climbing / Even talking ‘bout baby / But we’re losing, we’re denying / We never saw it coming.”这段歌词揭示了两人在关系中渐行渐远,尽管曾经一起努力建立,但最终却因为各种原因而走向了分手。这种无奈和痛苦的感觉让人心碎。
在歌曲的高潮部分,歌手唱到:“Oh, I’m thinking ‘bout forever / I’m thinking ‘bout the now / Oh, I’m thinking ‘bout forever / I’m thinking ‘bout the now.”这段歌词强调了对于未来和现在的思考,对于曾经的美好和未来的可能性的追忆和期待。然而最终却只能停留在想象中,无法实现。
最后歌曲以“Whatever happened to us”作为结束,这个问题无解,让人们对于未来和过去的关系充满了疑问和不确定性。这首歌曲充满了悲伤和失望的情感,让人们深深感受到了爱情的复杂和无奈。
what happened to us歌词内容 篇三
what happened to us歌词内容
I feel you even though we're apart
And without you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby, though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us
Happened to us, happened to us
We were in love we both felt the same
The good thing that we had boy was insane
We had a bond that would never break
Why we let it go oh
We used to stay all night long
Kissing to our favorite songs
Tell me where it all went wrong
Thats what I got to know oh
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart
And without you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Thought that I could get over you
Oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Ohh boy what happened to us
Happened to us, happened to us
I think that we oughta gotta work it out
Like air your love I cant live without
So have mercy dont leave me in doubt
Saying I love still hurts (still burns X2)
I try to go my separate way
At first I thought it was okay
I miss you more with each day
So to you I turn
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart
And without you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Thought that I could get over you
Oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Ohh boy what happened to us
Happened to us, happened to us
I know that you saw me with someone else
But believe me I'm over myself
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart
And without you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Thought that I could get over you
Oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Ohh boy what happened to us
Happened to us, happened to us
Tell me, yeahh
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart
And without you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
What happened to us
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us