
时间:2016-05-05 04:15:38
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勇敢面对困难英语句子 篇一

Facing difficulties and challenges is an inevitable part of life. It is our courage and determination that define our ability to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger on the other side. Here are some inspiring quotes to remind us to be brave in the face of adversity:

1. "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." - C.S. Lewis

This quote by C.S. Lewis reminds us that difficult times can be a stepping stone to greater things. It is through overcoming challenges that we discover our true potential and purpose in life.

2. "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" - Mary Anne Radmacher

Courage is not always about grand gestures or bold actions. Sometimes, it is simply about refusing to give up and having the strength to try again, even when the odds seem stacked against us.

3. "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." - Charles Kingsleigh (Alice in Wonderland)

Believing in ourselves and our abilities is the first step towards overcoming any obstacle. When we have faith in our own potential, we can accomplish things that may have seemed impossible at first.

4. "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford

Difficulties and setbacks are a natural part of any journey towards success. It is how we respond to these challenges that ultimately determines our ability to achieve our goals and dreams.

5. "Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

True strength is not about never facing obstacles, but about overcoming them with resilience and determination. It is through our struggles that we develop the inner fortitude to face whatever comes our way.

In conclusion, facing difficulties with courage and determination is essential for personal growth and success. By embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, we can emerge stronger and more resilient individuals. Remember these inspiring quotes whenever you find yourself in the midst of a tough situation, and let them be a source of motivation to keep moving forward.

勇敢面对困难英语句子 篇二

Life is full of challenges and obstacles that can sometimes seem insurmountable. However, it is our ability to face these difficulties head-on with courage and resilience that ultimately defines our character and shapes our future. Here are some empowering quotes to inspire you to be brave in the face of adversity:

1. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

This quote by Winston Churchill reminds us that success and failure are both temporary states. What truly matters is our willingness to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles we encounter along the way.

2. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela's words remind us that resilience and perseverance are the keys to overcoming setbacks and challenges. It is through our ability to get back up after we fall that we truly demonstrate our strength and determination.

3. "You must do the things you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt's quote challenges us to step outside our comfort zones and confront our fears and doubts. It is only by facing our limitations head-on that we can discover our true potential and achieve greatness.

4. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our doubts and fears can often hold us back from reaching our full potential. By overcoming our self-imposed limitations and believing in our abilities, we can pave the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

5. "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." - Mark Twain

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of it. When we face our fears and push past our comfort zones, we empower ourselves to achieve things we never thought possible.

In conclusion, facing difficulties with courage and determination is essential for personal growth and success. By embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, we can develop the resilience and strength needed to overcome any obstacle that comes our way. Remember these empowering quotes whenever you find yourself in a tough situation, and let them be a source of inspiration to keep moving forward with confidence and determination.

勇敢面对困难英语句子 篇三

勇敢面对困难英语句子 精选129句

1. Challenge yourself and dream for the future.

2. Everyone should constantly challenge themselves, strive hard, keep moving forward in the ups and downs, and achieve success.

3. Take the heavy responsibility bravely, challenge yourself, and dare to challenge the xxximpossiblexxx work.

4. Don't seek to be compared with others, but seek to surpass yourself. If you want to cry, you will cry tears of excitement. If you want to laugh, you will laugh out your growing character!

5. To die and meet the challenge.

6. Be born fearless and challenge yourself.

7. dare to do, dare to do.

8. Face up to the challenge! Let life gain, gain and bloom perfectly!

9. Have dreams, dare to challenge, and change the life track.

10. The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain, and there is a clear sky behind the dark clouds. Only when you dare to challenge and struggle, life will wave to you and smile at you.

11. The most challenging course in life is to improve yourself and strive for self-improvement!

12. To make yourself excellent, you must constantly challenge yourself.

13. The hardest thing to challenge in life is yourself. Don't be afraid of failure. There will be many gains in the process of experience, and I believe that as long as you don't give up, you will succeed.

14. Believe in yourself and meet challenges.

15. Do something new every day, challenge yourself, and let yourself grow and progress.

16. Dare to challenge and achieve yourself!

17. Constantly seek to break through the self and challenge the limit, so as to make life more challenging and interesting.

18. Life is a constant battle against the top. Only those who dare to accept challenges are the real warriors, and those who can conquer themselves can stand between heaven and earth.

19. Strengthen confidence and challenge yourself.

20. Faced with such a hard life, they didn't give up, but chose to face and challenge impossible tasks.

21. Challenge and achieve.

22. Be open-minded, challenge and meet.

23. Challenge yourself bravely and experience yourself!

24. Embrace the challenge and pursue your own unique light.

25. Face challenges and be fearless; Facing the future, full of confidence.

26. Life is to challenge yourself and pursue yourself bravely.

27. When the challenge comes, seize the opportunity and seize every minute.

28. full of curiosity, not afraid of difficulties, the courage to challenge themselves.

29. invincible, challenge yourself, will be brilliant!

30. Face every shortcoming and meet the next challenge.

31. On the ideal road, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself.

32. Challenge yourself and make yourself better every day than yesterday.

33. A person's life should be to appreciate himself, affirm himself, challenge himself, break through himself, live well and be the best of himself!

34. The challenge is full of thorns, full of bumps, and there are institutions; It takes courage, wisdom and calmness to overcome it.

35. Running to pursue goals is a kind of realm, and it is a kind of courage to try to challenge the limits.

36. Face up to challenges and dare to collide.

37. In the journey of life, even if you encounter difficulties, don't be discouraged, but face them bravely and challenge life!

38. Challenges, we have to face challenges all the time in our lives, challenge the present, challenge the future and, more importantly, challenge ourselves.

39. A person's success comes from challenges, which need not only challenges, but also stronger challenges!

40. hone your will in practice and temper your skills in challenges.

41. The biggest challenge in life is to overcome yourself.

42. only action, can break through their comfort zone. Only actions can change one's knowledge anxiety. Only by action can we produce our own truth.

43. Let's challenge and surpass together, and challenge to the limit with the belief of xxxfaster, higher and strongerxxx!

44. Reach the peak and challenge the limit.

45. Rejecting mediocrity poses a challenge to life. Maybe you will appear on the other side of success tomorrow.

46. Life needs challenges, even if failure is ugly.

47. The challenge is not terrible. In order to pursue our own ideals, we should fly and accept the baptism of wind and rain.

48. Only by standing the test of difficulties can we climb to the top of the search.

49. Dare to challenge and never give up.

50. Break through yourself, challenge yourself and be your best self!

51. Jump out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

52. Challenge, it makes you walk through the mountains ahead, makes you stand on the splendid stage, and makes you have different gains.

53. Self-challenge is a spirit of making progress, striving hard and striving for first-class.

54. Everyone should challenge themselves, because everyone has their own goals. Only by challenging themselves can they move forward towards their own goals.

55. Everyone has his own principles and his own bottom line. Don't challenge it easily, or you won't know what to do.

56. black and blue, or broken, at least there is no necessity to return empty-handed, at least understand that life is rushing to the end in endless challenges.

57. As long as you dare to challenge, success is not far from you.

58. Face up to challenges with self-discipline and greet yourself better.

59. If we face the difficulties bravely and accept the challenges of life bravely.

60. For the sake of our dreams, we should be stronger!

61. The road of life depends on oneself, and life needs challenges.

62. For the sake of our dreams, we should make ourselves strong. When we encounter all kinds of difficulties and hardships, we should overcome them with an optimistic attitude. Only when others criticize, we should reflect with humility can we make progress. For the dream in our hearts, we must work hard!

63. As long as we have the courage, no challenge will be a problem. Let's face all kinds of challenges in the future bravely.

64. Success comes from daring to challenge.

65. A person should have the spirit of never giving up, never giving up, being brave in fighting and challenging himself. Only in this way can you make progress.

66. Believe in yourself, affirm yourself, and dare to challenge yourself, and your life will glow with new vitality.

67. When the challenge comes, you must stick to it. As long as you stick to it, there is no difficulty.

68. Starting today, meet the challenges.

69. Life is like a play, like a colorful dream, like a string of colorful pearls. Life is so beautiful that it needs challenges.

70. Be yourself firmly and face challenges bravely.

71. a person's success comes from challenges, not only need challenges, but also need stronger challenges!

72. Challenging yourself is a good way to overcome yourself. If you want to succeed, you not only need to work hard, but also challenge and persist, so that you can hope to succeed!

73. As long as you face the challenge bravely, I believe butterflies can break out of their cocoons.

74. From today, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself!

75. A person's greatest enemy is himself. There is no impossible task, only the self who has lost confidence.

76. A true warrior dares to face the bleak life. If he really wants to know himself, he must dare to challenge himself.

77. The joy, excitement and pride after the success of the challenge are beyond words.

78. challenge yourself, will usher in a better tomorrow, will have brilliant achievements.

79. Opportunities and challenges can't be met. If you meet them, you will have the opportunity to change yourself.

80. Dare to challenge is the only way to success. Dare to challenge yourself can surpass yourself.

81. Opportunities and challenges coexist, and opportunities and risks coexist.

82. The meaning of life is constantly challenging and overcoming itself.

83. Dare to challenge yourself and life, and the door of wisdom will always open for you!

84. The wheel of life can be more stable after experiencing setbacks again and again.

85. There are many challenges in life. Don't let them defeat you. You can't back down when faced with great challenges.

86. Try bravely, don't be afraid of failure, and realize your dream is no longer out of reach.

87. My friend, if the heart is there, the challenge is there! Let's challenge our life with confidence!

88. I believe that success can only be achieved if we have the courage to challenge, and happiness lies in the process of surpassing ourselves.

89. see through something, can better for

ward, the strong always like to challenge yourself.

90. Challenge me to success. Calm down and think. When you can't overcome yourself, you can overcome your fear by being strong and brave. Believe in yourself, and miracles will appear!

91. might as well give yourself a challenge, blossom the color of life.

92. Don't be afraid of a new journey and meet new challenges.

93. Only by constantly challenging can we have a better tomorrow.

94. the challenge of life, to brave to the will of the day.

95. People always yearn for a smooth and prosperous day, but it can't stay the same.

96. Be confident, have the courage to challenge yourself and have the ability to win the future.

97. Give life a challenge so that you can make a breakthrough and create a miracle of life.

98. You are not alone in the face of challenges.

99. in the face of difficulties, pressure becomes motivation, dare to challenge yourself.

100. Striving forward amid opportunities and challenges.

101. you insist on, have the courage to challenge, achieve a better self.

102. the game of the brave is not only brave people dare to challenge, as long as you are willing to take this step, you can also become brave!

103. Only pressure has motive force, and only hard work has harvest!

104. sharpen your youth and meet challenges.

105. Challenge yourself to face life better.

106. Embrace dreams and meet challenges.

107. challenge yourself, in the face of any difficulties, we must keep climbing and never give up.

108. Challenging yourself is full of passion and surprise; Is full of mystery and adventure; Is full of excitement and surprise; Is full of ups and downs and fine; Is full of suffering and shock. It is true that challenging yourself can get the juice of life, the splendor of life, and the splendor of life.

109. We should bravely face challenges and difficulties, and don't be afraid of the wind and rain in life, so that we can enjoy the sweet taste of life, roam the blue sky of life and bloom the colorful light of life.

110. If you defeat yourself, you will win the final victory.

111. Life thrives on those who dare to challenge adversity.

112. Don't always stare at your weaknesses, but think more about your strengths, which is actually quite good.

113. The more powerful people are, the more they know how to constantly challenge themselves.

114. Life is a self-challenge. Only by improving the pattern can life bloom.

115. Practice tests the truth and dares to try and challenge.

116. Challenge yourself bravely and experience yourself.

117. Youth is always full of challenges and dangers.

118. Challenge may not be a declaration of war, but an experience of growth and an transcendence. It will make everyone who understands the challenge get the value they deserve.

119. The most difficult thing in life is to challenge yourself. Only by challenging yourself and the limits can you paramore and achieve brilliant achievements.

120. a person, want to be good, you must accept the challenge.

121. Successful people should dare to face competition and be good at meeting challenges.

122. Laughing at the peak of life, only hardships bear fruit.

123. Be a man and dare to challenge.

124. people should have the courage to challenge themselves, so as not to leave regrets.

125. It is the saddest failure to defeat yourself, and it is a valuable victory to defeat yourself.

126. When the challenge comes, like an eagle soaring in the sky, it flies high.

127. Go to this challenge calmly and surpass yourself, and you will win.

128. Face each shortcoming calmly and meet the next challenge!

129. If a person's life is calm, then such a life is really boring.


