
时间:2012-02-09 01:31:20
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初中英语教案 篇一

Title: Teaching Present Simple Tense to Middle School Students


- Students will be able to understand and use the present simple tense in both affirmative and negative sentences.

- Students will be able to ask and answer questions using the present simple tense.

- Students will be able to differentiate between regular and irregular verbs in the present simple tense.


- Whiteboard and markers

- Handouts with exercises and examples

- Flashcards with verbs in the present simple tense


1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by reviewing the present simple tense with the students. Ask them to provide examples of sentences in the present simple tense.

- Play a quick game where students have to guess the present simple form of verbs shown on flashcards.

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

- Introduce the rules for forming affirmative and negative sentences in the present simple tense.

- Provide examples and have students practice forming sentences on the whiteboard.

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Distribute handouts with exercises for students to complete individually or in pairs.

- Walk around the classroom to provide assistance and feedback as needed.

4. Production (15 minutes)

- Have students work in pairs to create a dialogue using the present simple tense. Encourage them to ask and answer questions.

- Select a few pairs to perform their dialogues for the class.

5. Review and Homework (5 minutes)

- Review the key points of the lesson and answer any questions from students.

- Assign homework that involves writing sentences in the present simple tense using a list of verbs provided.


- Observe students' participation and understanding during the lesson.

- Review completed exercises and homework assignments for accuracy and comprehension.


- Have students create a short story using the present simple tense.

- Play a review game at the beginning of the next lesson to reinforce the concepts taught.

初中英语教案 篇二

Title: Teaching Reading Comprehension Skills to Middle School Students


- Students will be able to identify main ideas and supporting details in a reading passage.

- Students will be able to make inferences and draw conclusions based on the information in a reading passage.

- Students will be able to summarize the key points of a reading passage.


- Reading passages at an appropriate level for middle school students

- Comprehension questions related to the reading passages

- Whiteboard and markers


1. Pre-reading Activities (10 minutes)

- Introduce the topic of the reading passage and activate students' prior knowledge by discussing related concepts.

- Preview any unfamiliar vocabulary words and provide definitions or context clues.

2. Reading (20 minutes)

- Distribute the reading passage to students and have them read silently or aloud.

- Encourage students to underline or highlight key information as they read.

3. Comprehension Questions (15 minutes)

- After reading the passage, distribute comprehension questions for students to answer individually or in pairs.

- Discuss the answers as a class and provide explanations for any challenging questions.

4. Vocabulary Extension (10 minutes)

- Select a few vocabulary words from the passage and have students create sentences using those words.

- Encourage students to use context clues to determine the meaning of the words.

5. Summarizing (10 minutes)

- Have students write a summary of the reading passage, focusing on the main idea and key details.

- Review the summaries as a class and provide feedback on clarity and accuracy.

6. Review and Reflection (5 minutes)

- Review the main points of the lesson and ask students to reflect on what they learned about reading comprehension skills.

- Encourage students to apply these skills when reading independently.


- Assess students' ability to identify main ideas, supporting details, and make inferences during class activities.

- Review students' comprehension question responses and summaries for accuracy and depth of understanding.


- Assign additional reading passages for homework and have students write a reflection on their reading comprehension strategies.

- Integrate reading comprehension activities into other subject areas, such as science or social studies, to reinforce skills across the curriculum.

初中英语教案 篇三


人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Is this your pencil Date:12.5 Period:1 Class3 Grade 7 A. Lesson type: New lesson B.Teaching materials: Textbook. This unit teaches the Ss to use “Is this your…”,this leads foundmental for the next two units: unit 3 This is my sister and unit 4 Where’s my backpack? C.Teaching aims: u Knowledge objectives: 1.Words :pencil,ruler,backpack,eraser,case,dictionary,sharpener,book,eg. 2. Key sentences: Is this/ that your pencil? -Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. /-No, it isn’t .It is his pencil. 3. Learn and master the sentences pattern: Is this/ that your…? -Yes, it is. /-No, it isn’t u Ability goals: 1. Enable students to know the words and expressions about somethings that used for study. 2. Enable students to know how to ask and answer question adout “Is this/ that your…?”-“Yes,it is/isn’t.” u Emotion aims: 1. Stimulate students’ interest in learning English by naming the things in their bags in English,thus students actively participate in communicative activities D.Key points and difficult points: Key points: 1. Words: pencil, ruler, backpack, eraser, sharpener, diationary,

e.g. 2. Is this/ that your…? -Yes, it is. /-No, it isn’t Difficult points: Know and master how to question and answer what sth is in English. E. Teaching strategies: u Listening , speaking, reading, writing, discussing, explaining and practicing u Use of visual teaching and situational approach u Using cooperation, mutual asking and answering and other forms of activities to practice F.Teaching aids: Multimedia PC and blackboard. G.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Asking Ss’s names and then let students ask partner’s name Step 2 Leading-in Present some pictures adout pencil, ruler, backpack, eraser, sharpener, diationary, e.g, by Multimedia PC Step 3 Presentation 1. Teach the Ss the new words first. 2. Then ask the Ss toread new words and check them if they can read the new words by themselves correctly .if there is a mistake, correct. 3. Part1: Listen to the tape and do it.And then check the answer. Step 4 Practice Give students enough time to practice the conversations in 1a and 1b. Step 5 Consolidation Make conversation with partner and then ask several groups to stand up or stand in front of the class to show their performance. Step 6 Grammar focus: Is this/ that your…? -Yes, it is. /-No, it isn’t Step 7 Summary 1. Read the new words again and again 2. Help students have a revision of what they have learned today, especially the way ofasking and answering “ Is this/ that your…?” - “Yes, it is. /-No, it isn’t”. 3. Read the conversation in 1a again. Step8 Homework: Assign the Ss remember the new words and write a conversation adout what have learnt today by themselvse. H. Blackboard design: Topic: Is this your pencil? Main words: pencil, pen, ruler… Key and difficult points: Is this/ that your…? -Yes, it is. /-No, it isn’t.

