
时间:2018-09-03 06:33:12
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芮城县小学英语教案格式 篇一

Title: Introduction to English Lesson Plan Format for Ruicheng County Elementary School

In Ruicheng County Elementary School, the English lesson plan format is designed to provide a structured and effective way of teaching English to young learners. The format includes several key components that help teachers organize their lessons and ensure that students are engaged and learning effectively.

1. Lesson Objective: The lesson plan begins with a clear and specific objective that outlines what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson. This objective is aligned with the curriculum standards and helps guide the rest of the lesson.

2. Warm-Up Activity: The lesson plan includes a warm-up activity to engage students and prepare them for the lesson. This activity can be a short game, song, or conversation that gets students excited about learning and activates their prior knowledge.

3. Presentation: The lesson plan includes a presentation section where the teacher introduces new vocabulary, grammar, or concepts to students. This can be done through visual aids, realia, or interactive activities that help students understand the new material.

4. Practice: After the presentation, students have the opportunity to practice using the new language in a controlled setting. This can include activities such as drills, exercises, or role plays that reinforce the new material and provide students with opportunities to apply what they have learned.

5. Production: The lesson plan also includes a production section where students have the chance to use the new language in a more creative and open-ended way. This can include activities such as games, projects, or group work that allow students to communicate and collaborate while using the language.

6. Assessment: Finally, the lesson plan includes an assessment component that allows teachers to evaluate student learning and understanding. This can be done through quizzes, tests, or other formative assessments that provide feedback to both teachers and students.

Overall, the English lesson plan format used in Ruicheng County Elementary School provides a comprehensive and effective framework for teaching English to young learners. By following this format, teachers can create engaging and meaningful lessons that help students develop their language skills and achieve their learning goals.

芮城县小学英语教案格式 篇二

Title: Sample English Lesson Plan for Ruicheng County Elementary School

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and use common greetings in English.

Warm-Up Activity:

- Play a song or video with greetings in English.

- Have students repeat and practice saying the greetings out loud.

- Play a game where students greet each other using different greetings.


- Introduce new greetings vocabulary (hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, etc.).

- Use flashcards or visual aids to help students understand the meaning of each greeting.

- Model how to use the greetings in different contexts (e.g. greeting a friend, a teacher, a family member).


- Have students practice saying the greetings in pairs or small groups.

- Provide worksheets or exercises where students fill in the blanks with the correct greetings.

- Play a game where students race to say the greetings correctly.


- Divide students into groups and have them create a short skit or dialogue using the greetings.

- Encourage students to be creative and use the greetings in different situations.

- Have students perform their skits for the class and provide feedback on their language use.


- Give students a short quiz where they match the greetings to the correct situations.

- Observe students during the production activity and note their use of the greetings.

- Provide feedback to students on their pronunciation and use of the greetings.

By following this sample lesson plan, teachers at Ruicheng County Elementary School can effectively teach students how to use common greetings in English. This structured and engaging lesson format helps students practice and apply their language skills in a fun and meaningful way.

芮城县小学英语教案格式 篇三



式 一、Teaching contents(教学内容) 二、Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. Language knowledge(语言知识) 2. Language skills(语言技能) 3. Sentiment(情感态度) 4. Learning strategy(学习策略) 5. Cultural consciousness(文化意识)(不一定每课写) 三、Teaching important points(教学重点) 四、Teaching difficult points(教学难点) 五、Teaching aids(教学用具) 六、Teaching procedure(教学过程) 1. Warming up(热身)(包括导入、歌曲、歌谣、活动、自由谈话等) 2. Prensentation(呈现新知) 3. Practice(操练) 4. Production(任务型活动) 5. Cooling down(小结,结束课堂) 七、Homework(作业) 八、Writing design(板书设计) 九、Notes(教后记)

