big bucks 一大笔钱
buck的意思是"美元",big bucks即为"一大笔钱".
A: You seem to be beside yourself today. What has made you so happy? 你看起来得意洋洋的。什么事让你那么高兴?
B: I made some big bucks last week. I didn't expect that I could make so much money. 上星期我赚了一大笔钱,我可从没想过我能赚那么多钱。
A: The sun is shining on you. You must have had luck going for you. 你真是吉星高照呀,你的运气来了。
B: I guess so. 我想也是。
1.I got 5 bucks in my pocket says you can ' t give me 10
2.He often bucks about how well he plays golf
bite off more than one can chew 自不量力,贪多爵不烂,承担了过多的工作而不能完成
bite指"咬,叮",bite off意为"咬下";chew为"爵"的意思。该习语的字面意思为"咬下的比所能爵的还多",比喻"贪多爵不烂".
A: How's Henry's business? 亨利的生意怎么样?
B: Not very well, I'm afraid. 恐怕不太好。
A: Didn't he invest in several projects and manage
B: Yeah. But he found that he had bitten off more than he could chew. 是啊。可能发现自己的摊子铺得太大,忙活不过来了。
chew out 〔俚语〕严厉责备
chew the cud (牛等)反刍,熟思,玩味 (of)
chew the fat [rag] 〔美俚〕闲谈,聊天
chew the scenery 〔美俚〕做得过分(像做戏一样);发牢骚
chew upon [over] 沉思,细想。
this mustard does not bite much. 这种芥末不很辣
the fish were biting well yesterday. 昨天鱼上钩不少
does your parrot bite 你养的八哥啄人吗? the dog may bite at you. 狗会咬你的
the screw bites. 螺丝钉钉得牢
be bitten with 感染,被沾染上,害(疮等);迷上
bite at 1. 要咬…,向…咬去
2. 对…叫骂
bite back (咬住嘴唇)不说出来
bite in [into] 腐蚀;侵入
bite off [away] 1. 咬下,咬掉
2. 停止讲话
3. (广播中)截断(节目)
bite off a big chunk 〔美俚〕承担难事
bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂,担任自己不胜任的事
bite off one's own head 害人不到反害己
bite one's lips 压制着感情,忍怒;保持沉默
bite one's nails 咬指甲〔表示妒忌〕
bite one's thumb at 向…挑战,侮辱
bite on granite 做徒劳无益的事
bite the bullet 硬着头皮,咬紧牙关,死撑硬顶
bite the dust [ground] 倒在地上;阵亡,倒毙;败,一败涂地;〔美俚〕死,被杀,破产,失败
bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报,以怨报德
bite the tongue [off] 咬着舌头;保持沉默
once bite [bitten], twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳