
时间:2019-06-02 09:13:14
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表达体重的英语句子 篇一

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall well-being. It is important to monitor your weight regularly and make adjustments to your diet and exercise routine as needed. Here are some English sentences that can help you express your weight:

1. I weigh 150 pounds.

2. My weight is 68 kilograms.

3. I am trying to lose a few pounds.

4. She has gained weight recently.

5. He weighs more than he looks.

6. I need to watch my weight.

7. She is very conscious of her weight.

8. He has been struggling to maintain his weight.

9. I have put on some weight since last year.

10. She is always on a diet to control her weight.

Remember, it is not just about the number on the scale, but also about feeling good and healthy in your own body. Take care of yourself and make choices that support your overall well-being.

表达体重的英语句子 篇二

In today's society, there is a lot of emphasis placed on body image and weight. It is important to remember that everyone's body is unique and that weight is just one aspect of overall health. Here are some English sentences that can help you express your thoughts and feelings about weight:

1. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

2. It's not about the number on the scale, but how you feel.

3. Your worth is not determined by your weight.

4. Focus on being healthy, not just on being thin.

5. She is confident in her own skin, regardless of her weight.

6. He is working on building muscle, not just losing weight.

7. Weight is just a number, not a measure of your value.

8. She embraces her curves and is proud of her body.

9. Don't let society's standards dictate how you feel about your weight.

10. Love yourself at every size.

Remember, your worth and value are not tied to your weight. Focus on being healthy, happy, and confident in your own body, regardless of the number on the scale.

表达体重的英语句子 篇三

表达体重的英语句子 精选114句

1. 远离烟草可使您远离多种癌症。

2. They have a normal body weight but see themselves as being fat.

3. It’s not a sharp pain; just sort of a dull ache.

4. Do you have any appetite?

5. 多余脂肪都减掉,身体重量不超标。

6. .发生火灾时,会隔离烟雾用湿毛巾捂住口鼻低姿逃生;会拨打火警电话

7. He gained some weight recently.

8. 祝你快快成长,永远都可以用你可爱的微笑,感染身边的每个人!

9. It all began yesterday.

10. amount用作动词的基本意思是“合计,共计”,引申可指“等同,接近”。

11. 每年的月日是全民健康生活方式日

12. I feel like vomiting.

13. 体重用英语怎么说及如何造句体重是指称量得到的身体重量,是人体重量的一个指标,相信女 生对于自己的体重都是比较了解的。那么你知道体重用英语怎么表达 吗?现在跟 一起学习关于体重英语表达及例句吧。weightbody weight体重的相关短语体重级别 Boxi ng

Weight Class ; light heavyweight ; weight class ; Light-welterweight体重计 Health meter ; weighingmachine ; batheroomscales ; Scales胎儿体重 EFW ; fetal weight ; fetal birth

14. They have a normal body weight but see themselves as being fat

15. How’s your sleep?

16. Are your bowels regular?

17. There is a bitter taste in my mouth.

18. I’ll take your temperature.

19. 祝宝宝一岁生日快乐。希望以后快乐,活泼的面对困难。有健康的身体。

20. Does it hurt when I press here?

21. Roll up your sleeves, please.

22. 要瘦就得付出代价,受不了就继续在胖子行列混,反正世界上胖子这么多,也不差你一个。

23. You need to have your blood and urine tested.

24. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension?

25. amount后可接介词to。

26. Have you ever had this experience before?

27. I’m going to test your blood pressure.

28. 一般病情

29. 祝贺你周岁啦!宝宝生日快乐!

30. 蚊子苍蝇老鼠蟑螂等会传播疾病。

31. Let me check your lungs and heart.

32. She gained some 25lb in weight during her pregnancy.

33. It’s been hanging about for nearly a week.

34. 祝你在每个成长的日子里都开开心心。生日快乐!

35. Any pain here ?

36. 一个女人如果连自己的体重都控制不了,何以掌控自己的人生!

37. Does your phlegm have any blood?

38. Open your mouth, please, and show me your tongue.

39. 短语 in the amount of (总共为)可以 of 或 for 代之;to the amount (总共达)可以 to 代之。但如接款项数字大的总数,一般用 in〔to〕 the amount of。

40. weight

41. My eye sight is failing.

42. I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens.

43. She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds.

44. I have a stuffed-up nose.

45. The brain accounts for merely three per cent of body weight.

46. Put this thermometer under your tongue.

47. Are you feeling dizzy?

48. I keep feeling dizzy.

49. I’ve sprained it badly.

50. What’s the matter with you?

51. He weighed in on Friday night at around 19 stone.

52. Take an X –ray of your chest, then have an ultrasound examination.

53. amount of后一般接不可数名词,有时也可接复数可数名词,此名词被视为某一“总量”或“综述”。

54. They have a normal body weight but see themselves as being fat 他们体重正常,但自认为偏胖。

55. I have a headache, a sore throat, and my arms and legs feel weak.

56. Symptoms of the disease include fever and weight loss.

57. Are you allergic to anything?

58. Do you bring up any phlegm?

59. I have chills.

60. I don’t feel well, doctor.

61. Nearly a third of the children were severely underweight.

62. My legs have not been right lately。

63. He has a laceration on his right arm.

64. The laboratory report says there is a slight rise in your white blood cell count.

65. I cough a great deal at night.

66. When did the pain start?

67. 规范慢性病管理,提高居民生活质量

68. 赘肉就像一个挡箭牌,能挡走丘比特之箭。

69. 祝福宝宝聪明伶俐、听话乖巧。

70. This tooth hurts.

71. I think we’d better give you a few tests.

72. I'm lucky really as I never put on weight.

73. It hurts terrible.

74. She stopped drinking but began obsessing about her weight.

75. 口腔健康是指牙齿清洁无龋洞无痛感,牙龈颜色正常无出血现象

76. I’m suffering from insomnia.

77. 膳食应以谷类为主,多吃蔬菜水果和薯类,注意荤素搭配。

78. Have you lost any weight recently?

79. 健康成人每人每天烹调用油量不超过克

80. Do you cough?

81. 吃?你有资格吃么?有脸吃么?不觉得自己恶心么?还想不想要脸乐?还想不想让内些看扁你的人大吃一惊?

82. I feel a pain in my abdomen.

83. 应该重视和维护心理健康,遇到心理问题时应主动寻求帮助。

84. 劳动者应当自觉穿戴劳动保护用品。

85. I have got a runny nose.

86. 时间会证明一切,汗水从不会骗人。

87. amount后也可接动名词,要注意不要与不定式混淆。

88. I have got a humming.

89. Now breathe in. A deep breathe.

90. He lost two stone in weight during his time there.

91. Do you have difficulty in breathing?

92. Do you have a fever?

93. Please go to the laboratory with the slip and they will do the test.

94. amount 用于表示“量”“额”,如重量、金额等。

95. 伤风感冒

96. Now put off your coat and shirt please.

97. I seem to have pain all over.

98. 成人积极参加日常活动和运动,平均每天主动身体活动步

99. She has fought a constant battle with her weight.

100. body weight

101. What did you eat yesterday?

102. Holyfield has bulked up to 210 pounds using weights.

103. How long has this been going on?

104. The baby was born three months early weighing only 3 lb 5oz.

105. My chest hurts.

106. On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight.

107. 女性疾病

108. Do you feel tired?

109. 艾滋并乙肝和丙肝通过性接触血液和母婴种途径传播,日常生活和工作接触不会传播。

110. I feel feverish.

111. Let me check you stomach.

112. amount是不及物动词,常与介词to连用。

113. What’s your complaint?

114. I feel numb in my right arm


