
时间:2015-03-08 09:12:48
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1. Don't "fake it until you make it." 不要不懂装懂 Many new workers try to appear more knowledgeablethan they really are. They don't ask questions. They think they need to have answers to be valuable to their organizations, and they can't admit to a lack of experience or understanding. They compensate for their lack of confidence with overconfidence. But here's the secret: They're not fooling anyone! No one expects you to know everything in your first job, and you learn and grow faster when you seek real understanding, ask questions, and petition for help. Rather than faking it, make it by acknowledging the skills and experience of your colleagues at work and using your first job or internship as a learning experience. 许多新员工都想表现得比本来的自己更知识渊博。他们从来不提问。他们觉得自己需要知道答案,这样才能够对他所在的机构有价值,而且他们也不会承认自己缺乏经验或难以理解一些问题。他们用自负来弥补缺乏自信。但没有人会告诉你的是:没人会被糊弄。没人指望你在刚接触工作时便无所不知,如果你真的想学点东西并快速成长你必须提出问题,寻求帮助从而真正理解。比起不懂装懂,还不如承认你同时的技术和经验,把你的第一份工作或实习当成一个学习的过程。 2. Never eat lunch alone. 不要单独吃午饭 One of the best things about a new job is the incrediblelearning experience it provides. Every single person you'll work with


