
时间:2015-07-05 01:41:49
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英文简历用词翻译 篇一

Title: Translation of Terminology for English Resume


In today's globalized job market, having a well-crafted resume in English is essential for international career opportunities. One important aspect of creating an effective English resume is the accurate translation of terminology. In this article, we will provide translations for common terms used in an English resume, ensuring that your resume stands out and effectively communicates your skills and experience to potential employers.

1. Personal Information:

- Name: Include your full name, with the first name followed by the last name.

- Address: Provide your complete postal address, including street name, city, state, and zip code.

- Phone Number: Include your contact number, ensuring it is reachable and always active.

- Email Address: Provide a professional email address that you regularly check.

2. Objective:

- Career Objective: State your career goal or objective concisely, focusing on what you can contribute to the organization or industry.

3. Education:

- Degree: Specify the degree you have obtained or are pursuing, such as Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate.

- Major/Field of Study: Mention your main area of specialization or study.

- Institution: Provide the name of the educational institution you attended.

- Dates: Include the years of enrollment, starting with the most recent.

4. Work Experience:

- Job Title: Clearly state your job title or position held in each organization.

- Company/Organization: Mention the name of the company or organization you worked for.

- Responsibilities: Describe your key responsibilities and achievements in each role.

- Dates: Include the duration of your employment, starting with the most recent.

5. Skills:

- Technical Skills: List your technical skills relevant to the job, such as programming languages, software proficiency, or certifications.

- Soft Skills: Include your interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, problem-solving skills, and other relevant strengths.

- Language Skills: Specify your proficiency in different languages, such as fluent, intermediate, or basic.

6. References:

- References: State that references are available upon request.


By accurately translating the terminology used in an English resume, you can effectively showcase your qualifications and increase your chances of landing a job opportunity. Remember to adapt the translations provided to your specific circumstances and always proofread your resume for grammar and spelling errors before submission.

英文简历用词翻译 篇二

Title: Translation of Terminology for English Resume - Part 2


Continuing from our previous article on translating terminology for an English resume, this article provides further translations for common terms to enhance the quality and effectiveness of your resume. By accurately conveying your skills, experience, and qualifications, you can make a lasting impression on potential employers in the competitive job market.

1. Achievements:

- Accomplishments: Highlight your notable achievements, such as awards, recognitions, or successful projects.

- Contributions: Describe the positive impact you made in previous positions or organizations.

2. Professional Experience:

- Work History: Provide a detailed overview of your work experience, including positions held, responsibilities, and accomplishments.

- Industry Experience: Specify the industries you have worked in, demonstrating your versatility and adaptability.

3. Internships/Volunteer Work:

- Internship Experience: Outline any relevant internships, including the tasks performed and skills gained.

- Volunteer Work: Describe your volunteer experience, emphasizing the transferable skills acquired.

4. Certifications/Training:

- Professional Certifications: List any industry-specific certifications or licenses you have obtained.

- Training Courses: Mention any relevant training courses or workshops you have completed.

5. Publications/Presentations:

- Published Works: Highlight any articles, research papers, or publications you have authored or co-authored.

- Presentations: Specify any conferences, seminars, or workshops where you have presented your work.

6. Hobbies/Interests:

- Personal Interests: Mention hobbies or interests that showcase your personality or relevant skills, such as teamwork or creativity.

7. Cover Letter:

- Application Letter: Attach a well-written cover letter that complements your resume and highlights your motivation and suitability for the position.


By utilizing accurate translations of terminology for an English resume, you can effectively communicate your qualifications and strengths to potential employers. Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements and ensure consistency in formatting and style. A well-crafted and translated resume will enhance your chances of securing an interview and ultimately landing your desired job.

英文简历用词翻译 篇三


下面列出一些中英文对照(有的地方可以用多个英文单词表示,用 \|\ 隔开,这里列出的只是简历中出现的,也许并不仅限于这些):

求职意向 ------- Objective


教育背景 --------Education | Education and Qualifications

都用这个,background就不要加上了,有点中式英语的嫌疑。如果包含了一些认证培训之类的',可以写成 Education and Qualifications.




工作经历 ---------- Experience | Work(ing) Experience | JOB EXPERIENCE | EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE


我注意到有个人在Work Experience 的位置用了 Research Experience, 再细看内容才发现此人的经历都是研究性质的工作,包括在大学期间从事的一些研究。

参加过的活动(包括校内) -------------- ACTIVITIES


Campus Involvement & Activities 这里加上compus 那就仅限于在学校的。这里的 Involvement 我猜想指的是参加社团或者某个组织的这种长期的活动。而Activities则不限。

荣誉、奖励 -------- Honors | Awards

有些干脆就用 Honors & Awards


技能 ---- Skills | Additional Skills

爱好 ----- HOBBIES

计算机技能 ------ Computer Skills 也可以作为Skills的一部分。

志愿者经历 ----- VOLUNTEERING


流利使用某种语言: Fluent in XXX

普通话: Mandarin Chinese 简历封面

熟悉......:Familiar with....

精通.... :proficient with | Advanced Skills in.... | Advanced Software User: (列出精通使用的软件名称)

个人、人: inpidual (注意不要用person什么的)

关于语言能力的: Daily Spoken (经常使用的), Training Obtained(受过培训的---我想不仅限于语言能力)


