
时间:2017-03-02 03:46:30
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周记英语作文 篇一

This week has been quite eventful for me. On Monday, I had a major presentation at work that I had been preparing for weeks. I was nervous, but I had practiced my speech multiple times and felt confident in my ability to deliver a successful presentation. When the time came, I stepped up to the podium and spoke with conviction. To my relief, the presentation went smoothly and I received positive feedback from my colleagues and supervisors.

On Wednesday, I had a family dinner to celebrate my parents' wedding anniversary. It was a joyous occasion filled with laughter, good food, and heartfelt conversations. It was wonderful to see my parents so happy and in love after all these years. We reminisced about old memories and made plans for future family gatherings. I felt grateful for my loving family and the support they provide me.

As the week went on, I also managed to squeeze in some time for self-care. I went for a long walk in the park on Thursday evening, enjoying the fresh air and peaceful surroundings. It was a great way to clear my mind and recharge after a busy week. I also treated myself to a relaxing spa day on Saturday, indulging in a massage and facial. It felt like a well-deserved treat after all the hard work I had put in.

Overall, this week was a mix of work, family, and self-care. It reminded me of the importance of balancing all aspects of my life and taking time to appreciate the little things. I look forward to the week ahead and all the new experiences it will bring.

周记英语作文 篇二

This week was full of challenges and opportunities for growth. On Monday, I received some constructive criticism from my boss about my performance on a recent project. While it was tough to hear, I knew that it was a chance for me to learn and improve. I took the feedback to heart and spent the rest of the week working on implementing the suggestions and refining my skills. By the end of the week, I could already see the positive impact of the changes I had made.

On Wednesday, I volunteered at a local charity event, helping to distribute food and supplies to those in need. It was a humbling experience that reminded me of the importance of giving back to the community. Seeing the gratitude and smiles on the faces of the people we were able to help filled me with a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It was a reminder that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life.

As the week came to a close, I also took some time to reflect on my personal goals and aspirations. I made a list of short-term and long-term goals, and started outlining a plan of action to achieve them. I felt motivated and excited about the possibilities that lay ahead. I knew that with hard work and determination, I could turn my dreams into reality.

Overall, this week was a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. It taught me the importance of resilience, gratitude, and self-reflection. I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that the next week will bring, knowing that each new experience will help me grow and evolve as a person.

周记英语作文 篇三


  What a great d

ay! Today, the 16th Asian game in Guangzhou China was end, and China gets a historical breakthrough, our athletes acquired totally 416 medals with 199 gold medals, 119 silver medals, and 98 copper metals.

  What a great achievement! No matter the number of totally metals, number of gold metals, number of silver metals, or number of copper metals, all first. I am very proud of our country, and our athletes.


