
时间:2015-05-03 09:45:41
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英语独立主格结构句子的使用 篇一


例如,"Walking down the street, she saw a friend from high school." 这个句子中,"Walking down the street"就是一个独立主格结构,它描述了主语"she"的行为,使整个句子更加生动形象。独立主格结构可以用来修饰主句中的主语或动词,起到补充说明的作用。



英语独立主格结构句子的使用 篇二


在描述人物时,独立主格结构句子可以帮助读者更好地了解人物的行为和内心世界。比如,"Sitting on the bench, he stared into the distance, lost in thought." 这个句子中,"Sitting on the bench"描述了人物的动作,"lost in thought"揭示了他的内心状态,通过独立主格结构句子的使用,读者可以更加深入地了解这个人物。

除了描述人物,独立主格结构句子还可以用来展示作者对事物的观察和思考。比如,"Watching the sunset, she felt a sense of peace and tranquility." 这个句子中,"Watching the sunset"表现了作者对自然景色的欣赏,"felt a sense of peace and tranquility"则展示了她的情感。通过独立主格结构句子的使用,作者可以更加直观地表达自己的感受。


英语独立主格结构句子的使用 篇三


  独立主格结构指带主语的动词分词、介词、或副词词组。 何谓独立主格结构? 它是指与主语之间无任何语法关系的名词或代词加上一个分词的`结构。它不修饰单个的词,而修饰整个句子。


  (1) 解释原因或情景

  2) 提供主句中重点部分的相关细节。 例 Freud distinguished three kinds of anxiety, each arising from a different source of perceived danger. "each" 是独立主格结构,"arising from"是动词短语。注意这个独立主格结构是一个"干巴巴"的句子。通过改变动词形式,它的面貌可焕然一新:Each arises from a different source of perceived danger.

  再看以下例句 Before: His nose was running and his hands were shaking. He left the theater like that. Interesting: His nose running and his hands shaking, he left the theater.

  Before: He is known for his bad temper, so I fear the encounter. Interesting: I fear the encounter, his temper being what it is.

  Plain: If the weather is favorable tomorrow, we will spend the entire day climbing Huang Shan.

  Good: Weather permitting, we will spend the entire day tomorrow climbing Huang Shan.

  Plain: Let’s pray that the Southeast Asian economy will soon return to normal.

  Good: The Southeast Asian economy, God willing, will soon return to normal.

  Plain: Early radio reports exaggerated the success of the raid on the Embassy. Some even indicated that the Vietcong had occupied several floors of the building. Better: Early radio reports exaggerated the success of the raid on the Embassy, some even indicating that the Vietcong had occupied several floors of the building.

  Plain: Even though the drug controversy was still festering around him, in the end, defending Australian Open champion Petr Korda walked away with a salute to a cheering crowd. Better: In the end, defending Australian Open champion Petr Korda, the drug controversy around him still festering, walked away with a salute to a cheering crowd.




