
时间:2016-08-03 05:16:47
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表示生气的英文句子 篇一

As an emotion that everyone experiences from time to time, anger can manifest in a variety of ways. Whether it's a sudden burst of rage or a simmering resentment, there are many ways to express anger in English. Here are some examples of sentences that convey anger:

1. "I can't believe you did that! I'm so mad at you right now."

2. "This is unacceptable! I will not stand for this behavior any longer."

3. "I'm fed up with your constant excuses. It's time to take responsibility for your actions."

4. "I'm so angry I could scream! How could you betray my trust like that?"

5. "I've had enough of your disrespect. It's time to set some boundaries in this relationship."

When expressing anger in English, it's important to use language that accurately reflects your emotions without resorting to violence or aggression. By using assertive communication techniques, you can effectively convey your feelings of anger while still maintaining respect for yourself and others.

表示生气的英文句子 篇二

Anger is a powerful emotion that can be difficult to control. When we feel angry, it's important to find healthy ways to express our emotions and communicate our feelings to others. In English, there are many ways to convey anger without resorting to aggression or violence. Here are some examples of sentences that express anger in a constructive way:

1. "I'm feeling really frustrated right now. Can we talk about what's bothering me?"

2. "I need some space to cool off before we discuss this further. Please respect my boundaries."

3. "I'm upset about what happened, but I believe we can work through this if we communicate openly and honestly."

4. "I feel hurt by your actions, but I'm willing to listen to your perspective and find a resolution."

5. "I value our relationship, but I need you to understand how your behavior is affecting me."

By using language that is assertive yet respectful, we can express our anger in a healthy and productive way. It's important to remember that anger is a natural emotion, but it's how we choose to express it that can make all the difference in our relationships with others.

表示生气的英文句子 篇三

1. I’m mad at myself.

2. See. / I told you so.

3. go bananas

4. play me.

5. She's really furious about it.

6. angrywith

7. I blew a fuse because he didn't do his homework.

8. 例句:A?

9. He’s been everywhere.

10. Any complaints / Do you have something to say.

11. He really made my blood boil.

12. Thats more like it.

13. 对某人生气;生某人的气;与...生气

14. be/getangryatsth因某事而生气

15. Igotveryangry.是主系表结构句型。汉语意思是我非常生气。

16. angry在句中主要用作表语和定语,有时也可用作宾语补足语。angry作表语时,,常和介词about,at,over,with等连用。在beangrywith〔at〕sb之后还可接for引起的短语表示动怒的原因。

17. ,butit''.

18. Mad at sb对某人生气

19. get/

20. 在狂风暴雨的天气下,海上航行的船只有很大危险。

21. 他那飞扬跋扈的样子令我们生气。

22. beangryaboutsth因某事而生气

23. /angry释义:

24. I just flew off the handle when I found out what he'd done.

25. angry属于和anger同根的形容词,其内在含义与anger相同。用于人或人的情感、面部表情、手势、言语或举动等,也可用于动物,意为“生气的”“愤怒的”。引申可用于无生命的事物,如狂风怒涛,风雨交加的天气,红肿的伤口,刺眼的颜色等。

26. You eat with that mouth.

27. 愤怒的青年

28. 因...生某人的气

29. play… card.

30. angry用法

31. play dirty.

32. He’s been behind bars for almost 30 years.

33. beangryaboutsth.

34. 使某人生气

35. 极少说angry,你看美语或者采访,他们一律说:

36. Ifyouwouldcureanger,:'I;theneveryotherday;.'W.

37. Who is to blame?

38. get/beangrywithsb.

39. angry后有时可接动词不定式或that从句,表示生气或发怒的原因或结果。angry前可用very修饰。

40. 我对这些谣言感到生气。

41. That's going too far。

42. I don’t feel up to that.


44. 愤怒的白人男子


