
时间:2011-03-07 09:49:13
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  TAB Corporation. Can I help you?

  TAB Corporation. How may I help you?

  Hotel International. May I help you?

  J&C Consultancy. What can I do for you?

  This is Paul Smith speaking.

  Hello, this is Paul Smith from Shipping International.

  Hello, this is James Lee calling from BHI in New York.

  Hello, this is Wang Ping calling from Singapore.


  May I speak to Mr. Brown?

  I’d like to speak to John Martin, please.

  Could I speak to John Martin, please?

  Could you put me through to the sales department?

  Could you tell me the number of the sales department?

  I’ll put you through.

  I’m putting you through.

  I’m connecting you now.

  The number of the sales department is 334. Shall l connect for you?



  Hello, this is Jane speaking. May I help you?

  Good morning/afternoon/evening, York Enterprises, Elizabeth Jones speaking.

  Who’s calling, please?

  James speaking.

  Hello, this is John Lee. It’s concerning the July order.

  Hello, this is Jack Robinson from HBI. I’m phoning /calling about the July order.

  Hello, this is Peter Anderson. I’m returning your call.

  Hello, James. This is Peter. Mike asked me to call you about…


  There are two things I want to mention.

  Can I just make sure I’ve got this point?

  You mean the first thing I have to do is ship the goods in July. Is that right?

  So, we will meet on Monday, 9 o’clock in the morning. Is that right?


  Thanks for calling.

  Thanks for calling back.

  Thank you for the information.

  I look forward to seeing you soon.

  I look forward to meeting you.

  I’m looking forward to our next meeting.

  Have a good weekend/journey/holiday.

  Talk to you later.


  May I take a message for you?

  Would you like to leave a message?

  Could I ask who’s calling, please?

  Could you give me your phone number, please?

  Could you say that again/ repeat that?

  Could you speak a little more slowly, please?

  I’ll give her the message as soon as she’s back.

  I’ll ask him to call you first thing tomorrow.

  I will ask her to call you back as soon as she is free.

  4. 打错电话及其他常用电话英语口语

  I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number.

  I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

  The line is engaged/in use/busy.

  You’re wanted on the phone.

  He hung up on me.



