
时间:2019-03-04 05:24:32
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现在完成时句子排序 篇一


1. 我已经学习了两周的英语课程,觉得我的口语有了明显的提高。

2. 到目前为止,我已经完成了三本书的阅读任务,包括小说、历史书籍和科普读物。

3. 我已经参加了三次线上讲座,学到了很多关于心理学和人际关系的知识。

4. 在过去的一个月里,我已经完成了三个网课的学习,涉及到编程、摄影和健康饮食。

5. 我已经写完了一篇关于环保的研究论文,并提交给了老师进行评审。

6. 在这个假期里,我已经参加了两次素描课程,发现自己对艺术有了更深的理解。

现在完成时句子排序 篇二


1. 我已经徒步穿越了两座山脉,体验了大自然的壮丽和神奇。

2. 到目前为止,我已经去过五个国家的森林,发现了很多不为人知的奇妙景观。

3. 我已经尝试了三次潜水,看到了海底世界的绚丽色彩和生机勃勃。

4. 在过去的一个月里,我已经攀登了四座高峰,挑战了自己的身体极限。

5. 我已经参加了两次野外生存训练,学会了如何在荒野中生存和寻找食物。

6. 在这次户外探险之旅中,我已经骑行了三百公里,欣赏了不同地区的风景和文化。

现在完成时句子排序 篇三

现在完成时句子排序 精选50句

1. (2019广西北部湾经济开发区) Bob and Jim have been good friends_______(自从)they joined the same tennis team.

2. (2019福建)---Look! My mother _____ a new dress for me.

3. (2019辽宁盘锦)布朗(Brown) 一家人已经在上海生活10年了

4. (2019湖北襄阳).---- Why won’t we play basketball with Class 4 this afternoon?

5. (2019贵州毕节)---How many letters you to your mother?

6. (2019湖北鄂州)Cathy and Linda ( not be) back to their hometown for two years.

7. heard, 2eaten, 3since

8. (2019山东青岛)The writer is so popular that he _______(sell) more than 200,000 books so far.

9. has been on

10. (2019湖北随州)—Your new bike is so nice! When did you buy it?

11. (辽宁铁岭)复仇者联盟4》已经上映两个月了。

12. (2019江苏淮安) ---Where are the teachers now?

13. (2019甘肃兰州)Jim has never ________(be) to Mount Tai in China.

14. (2019湖北武汉). I ate some fruit, which I ______ since I was a child, and the vegetables from my garden.


16. (2019四川眉山)---Your new watch is so nice! When did you buy it?

17. (2019哈尔滨)---Hi, Tom! _____ you ever ____ the Bird’s Nest ?

18. (2019辽宁辽阳)他们已经采取行动挽救野生动物了吗?

19. have finished

20. (2019江苏泰州)---Have you ever been to Shanghai?

21. (2019湖南湘西)---_____ you ever ______ Hong Kong --Zhuhai ____Macao Bridge ?

22. (2019湖南长沙)I ______ abroad for several years, but I have never regretted my final decision to move back to my motherland.

23. (2019江苏泰州)So far, the couple ___________ (not change) their flat since they had a second child.

24. Has, been

25. been

26. (2019湖北宜昌)----What progress Huawei _____ in recent years!

27. haven’t been

28. 第三种是我们会使用现在完成时来谈论过去的事情或事件,且这些事情对现在产生了结果。例句:

29. (2019安徽)—It's ten years since we came here

30. (2019贵州安顺) Sandy borrowed the novel from the library last week and ________(keep) it for 5 days.

31. (2019四川达州)China has been able to make big planes like C919 with scientists’ great


32. (2019黑龙江齐齐哈尔)As an exchange student, Alan_____ Qiqihar for one and a half years.

33. 第一种是谈论从过去开始延续到现在的事情,一定要记住,这些都是未完成的行为。当我们谈论这些行为时,我们通常会提及这些行为已经进行了多长时间了或这些行为是什么时候开始的。例句:

34. The Browns/ The Brown family have been/ lived in Shanghai for 10 years/ since 10 years ago.

35. (2019四川眉山)---Linda has to Paris. How can I get in touch with her?

36. (2019湖南湘潭)---Have you ever _____ the Terracotta Army in Xi’an ?

37. haven’t changed

38. (2019湖南郴州)---- Where is Mr. Green?

39. 第二种是使用现在完成时来谈论到目前为止的经历。我们这么使用时,不会谈论某事具体发生的时间,我们基本就是告诉别人,我们的生活经历。例句:

40. (2019呼和浩特)The shop in Wanda Square _____ for six years, but I _____ there so far.

41. has sold,

42. has kept

43. (2019四川广安) I haven’t ________ (收到…来信) from Sally before.

44. taken action

45. (2019湖北黄冈)---Where is Catherine? I haven't seen her for days.

46. (2019广东) My father ____ in a panda protection center for 10 years, so he knows a lot about panda.

47. have had a fever

48. (2019江苏南通)----Can you go walking in the park with me, Daisy?

49. (2019贵阳)Today, all the erhu masters play and praise Erquan Yingyue. It ____ one of China’s national treasure.

50. (2019江苏连云港)---I____ (have a fever)since last night.


