
时间:2018-03-03 08:41:27
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下午茶的英文句子 篇一

Afternoon Tea Quotes

1. "There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." - Henry James

2. "Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings." - Letitia Baldrige

3. "A cup of tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds." - Cristina Re

4. "The path to heaven passes through a teapot." - Ancient Proverb

5. "Tea time is a chance to be happy." - Unknown

6. "Life is like a cup of tea, it's all in how you make it." - Unknown

7. "There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life." - Lin Yutang

8. "Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept." - Frances Hardinge

9. "Tea time is a chance to take a break from the chaos of life." - Unknown

10. "Tea is the elixir of life." - Lao Tzu

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, taking a moment to enjoy a cup of afternoon tea can be a soothing and calming experience. These quotes capture the essence of what makes afternoon tea so special - the opportunity to relax, reflect, and connect with others over a steaming cup of tea. Whether you prefer traditional English breakfast tea or exotic herbal blends, the ritual of afternoon tea is a time-honored tradition that transcends cultures and generations. So next time you feel the need to unwind and recharge, why not indulge in a spot of afternoon tea?

下午茶的英文句子 篇二

The Art of Afternoon Tea

When it comes to the art of afternoon tea, there is much more than just brewing a cup of tea. It is a ritual, a ceremony, a moment of peace and indulgence in the midst of a busy day. From the delicate china cups to the dainty finger sandwiches and pastries, every detail of afternoon tea is carefully curated to create a harmonious and elegant experience.

The tradition of afternoon tea dates back to the 19th century when Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, began the practice of having a light meal and tea in the late afternoon to stave off hunger before dinner. Today, afternoon tea has evolved into a beloved tradition that is enjoyed by people around the world.

The key to a successful afternoon tea lies in the details. The tea selection, the presentation of the food, the ambiance of the setting - all contribute to creating a memorable and enjoyable experience. Whether you choose to host an elaborate afternoon tea party with friends or simply treat yourself to a solo tea time at home, the art of afternoon tea is a delightful way to pause and savor life's simple pleasures.

So next time you find yourself in need of a moment of relaxation and indulgence, why not treat yourself to a luxurious afternoon tea experience? With a steaming cup of tea in hand and an array of delectable treats before you, you can immerse yourself in the timeless tradition of afternoon tea and savor a moment of tranquility in the midst of a hectic day.

下午茶的英文句子 篇三

1. 把茶冷眼看红尘,借茶静心度春秋。

2. 有花,有茶,有你,有我,这是一个美好的下午茶时光。

3. 坐在午后,一缕缕阳光,暖暖的,背对着太阳,手捧一本书,边晒背边读书,好惬意!

4. 咖啡与奶油碰撞爱的火花,夏日的惬意午后,迷人下午茶时光。

5. 下午茶的芬香熏陶着房内的任何一个角落,午后的阳光透过窗帘的间隙洒在木制的桌面上,一份思念随着红茶顺滑至心中。

6. Don not take people's care for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually.

7. Life only comes around once. So make sure you're spending it the right way, with the right ones.

8. As long as you are still alive, you will definitely encounter the good things in life. 只要活着一定会遇上好事的。

9. 我愿意跨越千里,只为来见你一面,临别时,我要告诉你,嘘,不要说再见,我们等会见,也许还能一起喝下午茶。

10. 一杯咖啡,一小块蛋糕,窗外下着细雨,手机播放着动人的.旋律,下午好!

11. Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。

12. 一杯清新的绿茶,一曲舒缓的音乐,一本优美的文字,一个人,一个安静的下午。

13. 安安静静,倚坐在必胜客,望着玻璃窗外,闲散的人,让下午茶,清空一下乱绪。生活继续,日子照旧。平平淡淡,踏踏实实,简简单单,世间的浮华,过眼烟云。一块抹茶蛋糕,一杯红茶,就是有滋有味的生活。

14. Y ou are a landscape, no need in the scenery inside looking up to others.

15. Concentrate on what you have, instead of wishing for what you don't have.

16. 小年来到,快乐找你唠唠嗑,开心找你聊聊天,吉祥找你叙叙旧,健康找你谈谈心,逍遥找你遛遛弯,惬意请你喝喝茶,朋友则为你发发福:祝你小年好运,鸿运当头!

17. 今天是母亲节,放下手中工作吧,放缓远游的步子吧,放弃泡吧的念头吧,放飞思念的长线吧,陪着母亲聊天说趣事,喝茶话桑麻!

18. 8月18财气预报:早上刮顺风,有零星小财;上午小财转中财,伴有短时阵性大风;下午财气大旺,形成对流风暴,大财从天而降,源源不断,持续到深夜!

19. 安静地坐在角落,单曲循环Eason的歌,偶然抬头看到你的笑脸,美好的下午茶时光。

20. 在阳光充足的午后,一本杂志,一杯咖啡,听着轻柔的音乐,或者什么都不做,只是放空,都是一个完美的下午。

21. 喝茶是可以愉悦身心的,也会让你把所有的烦心事暂时抛开,独享一杯清茶的安逸。

22. 下午风和日丽,我们是和二小班pk,我们抓着绳子,我站在第二位,我们把身子往后斜,裁判一声口哨,我们便使出九牛二虎之力,往后拉,绳子像一条又肥又大的蚯蚓,两队选手像两只大鸭子,在抢吃蚯蚓,一会被拉过去,一会儿被拉过来,忽然,二小班那边少了一点儿力气,可能是有一个人摔倒了吧,于是我们一用力便赢了。

23. 在这样的一个下午,一壶茶一首歌,时光,安好!

24. By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich.

25. 偶尔会听一首歌,想象午后等一个人咖啡的感觉。然后,回归现实。

26. Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

27. 下午茶,喝得是一份美好的感觉。这种愉悦身心的感觉,简直是无与伦比的美妙。

28. 即便你忙得很是不可开交,也应该约上朋友、爱人,或是自己在阳光下享受下午茶的时光,这不是在浪费时间和金钱,而是能让你享受到生命的质感。

29. If there is no cure for the pain, no shelter from the rain, you should not have fallen into love or gone into the cloud at first. No hope, no pain.

30. 美好的下午茶时光,一杯咖啡、一块蛋糕,让人轻松分钟?。

31. Anything could not have pa

ssed, I do not believe happiness, I believe you.

32. Time is always with the people who have courage to fly, not with the people who stand and watch the sky.

33. Memories can make you smile, but it can very well make you cry hard.


