
时间:2017-05-05 07:41:10
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稍微的英文句子及例句整理 篇一

1. "A little progress each day adds up to big results."

- Example sentence: By consistently practicing the piano for just 15 minutes a day, Emily saw a significant improvement in her skills over the course of a month.

2. "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

- Example sentence: Despite her initial doubts, Sarah decided to take on the challenge of running a marathon, and her determination paid off when she crossed the finish line.

3. "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out."

- Example sentence: Through regular exercise and healthy eating habits, Mark was able to achieve his weight loss goals by making small, consistent changes to his lifestyle.

4. "Little by little, one walks far."

- Example sentence: Despite facing numerous obstacles, Maria continued to persevere and make small steps towards her dream of starting her own business.

5. "Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world."

- Example sentence: Through volunteer work and community service, the local charity organization was able to make a significant impact on the lives of those in need.


稍微的英文句子及例句整理 篇二

1. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

- Example sentence: Although the task seemed daunting at first, David took the first step towards learning a new language and soon found himself making steady progress.

2. "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

- Example sentence: Despite his lack of experience in painting, John decided to pick up a brush and canvas, and soon discovered a hidden talent for creating beautiful artwork.

3. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

- Example sentence: Sarah's passion for writing drove her to pursue a career as a journalist, where she was able to produce impactful stories that resonated with readers.

4. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success."

- Example sentence: By prioritizing her mental health and well-being, Emily found that she was able to approach her work with a positive attitude and ultimately achieve her goals.

5. "Believe you can and you're halfway there."

- Example sentence: Despite facing self-doubt and uncertainty, Tom remained confident in his abilities and pushed through challenges to reach his desired outcome.

稍微的英文句子及例句整理 篇三



  a little bit

  in some sort


  a trifle


  in a sort


  a bit


  The remaining intimate collaborators of Hitler lived a bit longer.

  希特勒剩下的亲密伙伴活得稍微长一些。After a few seconds to unscramble my thoughts,I replied...

  我稍微整理了一下思路,然后回答说....After a few seconds to unscramble my thoughts, I replied..

  我稍微整理了一下思路,然後回答说gabriel's bosom thrilled gently as he thus slipped under the notice of the assembly the innermost subject of his heart

  当加布里埃尔把埋在心底的事在众目睽睽之下一溜嘴说了出来时,他心里稍微有些紧张。Of a kind; unique

  一种的`;稍微的A bubble will burst at the slightest touch.

  气泡稍微一碰就破。At all ; one Bit;any

  稍微;丝毫;全然Move up a bit.

  稍微向上挪一下.She had slightly better today .

  她今天稍微好一些。He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.


  adj. 小的;年幼的;短的,近的;可爱的;讨厌的;微不足道的

  pron. 不多的;一些

  adv. 少许;稍微

  n. 少许;没有多少;短时间

  He is recovering little by little.

  他的健康正在渐渐地恢复起来。Little by little and Bit by Bit

  积少成多,积沙成塔What costs little is little esteemed.


  n. 一点;少量;钻头

  v. 约束;给(马)上嚼口

  Little by little and Bit by Bit

  积少成多,积沙成塔The collective wealth has been accumulated bit by bit.

  集体的家业是一点一滴地积攒起来的。 A rabid dog bit him.


  adj. 一些的,若干的

  adv. 非常;大约

  pron. 有些人,有的东西

  Some were employers, some employees, some masters, some handymen

  有的是老板,有的是伙计,有的是业主,有的是干零活的。Would you like some leg or some breast ?

  你要腿肉还是胸脯肉? It was some foul parody, some infamous ignoble satire.



