7B Unit 3 ReadingI教案【实用3篇】

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7B Unit 3 ReadingI教案 篇一





7B Unit 3 ReadingI教案 篇二





7B Unit 3 ReadingI教案 篇三

7B Unit 3 Reading(I)教案

教 案 交流展示 1. Part B1: Check the answers in groups. Then ask the students to read in pairs. 2. Task 2: Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 3. Task 3: Divide the class into pairs and set a time limit of five minutes. Ask the students to correct the false statements. Check the answers as a class. 4. Task 4: First, work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Then get two students to draw Justin’s and Paul’s routes to the police station on the blackboard. After that, invite some pairs to read Neil and Justin’s dialogue to the class. Ask the rest of the class to check their answers. 5. Task 5: A student reads Neil’s notes and the rest of the class check their answers. Then read the passage together. 6. Task 6: Invite two students to read the sentences. Check the answers as a class. 7. Work in groups: read the whole text in fours, Susan, Justin, Paul and policeman. 【设计意图】以小组交流展示与全班交流展示相结合的方式,促使学生积极思维,主动参与课堂活动,互帮、互助、互学,共享学习成果。 互动探究 Discuss in groups Justin and Paul meet robbers, but they escape at last. What good qualities(品质) do they have? If you meet some robbers, what should you do? 【设计意图】给学生创设交流与合作的机会,锻炼口语交际能力,培养探究意识,促进学生能力发展,同时让他们体验到合作学习的快乐。 精讲点拨 Step 1 Presentation Present the new vocabulary Explain the context (with a picture): Look! There is a building. It’s a police station. In the police station, there are three robbers. They are in police uniform. There is a green van nearby. In the van there is a knife. The policemen find the robbers at the traffic lights. Step 2 Practice Part B1 Encourage the students to find the words in the reading passage and match with the correct definitions. If necessary, do some explanation. Step 3 Reading Read the text for several times. By reading, complete some related tasks. Give the students enough time to communicate with each other and enough chance to express themselves. During the course of reading, teach them some useful reading methods and skills. Step 4 Language points Tell the students to remember these new words: robber

, drive, quickly, police, uniform, push, away, fail, twin, ring, must, into, again, road, station, note, smile, surprised, mean, open, laugh, happily, move, knife, work, route, along, right, another, stop, traffic, light, jump, suddenly. 【设计意图】精讲教学内容,突出重点,突破难点,点拨学习方法,引导学生逐步达成学习目标。
7B Unit 3 ReadingI教案【实用3篇】

