Born Free的歌词(优质3篇)

时间:2013-03-03 03:21:18
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Born Free的歌词 篇一

Born Free的歌词描绘了一个自由的世界,鼓励人们追求自由和梦想。这首歌以其动听的旋律和深情的歌词而闻名,它激励人们勇敢地面对挑战,追求他们心中真正的自由。


Born Free的歌词还提醒人们,自由并不是天赋的权利,而是通过努力和奋斗获得的。歌词中的“生来自由”是一种呼唤,鼓励人们摆脱束缚,追求他们真正想要的生活。


Born Free的歌词还鼓励人们勇敢地面对逆境。它提醒我们,困难和挑战是我们成长和进步的机会。歌词中的“不要害怕”和“不要退缩”表达了勇敢面对困难的信念和决心。

总的来说,Born Free的歌词是一首激励人心的歌曲,它鼓励人们追求自由和梦想。它提醒我们,自由是一种珍贵的权利,我们应该珍惜并为之奋斗。无论我们面临什么困难和挑战,我们都应该勇敢地面对,并相信自己可以实现自己的梦想。

Born Free的歌词 篇二

Born Free的歌词传达了一个强烈的信息:我们每个人都有权利追求自由和梦想。这首歌以其积极向上的旋律和令人振奋的歌词而受到广泛赞赏,它激励人们勇敢地追随自己内心的声音,追求真正的自由。


Born Free的歌词还强调了自由的重要性。它告诉我们,只有在自由的环境中,我们才能真正地发展自己的潜力,实现自己的目标。歌词中的“自己选择”和“自己掌握”表达了自主和独立的态度。


总的来说,Born Free的歌词是一首激励人心的歌曲,它鼓励人们追求自由和梦想。它提醒我们,我们每个人都有权利追求自己的梦想,并为之奋斗。无论我们面临什么困难和挑战,我们都应该勇敢地面对,相信自己可以实现自己的梦想。只有在追求自由的道路上,我们才能找到真正的幸福和满足。

Born Free的歌词 篇三

Born Free的歌词

  Fast on a rough road riding

  High thru the mountains climbing

  Twistin’, turning, further from my home

  Young like a new moon rising

  Fierce thru the rain and lightning

  Wandering out into this great unknown

  And I don’t want no one to cry

  But tell ‘em if I don’t survive

  I was born free

  I was born free

  I was born free

  Born free

  Free like a river raging

  Strong as the wind I’m facing

  Chasing dreams and racing Father Time

  Deep like the grandest canyon

  Wild like an untamed stallion

  If you can’t see my heart you must be blind

  You can knock me down and watch me bleed

  But you can’t keep no chains on me

  I was born free

  I was born free

  I was born free

  Born free

  And I’m not good at long goodbyes

  But look down deep into my eyes

  I was born free

  Calm, facin’ danger

  Lost, like an unknown stranger

  Grateful for my time with no regrets

  Close to my destination

  Tired, frail and aching

  Waiting patiently for the sun to set

  And when it’s done, believe that I

  Will yell it from that mountain high

  I was born free

  I was born free

  I was born free

  Born free

  And I will bow to the shining seas

  And celebrate God’s grace on thee

  I was born free

  I was born free

  I was born free

  Born free


Born Free的歌词(优质3篇)

